Wild North Announcements
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Updates/Announcements for Northern England's Furry Con

The Enchanted Forest: 27 - 30 Sept 2024


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Hi friends and swordlings - this is Sascha SwordDerg from FederWyrm here. Please draw your attention to the Ts&Cs for the sword workshop. I will give you a taster of beautiful sword and movement art, but I am also responsible for your safety and enjoyment. Towards this end, please can you make yourself familiar with the workshop rules here:


I would also like you to have a read of the Assumption of Risk form, which I will need you to sign on the day. This signifies to my martial arts insurance that I have formally made you aware of the potential risks of training and followed due diligence. You can find the text here:


Lastly, please find below the risk assessment in place for this workshop. You must understand the potential risks and how we seek to prevent incidents during the course.


All these documents follow what is already in place for our splendid and illustrious sword club and apply equally to old hands and new swordlings. You can find out more about us here: https://fb.me/Federwyrm


To explain the requirements for proof of age, aka proof of ID. There have been several mixed messages, so here is an explanation. The ID needs to be:

- A passport, a driving licence, a card with the Home Office PASS hologram, or a government-issued ID card.
- Shows your legal name, date of birth, and photograph. These must match your registration details.
- The original document - we cannot accept photocopies or photographs.
-Valid - expiry date 23 September 2022 or later.

This is for legal and insurance purposes, and so we can verify who is actually attending. These are the same requirements as for showing ID in any other official capacity, such as an airport. These requirements are in line with all furry conventions, such as Confuzzled.
Just a reminder, please bring cash if you're ordering takeaway on Sunday.
Post meet newsletter:
Thank you to everyone who attended Wild North 2022. We are delighted that people had such a great time, including those who have waited patiently for a couple years to attend.

We have a couple of announcements to make, starting with the charity. We have finished counting the charity money, and the final figure we have raised £796.54! This is an incredible amount, and I am sure that Stray Aid will be delighted with our support. Thank you all for your generosity.

We remind you that, although Wild North is a holiday for many of you, people still live and work in the surrounding area. Therefore, when you are out and about, please be mindful of local people, and please treat them with respect. We will be expanding the Code of Conduct next year to reflect this point.

We are always open to feedback and suggestions for how to make Wild North even better. If you have any ideas, thoughts, or general comments to share with us, we have set up a Google Form. You can leave as many responses as you like, anonymously if you wish.

Please send us your feedback by the end of Sunday 16 October. Depending on the responses we get, we may put together a follow-up post:

And just as a reminder, Wild North will return to Featherstone Castle next year, from Friday 22 to Monday 25 September 2023. Registration is due to open in the New Year. So note the date, and we'll see you next year!
Channel name was changed to «Wild North Announcements»
Hello Flufftails,

We'd like to give you all an update from the charity, who are very grateful for the donation we raised at Featherstone, and the warm welcome they received on the day.

They have sent us an invitation to a party to celebrate their 16th anniversary to show their gratitude.

The party is being held at the Tythe Barn Club in Durham on Saturday, November 19th, at 7 pm. Tickets are FREE with limited availability. If you would like to attend, please email Lee at lee@strayaid.org.uk. The charity, canines, and felines in their care would be happy to see you all again!

We'll speak to you all soon!

Post-Meet Newsletter: Feedback Edition

Hello everyone, the Wild North Team hopes all of you are doing well. We've closed our form, and have read through all your feedback, and have overall been happy to see all the compliments, as well as constructive suggestions and changes to help improve our events for 2023.

Some things we can change ourselves. Some things we can work with the venue towards. Other suggestions are less in our control, such as physical changes to the castle structure.

While we are grateful for all suggestions, we have focused on practical changes in this summary response. Based on your feedback, here are our plans:

• We will review the registration system to ensure it's easy to use and captures relevant information.

• We will aim to improve the arrival experience, for example, by reviewing the Day 1 timetable and by sharing tasks more evenly among helpers.

• We will make sure you know who our volunteers are. We'll be wearing our yellow pin badges right from the start. We'll also put our critical volunteers on the website, such as the Welfare Leads and First Aiders.

• We will take breakfast pre-orders for each day.

• We will put more self-catering items in the dining room, such as water, milk, a kettle, a toaster, and bread. That should hopefully tide people over between meals while keeping the kitchen more free.

• We will monitor food service more closely to ensure everyone gets a fair share.

• We will look at options for keeping food warm (e.g. service trays).

• We will review the plans for clearing up after meals. This may mean more volunteering opportunities!

• We will put up more room signs (e.g., bathrooms, showers, etc.).

• We will have more regular stock checks in the bathrooms.

• We will have Kubb sets (and other outdoor games) visible and available for you to use.

We also have some ideas of our own. While these plans may change, we’ll look to do the following:

• Take your arrival and departure times so that we can better coordinate shuttles.

• Host new panels, including a ‘My First Wild North’ meet-and-greet.

• Make our services more digital, such as food pre-orders.

• Tweak our planning in the kitchen and elsewhere to make things run smoother.

Alongside all our feedback, we do have some important announcements to make:

We will be deleting all personal data from our reg system. Some of you had permitted your details to be saved for future cons. However, after three years of disruptions and reg transfers due to COVID, we have decided it’s easiest to start afresh. Therefore, when the reg opens in the New Year 2023, please provide your details again.

We will also be shortening the payment window for 2023 reg. The exact window is TBC, but after you register, you will likely have about 28 days to pay. We feel this is still generous by furry con standards, and it will allow us to monitor reg numbers and to re-open unpaid reg slots sooner.

With 2023 registration some time away, it’s the part of the con cycle where we go into hibernation!

