Millennial Woes
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Partygate issues aside, the Johnson fan club are seriously delusional.
What if it really is unavoidably more expensive to have a kitchen in every hospital? What if it really is more economical to have “central production units” where processes can be streamlined, recipes standardised, uniformity enforced, duplication minimised, efficiency perfected and economy maximised?
BBC comedy and drama had spent the 1980s undermining the Tory government at every turn. By the time HIGNFY began in 1990, it was obvious that this cultural work had paid off: public opinion had turned in favour of Labour. Even while the first series of HIGNFY was airing, there was the on-going public debacle of Margaret Thatcher - the Iron Lady herself - being ousted by her own party. Every detail of this made for the perfect germination moment for HIGNFY.
Forwarded from Martin Sellner (english)
Germanys next Topmodel: Place 1-3

🟥 Germany's next top model is a highly successful, casting show in Germany, hosted by Heidi Klum.

🤡 this year, they went full, anti white I present you the winners:

1️⃣ Obese Arab lady
2️⃣ Black Lady
3️⃣ Black Lady

👉 This is happening in a white European country. At the same time they claim that the Great replacement is not real!

The switchboard of William Curtis Green’s Chiswick Electricity Generating Station, 1901
Long before the era of PFI, British hospital food was renowned for its awfulness. This is not something that started when private companies showed up seeking profits. It was there in the era of post-war state monoliths that didn’t care about standards, workers who were lazy, cooks who were unskilled, bureaucrats who couldn’t organise a piss-up in a brewery, politicians who had no interest in actually improving anything. It took the selfishness of PFI to motivate anyone to even improve the efficiency, if only latterly the taste, of hospital catering. The managers seem to take more pride in their planning than the rest of us take in our nation.
Forwarded from Identity England
It's not only Nottingham
It's not only Annecy
It's not occasionally
It's every day across w. Europe where ordinary people face the horrific consequences of the political mainstream's love for mass immigration & #thegreatreplacement

This is Guillaume
A camerman for French TV network TF1
On 5 April he was savagely beaten into a coma by an Algerian migrant using a plank and a fire extinguisher.

Guillaume has now died
Leaving a 15 year daughter & his partner.

Blood on the hands of politicians & the 'Refugees welcome' mob.
It failed to examine its worldview prospectively. There was no wondering whether the fence might be there for good reason; the only goal was to knock it down. A show like HIGNFY purports to question the status quo, and to question those who claim to have an alternative to it - yet they never questioned themselves, even though they were exactly those people claiming to have an alternative. Their alternative was beyond question, as was their wisdom.
It had already been established in the academy that the old order was bad; all that remained was to establish this assumption among the bovine public. The Champagne Socialists could achieve utopia, if only they could persuade the idiot working-class to despise the aristocracy like they did, embrace the deviant and the subversive, and enjoy exotic foreign cuisine.
My 7 year old found this piece of slate recently and straight away saw in it a whale with which to make this, for me. Children's minds can be the most inspiring.

I've been accused of misogyny many times for speaking out against the lies of Radical Feminism, yet I'm a faithful husband and father of 3 daughters. I could barely be more invested in the well-being of women.

But the fact is: Men - particularly good fathers - are pretty under-appreciated in the modern world (not me - I'm lucky in that sense). Men, as a rule, sacrifice our adventurous, explorative drive to give wives and children what they crave most: a nest. We shoulder the stresses of modern life so that our wives and children don't have to.

So "Happy Father's Day" to all the great fathers out there🍻
Forwarded from Pox Populi
Libtards cheered as loads of Muslim immigrants flooded into the West. They couldn’t get enough of rubbing our noses in it.

Now the muzzies are a majority and imposing their values on the libtards. They treated society like a laboratory experiment and it blew up in their faces.
There is a new group in town: the Gender Criticals. This group opposes the recent extremes of the trans agenda. Mostly, it comprises people who were quite happy being liberal, until one day the agenda advanced a little too far, and they naively complained. For doing so they found themselves getting “cancelled”, and realised in astonishment that they didn’t quite fit in, that they were “a bit different” from other people.