PlayBook - Product Management, Decentralized Coins/Networks, NFT'S & innovation
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​Google Ventures Startup Lab | What is Lean Product Management? Dan Olsen, a startup veteran and leading PM voice, discusses how to apply Lean Startup principles as a product person. Dan covers best practices in understanding customer needs, prioritization, UX design, user testing, and analytics that can be used to optimize your product.
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Source: GV
​Free trial or freemium? Try-before-you-buy is a here-to-stay feature of B2B software. Today’s buyers expect to be able to get hands-on experience before they make a purchase decision. Companies that choose to opt out of offering a free trial reveal their biggest vulnerability: the fear that their product might not be up to the task of earning paying customers on its own merit.
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Source: may habib
let's talk about web 3.0. There's been a lot of talk, debate, and discussion about what is centralized and what is not centralized lately, especially @ TikTok & among social media influencers. There's also a lot of discussion and debate around web 3.0, or should we even use that word at all? Some find it disingenuous to describe what's happening in the future or what's happening right now. When people have these debates, they're not talking in the same language with one another because there's this weird expectation that for something to be decentralized, it has to be perfectly decentralized. Or if it's web 3.0, then no centralization should be touching it whatsoever. I'm afraid I have to disagree with that take. I think that web 3.0 and decentralization are both spectrums as a noun and a journey as a verb. There's no such thing as a technology that's perfectly web 3.0 or perfectly decentralized. And there never will be. They just described development toward those principles.
Let's talk about de-so.
Decentralize social networks. Imagen a place where you're logged in with your wallet. have a choice: post button or a mint and post button. Imagen a place that you choose to give your content to the platform or post on the platform content that you are the owner of the content. You get 95% of the revenue when you sell the post and give 5 % to the platform. We won't get commercials when we offer 5 % to the platform from selling our content. The whole ecosystem will change when a new and decentralized social network appears.
now stop imagining and start building the next social platform.
Let's make some sance in this mess:
Decentralized VS. Real World Terminology
NFT = Shares
Projects = Companies
Creators = Founders
DAO = Managment
Collectors = Shareholders
JPG = Stock Certificate
Royalties = Revenue
Tokens = Dividends
Utility = Product
Community = Market
NFT & community, or Why would someone pay 250k$ for a picture of an ape?
When you buy that NFT, and it goes into your wallet, they give you a login to a discord group.
You are in the same group/chat room with snoop dog Pharrell and Silvester stalon.
You are in the same group that can afford to throw that amount of money on a digital ticket just to be in the same room together for a new business opportunity.
Augmented reality, decentralized world & metaverse.
let's take it apart - part one
Digital twin, a concept introduced in 2002, is becoming increasingly relevant to systems engineering and, more specifically, to model-based system engineering (MBSE). Like a virtual prototype, a digital twin is a dynamic digital representation of a physical system. However, unlike a virtual prototype, a digital twin is a virtual instance of a physical system (twin) that is continually updated with the latter's performance, maintenance, and health status data throughout the physical system's life cycle.
digital twin .png
85.8 KB
Augmented reality, decentralized world & metaverse.
Let's take it apart - part two.
Ready player one visualizes the world as a VR universe versus the real world.
There are two ways to get there: create your real-world and build on it or, like they call it in the professional world, model-based systems engineering - MBSE ( hello, augmented reality) or create a whole new world ( just like Alladin imagined it).
The main fault in the ready player one is that you cant move outside of your 3-foot radius.
That's why the digital twin will get attention in the coming years.
The picture attached describes how we will get there.
Stay tuned for real examples of products already using this groundbreaking technology.
Augmented reality, decentralized world & metaverse.
Let's take it apart - part three.
Let's talk about the project that brought Augmented Reality to the everyday user - pokemon go!
AR it's not a new concept. It's an old one. The groundbreaking technologies were created long before the open public was exposed to them. Technology is always waiting for the market. So when we started to invest in mobile phones and the screens & cameras began to improve, the market had the right tool for AR. Niantic went out with a bang. You could play, and you got your exercise at the same time. Niantic has done something remarkable - they didn't disconnect you from the world! They didn't make you stay in your closed room and play; they made hundred of millions go out and walk the ridiculous amount of miles only to get some pocaballs and the opportunity to catch some pokemons.
Nowadays, Niantic opened up its platform to developers to develop AR apps for the new metaverse era.
Check the platform out!