Millennial Woes
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The state's attack on "disinformation" is nothing more than a cover for opinion and information suppression
My new Substack essay. It is about a topic which most people wouldn't usually wonder about, but I think they might well find it interesting nonetheless: Scottish Hospital Food.
I would hasten to add that this is an essay I'm very proud of, so I really hope that people give it a read.

I spent a lot of time doing the necessary research for it. The topic, which I stumbled upon very much by accident, turned out to be a lot more interesting than I would have thought.

But the essay is really about soul, belonging, nationhood and one's relationship to one's society - the title topic being just "a way in" to these more interesting matters.
The new hospital had no kitchen for making the patients’ food. It was not made on-site at all. It was not even made nearby. Staggeringly, it was made in Wales - 400 miles away - before being transported that distance to Edinburgh. Somehow, the relative costs meant that it was cheaper to do it this way than to simply have a kitchen at the hospital. Distance was nullified by cheap energy costs for motion and refrigeration… and geography simply disappeared.
RIP Silvio Berlusconi, 1936-2023. He is off to the great bunga bunga party in the sky.
Forwarded from The End Of Everything
Bojo resigns over 'party-gate', Trump is arrested for inappropriate storage of 'secret documents', Sturgeon is arrested for fraud - the list goes on. This is the 'democracy' that is venerated by the regime. Politicians come and go, but none of it is the consequence of the prole's voting habits. It is a spectacle to be passively observed, like a dumb soap-opera.
PFI is a good example of New Labour being a sequel to the 1980s Thatcher government, under which the publicly-funded BBC was made to seek the cheapest possible ways to do things, including by selling off the family silver and tendering jobs to external contractors. Monetarism, efficiency, streamlining! If it could revitalise the BBC (it didn’t) then it could do the same for another sprawling state monolith, the NHS.
Imagine going from this to covers with big fat black retards
Forwarded from Red Ice TV
It’s clear that Fox had the intention all along to keep Tucker from producing any media until after the 2024 US election. They are paying him to be silent. Probably at the behest of Dominion as part of their $700 million settlement. He’s just getting going and there will be a long legal battle for Carlson ahead.

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Forwarded from American Krogan
This was a comment in response to my Fallout 4 mod project.

I get this type of thing a lot from people actually, and I am forced to conclude that the Right doesn't do Culture. The Right just complains about what the Left does with Culture.

Yes, I am spending an insane amount of time, effort and money on a project for an old game, that should've been done months ago but that is because very few people in these spheres seem to want to actually do something to help.

Too many people want the final end result of a Cultural Paradigm Shift without actually having to do any grunt work or support anyone who does the grunt work.

I'm sorry, but I don't have the resources to make a super based, fully polished AAA game, or change laws in Congress or build an Orania in Wyoming at the moment... but sure, let me drop what I'm doing and make that happen for you...
The 'scientists' who were recently riding high, teamed with the government in a technocratic despotism are now absolving themselves of all blame and turning on those politicians.
It is genuinely impressive to see the sheer amount of intelligence, thought and expertise that goes into what is clearly a gigantic logistical problem: delivering 17 million tasty meals per year, across the geographic space of a country, as economically as possible.
Forwarded from The Woodlander
There are two starkly different paths: you can have the cooking done close to the patients and in a highly unoptimised manner (expensive), or you can have the opposite (cheaper). In an almost Faustian battle against reality, the planners seek somehow to do both.
Forwarded from The End Of Everything
The state's tattered playbook is on open display again. 'Tearful vigils for a tragedy', as though some act of God, such as a bolt of lightning, had swept these poor people away. But still they draw on these wretched narratives, for they have no others. Without the (stage-managed) passive and overwhelming grief, there is only rage, and that simply cannot be allowed. But rage must find its course, just as a flood finds the rivers and oceans. In the meantime, we do mourn and grieve, but not at the globohomo state's command. We do so because we carry civilisation's seed. It is ours as our heritage and legacy.
Forwarded from Pox Populi
Why is the London Underground putting up poems which promote the far right conspiracy theory that immigrants are replacing the native British population?
If you wanted to see the famous, the powerful and the corrupt getting skewered, HIGNFY was the show. Hislop and Merton, representing the upper-middle-class and the working-class respectively, would see to it that every crooked or incompetent politician, every vain celebrity, every facile aristocrat and every evil business magnate, got their just deserts. And if they somehow didn’t manage it, Deayton certainly would.