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πŸš€ Empowering Entrepreneurs | Venture Startup Course
🌟 Transforming Ideas into Investment-Worthy Startups
πŸ’‘ Cultivating Innovation in Emerging Markets
πŸ“ˆ Structured Pathway | Practical Skills | Network Access

Contact: @Operations_SwiftLaunch
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Hey, Swifters!

We hope you are doing well and your startup development process is going as smoothly as possibleπŸ”₯

In coming class, we will dive deep into the concept of market types and logistics. As a guest speaker, we have invited - Haider Badat - CEO and Co-founder of ZIP24, which is one of the best Logistics Management Software throughout the world. So, don't miss the opportunity to ask him great questions for your startup development

For more information, please, see the agenda attached below



11:00 - Take attendance at the front/ eat some pizza/ network

11:15 - Class Lecture:
πŸ’šMarket Types
πŸ’šChannels and Logistics

12:15 - Guest Lecture:
πŸ’šHaider Badat - Co-Founder and CEO of Zip24

13:00 -  Closing slides & Reminders


🌷 The lecture will be held at Impact.T, and yes, you can invite your friends, but make sure, they will be registered before class

Best wishes,


πŸ“± Telegram | πŸ“± Instagram
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Market Types
Channels and Logistics
Classes are going on βœ…
Hi, Swifters!

Are you ready for another cool session with incredible speaker?🌱

Then, we are very glad to announce the lecture agenda with continuation of Logistics and Channels, and new topic of Customer Journey. Surely, you'll be amazed by next guest speaker - Jahongir Umarov - Founder and CEO of B&B Coffeehouse, who will be very glad to share his experience and path in his project.

For more information, please, see the agenda attached below



11:00 - Take attendance at the front/ eat some pizza/ network

11:15 - Class Lecture:
πŸ’šChannels and Logistics
πŸ’šCustomer Journey

12:15 - Guest Lecture:
πŸ’šJahongir Umarov - Founder and CEO at B&B Coffeehouse

13:00 -  Closing slides & Reminders


🌷 The lecture will be held at Impact.T, and yes, you can invite your friends, but make sure, they will be registered before class

Best wishes,


πŸ“± Telegram | πŸ“± Instagram
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Forwarded from Digital.uz
βœ…Swift Launch kompaniyasi bilan yurtimizda yoshlarning IT-sohasidagi startap loyihalarini qo'llab-quvvatlash va venchur moliyalashtirish ekotizimini rivojlantirish yoβ€˜nalishida hamkorlik masalalari muhokama qilindi

Raqamli texnologiyalar vaziri Sherzod Shermatov Swift Launch asoschisi Stephen Lin bilan uchrashuv oβ€˜tkazdi. Uchrashuvda, shuningdek, kompaniya vakillariga yurtimizda startap loyihalarni qoβ€˜llab-quvvatlash maqsadida amalga oshirilayotgan loyihalar, yoshlar uchun yaratilgan sharoitlar, ta’lim imkoniyatlari, xorijiy kompaniyalar uchun IT Park tomonidan taqdim etilayotgan soliq imtiyozlari haqida ma’lumotlar berildi.

Shu bilan birga, yoshlarning IT biznes gβ€˜oyalari ustida ishlash, uning samaradorligini oshirish boβ€˜yicha ham takliflar koβ€˜rib chiqildi.

Batafsil: πŸ‘‰ https://digital.uz/news/view/16593/

➑️ In English

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Good afternoon, dear Swifters!

We are here again to announce one more exciting guest lecture session!

First, we will discover the world of sales and the process of getting sales.

Afterwards, we will learn one more important Project Management tool - Swimlane Flowcharts - that will help you to establish or record necessary steps and processes within your startupπŸ“ˆ

Last, but not least, Abror Akhmedov - one of the greatest SMM influencers of Uzbekistan - is going to be our guest speaker.

For more information, please, see the agenda attached below



11:00 - Take attendance at the front/ eat some pizza/ network

11:15 - Class Lecture:
πŸ’šBuilding a Sales Funnel
πŸ’šSwimlane Charts

12:15 - Guest Lecture:
πŸ’šAbror Akhmedov - Founder of the largest SMM agency in Uzbekistan

13:00 -  Closing slides & Reminders


🌷 The lecture will be held at Impact.T, and yes, you can invite your friends, but make sure, they will be registered before class

Best wishes,


πŸ“± Telegram | πŸ“± Instagram
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Good afternoon, dear Swifters! We are here again to announce one more exciting guest lecture session! First, we will discover the world of sales and the process of getting sales. Afterwards, we will learn one more important Project Management tool - Swimlane…
A reminder of our Swifter’s Friends policy - all Swifters are allowed to bring their friends to class and our guest speakers, but please remember to register them at the front of class!
Forwarded from polito.uz
πŸ’  "Swift Launch" kompaniyasi bilan o'zaro anglashuv memorandumi imzolandi

Joriy yilning 17-iyul kuni Toshkent shahridagi Turin politexnika universiteti vakillari hamda "Swift Launch" kompaniyasi asoschisi Stephen Lin ishtirokida uchrashuv tashkil etildi.

Mazkur uchrashuv davomida "Swift Launch" kompaniyasi faoliyati bo'yicha taqdimot tinglanib, hamkorlik istiqbollari muhokama qilindi.

Uchrashuv yakunida xorijiy venchur fondlarni jalb qilgan holda hamkorlikda startap akseleratori dasturlarini amalga oshirish, xususan, talabalarning startap g'oyalarini rivojlantirish bo'yicha Swift Launch kompaniyasi mentorlari tomonidan seminar-trening o'tkazib borishga kelishib olindi va ushbu yo'nalishlarda o'zaro hamkorlik anglashuv memorandumi imzolandi.

πŸ’ A memorandum of understanding was signed with the company "Swift Launch"

On July 17 of this year, a meeting was organized with the participation of representatives of the Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent and the founder of the company "Swift Launch", Stephen Lin.

During the meeting, a presentation on the activities of the company "Swift Launch" was heard and prospects for cooperation were discussed.

As a result of the meeting, an agreement was reached to implement startup accelerator programs in cooperation with the involvement of foreign venture funds, in particular, to conduct seminars and training sessions on the development of students' startup ideas by mentors from Swift Launch. Additionally, a memorandum of understanding was signed regarding these areas.

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Interested in learning how experienced tech companies enter a new market or how startups sell to enterprises? Big Sky is hosting an online webinar today with the head of Strategy Analytics for Amazon tonight at 7pm.

Click here to register: https://lu.ma/jwg31ll4