Millennial Woes
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Forwarded from The Iconoclast
Ofcom is about to be given new legal powers to regulate online video content in the UK. I don’t think I need to explain how serious this is.

BitChute will be responding in an official capacity to this. Here is their official Twitter post about it. Please read the documents and support these platforms.
Morgoth, everyone: @morgothsreview
The 1st of August. Three months without smoking.
Be well. @wayotworld
Spiked Online have removed the comment sections from their website. No more freedom of speech there.
So much for the tolerant centrist...
Predictably, Hope Not Hate lie about me in their new report, stating that I am "known for being pro-slavery" and that I advocate slaughter of refugees. This is outright slander. The first statement is based on a joke (yes, a joke) I made in 2016, the second on a hypothesis I explored in 2015.

In case it actually needs to be said: like almost everyone else, I am anti-slavery, and do not think that refugees should be slaughtered.

I have publicly said this on many occasions, so there is no excuse for HNH to continue pretending to believe that I am pro-slavery and pro-murder. But they do keep pretending, and they encourage everyone else to believe these lies.

Of course, malicious slander is the kind of thing HNH are known for. They really are a disgraceful organisation.
The Duke echoes my mournful thoughts about a platform that used to be so useful, and so much fun.
Forwarded from DukeOfDurham 🦌
After a lot of thought I’ve decided that I won’t be returning to twitter. I’ve had more than 10 accounts now and I’ve been banned for citing verifiable statistics, banned for mentioning grooming gangs, banned for calling a paedophile a “paedophile”, and even banned for posting pictures of my dog running over some moorland which I was told was “promoting violence and terrorism” by Twitter support.

Almost everyone that it’s worthwhile following is banned, most people I interacted with are banned, you are capped at how many followers you can get, your replies are censored, and you’re banned for speaking the truth. Meanwhile actual terrorists and child abusers and Communists and Black Supremacists have no fear of losing their account. If you type in “White People” on the twitter search bar and scroll, you can see the endless stream of hate against us that is given a free pass by Twitter.

Additionally, it’s a huge time sink and I’m not wasting another hour scrolling through Twitter to read things I already know or argue with retards. The whole site is just gay and useless.
Sargon fans blaming ideological subversion (eg. destruction of family, religion, nationhood, sex roles, etc.) around the West on
a) the Russian Soviets, and
b) the Chinese Communists.

It is interesting that people love having an enemy/scapegoat to blame things on, but much more interesting is how desperate they are to select the wrong one.
Do you support mandatory vaccination against COVID-19, once a vaccine becomes available?
Anonymous Poll
Not sure