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#NatureNEWS #QuantumPhysics


Quenching our thirst for universality

Citation: doi:10.1038/d41586-018-07272-6

Understanding the dynamics
of quantum systems far from equilibrium is one of the most pressing issues in physics. Three experiments based on ultracold atomic systems provide a major step forward.

#QuantumPhysics #Einstein #ForbesScience


Einstein's complicated relationship with Quantum Physics.

"Quantum mechanics is very impressive. But an inner voice tells me that it is not yet the real thing. The theory produces a good deal but hardly brings us closer to the secret of the Old One. I am at all events convinced that He does not play dice."


Read More about the article on Scientific American here.

Probing quantum physics on a macroscopic scale

Why does quantum mechanics work so well for microscopic objects, yet macroscopic objects are described by classical physics? This question has bothered physicists since the development of quantum theory more than 100 years ago. Researchers at Delft University of Technology and the University of Vienna have now devised a macroscopic system that exhibits entanglement between mechanical phonons and optical photons. They tested the entanglement using a Bell test, one of the most convincing and important tests to show a system behaves non-classically.



Creating the first image of a black hole was an important milestone. But in many ways, the true value of the project lies in how it created an opportunity for researchers to change the way they explore the world.

Black holes represent a moment where our universe ends and folds back upon itself, where relativity and quantum physics collide. Back here on earth, black holes do something similar - they bring people together from different disciplines to create collisions of thought.

Because black holes are the absolute boundary between what we know and what we don’t, this is a problem that cannot be solved by astronomers, physicists, or mathematicians alone. It also requires philosophers and people who can challenge researchers to think differently.

Cross-disciplinary dialogue isn’t always easy, but the Black Hole Initiative has led to a number of discussions that provide space for the unlimited possibility of collaboration.
