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iOS 17 turns on sensitive location options, even if disabled before.

That's something we at Tutanota would never do.

With us, you'll get #privacy 💯 per cent! 😎

🚨PSA: iOS 17 turns these sensitive location options back on. If you have disabled significant locations as well as adding your location information to your iPhone analytics before upgrading to iOS 17, iOS 17 will turn the options on as shown in the screenshot.

While significant locations remain local on your iPhone, they can be abused as they record detailed information about the locations you visit frequently. iPhone analytics, on the other hand, are shared with Apple. Having your location information included in these analytics reports might have privacy implications, even if the reports don't identify you.

Security experts have always advised to turn these two options off.

Go the Settings app: Privacy & Security ➡️ Location Services ➡️ Scroll down to System Services ➡️ Find these two options and turn them off:

👉 Significant Locations
👉 iPhone Analytics

Re-post and share it with your friends.
You're welcome!

#Privacy #Apple #iOS17 #CyberSecurity
- Mysk 🇨🇦🇩🇪
🚨Sen. @RonWyden reveals that governments around the world are #spying on @Google & @Apple push notifications.🕵

In 2017, Tuta introduced our own custom push notification system for #Android devices which are fully encrypted and #surveillance resistant. We include minimal information in #iOS push notifications to protect your privacy.🔒

Surveillance requests should be transparently disclosed by #Apple & #Google, not silenced by a gag-order! 🤐

Big Brother is watching - now also via Google's & Apple's push. 🤬

That's why we don't use Google Push. When using Tuta, Google sees nothing! 💪

Zero tracking
Fully encrypted
Maximum privacy

The data they don't get, they can't hand out to authorities! Go secure now:…

Here's more info on why we don't use Google Push and do not send any info via Apple notifications:… #security #privacy #google #apple #notifications #surveillance #tracking
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Apple's response to its ~$2 billion fine is telling.

It's the same mentality Apple shows with the #DMA.

This must be the start of the #EU's crackdown on #BigTech. 💪

Here's why we're in revolt against #Apple's malicious compliance with the DMA
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RT @liviovarriale: A #Napoli c'è un ingegnere collegato ad #Apple di 80 anni quasi che vuole abbattere i murales di #Jorit

A NYC un ingegnere di #Google che RIFIUTA di sviluppare tecnologie contro il popolo palestinese

Qualcuno ha ragione quando parla di mondo al contrario ...


The worker demanded that Google STOP using worker labor to power genocide against Palestinians in Gaza. #NoTechForApartheid
- No Tech For Apartheid
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RT @joeribillast: The browser market is undergoing a seismic shift:
👉 #Google is clamping down on third-party cookies and ad blocking on #Chrome.
👉 #Apple is ramping up tracking protection and marketing privacy.

These changes are shaking up monetization models and privacy protections.
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RT @GiovannaDiTroia: 🗣💬 #WhatsApp testa anche per #Android la trascrizione dei messaggi vocali, permettendo agli utenti di leggerli invece che ascoltarli

>>> <
in diretta dal canale #telegram #giodit

#apple #socialmedia #digitale #innovation #ios #tech
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RT @techworldaleant: App Store down
#appstoredown #apple
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RT @GiovannaDiTroia: 💥 #OpenAI lancia l'accesso a #ChatGPT anche senza avere un account, ma non è possibile sui dispositivi #Apple e #Android

>>> <
in diretta dal canale #telegram #giodit

#ia #ai #digitale #socialmedia #chat #app #intelligenzaartificiale #innovation
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RT @MacObserver: Meet Leo, Brave's AI assistant, now on iPhone & iPad. Enjoy voice-to-text searches, real-time page summaries, and more.

Plus, with Leo Premium, you can unlock advanced language models for just $14.99/month.

#Brave #AI #Apple #Applenews
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It’s time to start using a privacy focused browser! 👩🏻‍💻🔐

The EU’s Digital Markets Act (DMA) is forcing Apple to give users a default browser choice.

Which default browser did you pick and why?💻

#Apple #DMA #Eu #privacy

Read more here:
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RT @mysk_co: Nice! @brave for iOS just got updated to support the new "marketplace-kit" scheme. Brave only calls the scheme when trackers blocking is disabled. As we reported earlier, Apple implemented the new scheme in a way that allows tracking across websites based on the unique client_id.

Now users in the EU can use Brave to safely install alternative marketplaces. We would like to thank Brave for considering our advice about potential tracking. Moreover, Brave doesn't invoke the scheme if it's called from a website different than the store's website. Great job. 👏

The client_id is created by MarketplaceKit. It is unique per device, Apple ID account, and marketplace combination. At the moment Apple allows any website to trigger sending client_id to the alternative store backend. This allows a malicious app store to track users across websites. The third screenshot shows the call that MarketplaceKit sends.

#Privacy #Apple #iOS #DMA #InfoSec #cybersecuritytips #cybersecurity
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List '1397930001362657281' on X/Twitter

RT @TimSweeneyEpic: The privacy-friendly @brave web browser now supports iOS App installation in Europe where the new DMA law requires Apple to open up. Sadly, Apple built its 'marketplace-kit:' URI as a toxic privacy-invasion vector for cross-site tracking. Hope an honest mistake they'll fix...

Nice! @brave for iOS just got updated to support the new "marketplace-kit" scheme. Brave only calls the scheme when trackers blocking is disabled. As we reported earlier, Apple implemented the new scheme in a way that allows tracking across websites based on the unique client_id.

Now users in the EU can use Brave to safely install alternative marketplaces. We would like to thank Brave for considering our advice about potential tracking. Moreover, Brave doesn't invoke the scheme if it's called from a website different than the store's website. Great job. 👏

The client_id is created by MarketplaceKit. It is unique per device, Apple ID account, and marketplace combination. At the moment Apple allows any website to trigger sending client_id to the alternative store backend. This allows a malicious app store to track users across websites. The third screenshot shows the call that MarketplaceKit sends.

#Privacy #Apple #iOS #DMA #InfoSec #cybersecuritytips #cybersecurity
- Mysk 🇨🇦🇩🇪