However, we’re still working behind the scenes (e.g., on the website and the reg system).

The Telegram, Discord, and Facebook pages will still be available. And, of course, you can get in touch with the organizers or email us at wildnorthuk@gmail.com.
Yours sincerely,

The Wild North Team
Silverley, Tyde, Greskil Vulfhart, Miku Plantman, Gamepopper
It's time to start the fans...
Wild North will return next year with the theme of The Twizell Maze.
Hello! Twizell here, your genial guide to the Twizell Maze.

We plan to announce a date for registration opening in the next few weeks, but our team is currently in the middle of a mental game. We are updating the website and registration system to be clear and snazzy.

Please watch this space; we'll let you know when you can put your name down for a spot in the maze.
Hello Flufftails, we have an incoming message from our good friend!

"Hi friends, I am Sascha the Sword Derg, though you may know me better as the FederWyrm!

We last crossed swords at Wild North 2022 for some fabulous workshops. We will meet again in 2023 for even more martial mastercraft with swords and sabres and polearms oh my! There may even be a mini-tournament!

But before we do I need your help for my EPIC QUEST:

FederWyrm and Manchester School of Arms are hosting a charity drive this year!

On August 12/13 2023, we will be hiking 40 miles across the Peak District in a single 24-hour period in the hope of raising money for the Fighting Chance Foundation and to support our underprivileged students.

We proudly share the FCF's mission to use martial arts to improve people's lives, help children in poverty, promote participation amongst women and girls, improve inclusivity, and fight against male suicide by providing a space for long-lasting growth and development.

50% of the funds raised will go directly to the FCF, with the remainder being dedicated to a fund used to support our underprivileged students.

Please visit our Ko-Fi page below and help us make a real difference!"

Hello! Twizell here, your genial guide to the Twizell Maze.

I'm here to give the first announcement of 2023 with news that registration for our latest instalment of Wild North will begin in one fortnight, March 24th at 7pm.

To clear things up, the registration prices have changed since last year, which are as follows:

Full - £185
Weekend - £125
Day - £65
T-Shirt - £15

New for this year, we also have something new. For those who want to support and help make the Twizell Maze a little more unique, attendees will now be able to contribute as much as they want in addition to their registration fee.

We are excited to have you.
Hello there!

Soon, registration will open for the Twizell Maze. To make sure you're ready, we would like to point you towards the terms of registration on our website: https://wildnorth.uk/terms-of-registration/

Don't worry if you cannot pay immediately; payment is due within 28 days of registration. The best payment method to help us bring you all the best events possible is bank transfer, but we still allow debit/credit cards as well as cash as options.

On top of that, we have some potential bonus rewards for those who wish to donate on top of the registration fee to support the con.

* A mention in the conbook - £10 or more
* Supporter pack (including a drinking vessel) plus the honourable mention - £25 or more

If you'd like these bonus rewards, you'll have to donate by Friday 14th July. If we have enough support, perhaps attendees will get to have a go inside a Crystal Dome!

For any further queries not mentioned in the terms or on our FAQ page (www.wildnorth.uk/registration-faqs), do be sure to ask. We'll see you all soon!

Hello there, please accept our apologies, we have temporarily paused registration while we work out some technical issues. We'll get back to you as soon as we can once we're ready to go.

We will give you at least 24 hours' notice of the new date/time
Hi, a few people this evening have mentioned old logins. We said a few months ago we would be deleting old info... though we appreciate that was quite a while ago. Here's what we said at the time:

"We will be deleting all personal data from our reg system. Some of you had permitted your details to be saved for future cons. However, after three years of disruptions and reg transfers due to COVID, we have decided it’s easiest to start afresh. Therefore, when the reg opens in the New Year 2023, please provide your details again."
Attention Flufftails, apologies for the wait. Registration will open on Saturday April 1st at 7pm.

You'll see an announcement when the time comes.

Registration for the Twizell Maze is now open!


Once you've filled in all your details, please be patient as we will process your registration.

If Wild North reaches the cap of registered attendees, don't fret, you'll be put on a waiting list. This means if an attendee drops out or is unable to pay in time, you'll be confirmed and able to pay for your spot.

Hello, Twizell here, your jolly guide to the Twizell Maze.

Having beaten the Mystery game of resolving technical difficulties, registration for Wild North 2023 is finally open. There are plenty of spaces at Featherstone Castle, so be sure to spread the word.

If you have concerns about transport, there is the nearby train station of Haltwhistle, as explained on our website (https://wildnorth.uk/travel/), but there are other options. We are glad to bring back the Car Sharing List, so if you have a car with space for one or two people, fill in your details in the spreadsheet below. There's also a link to a map that can help others get a rough idea of where you'll be travelling to and from.


Lastly, as you know, Wild North is only what it is with your outstanding contributions. To show off your creative skills, you can contribute some Twizell and Crystal Maze-themed artwork and stories for our conbook from now until the end of June.

Please keep in mind the following art requirements:
* Between 300 dpi and 600 dpi (600 recommended)
* The shortest edge of the image should be no smaller than 900 pixels to ensure it's a high enough resolution to print.
* CMYK files for preference.
* If you're submitting an image with a transparent background, please submit it as a PSD file.

As well as the following requirement for writing:
* Please keep it to under 1000 words.

And for both:
* No content over PG-13.

If you want to contribute on the day of the con, we're on the lookout for volunteers, whether that be to help in the kitchen or to set up for events, anything little help makes the convention fun for everyone!

Let us know at events@wildnorth.uk, and be sure to specify either "Artwork", "Conbook", or "Volunteer" in the subject heading, and we'll keep you in mind.

Till next time flufftails!