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RELOD – эксклюзивный дистрибьютор Oxford University Press (ELT)
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1. Choose the correct option A-B to complete the short dialogue.

Person A: So, if you go through all of the data, you can easily see that it is the sales in the St Petersburg region for the last year that are letting us down. Specifically, it is the sales of the refrigeration units, which are down 12% in St Petersburg for the year to Dec 2021, versus being up 5% across majority of all other regions; with the exception of Moscow, of course, which is always outperforming. What is your proposed course of action to address that?

Person B: [Needs to ask for clarification]

A. Sorry, I didn’t catch all of that on the first go.
B. I need to think about that before I can get back to you.
C. Sorry, I will need to go through the data before I can get back to you.

16 октября 1854 года в Дублине родился Оскар Уайльд - один из самых известных драматургов позднего Викторианского периода. Он подарил миру "Портрет Дориана Грея" и другие произведения.

Оскар был яркой фигурой, невероятно успешный ещё при жизни. Однажды по прибытии на таможню он заявил, что ему «нечего декларировать, кроме своей гениальности».

Когда он умер, стала ходить легенда, что каждый, кто поцелует сфинкса на его могиле, найдет настоящую любовь. Надгробье так густо покрылось следами губной помады, что его пришлось обнести защитным ограждением.

Несколько цитат. Попробуйте перевести.

🔹 Always forgive your enemies, nothing annoys them so much.

🔹 Fashion is a form of ugliness so intolerable that we have to alter it every six months.

🔹 I beg your pardon I didn’t recognise you — I’ve changed a lot.

🔹 To be natural is such a very difficult pose to keep up.

🔹 Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.

🔹 I don’t want to go to heaven. None of my friends are there.

🔹 If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they’ll kill you.

🔹 I am not young enough to know everything.

🔹 I have the simplest tastes. I am always satisfied with the best.

🔹 I never put off till tomorrow what I can possibly do — the day after.

🔹 The most terrible thing about it is not that it breaks one’s heart — hearts are made to be broken — but that it turns one’s heart to stone.💟

📖 Книги Оскара Уальда в интернет-магазине RELOD:


#relod_переведиеслисможешь #поэзия #оскаруальд #oscarwilde
Media is too big
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The Falmouth to Greenwich Tall Ships race is...
🛶 a competition for professional sailors
🛶 b an opportunity for disadvantaged people to learn through sailing
🛶 c a chance to recreate the historical experience of sailing in the past.

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Правильный ответ: b.
Поделимся упражнением из УМК Bridge to Solutions.
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Read headings 1–8 and match them with paragraphs A–G. There is one extra heading.

1 Different and Similar
2 Family Life
3 Freedom Above All
4 Southern Africa Exploration
5 Solitary Wanderer
6 Great Achievements
7 Family and Calling
8 A Portrait of a Pilgrim


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УМК Bridge to Solutions
Поделимся упражнением из УМК Bridge to Solutions.
Попробуйте прочитать, перевести и выполнить задание.

Read headings 1–8 and match them with paragraphs A–G. There is one extra heading.

1 Different and Similar
2 Family Life
3 Freedom Above All
4 Southern Africa Exploration
5 Solitary Wanderer
6 Great Achievements
7 Family and Calling
8 A Portrait of a Pilgrim


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📙 УМК Bridge to Solutions