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Here we share tips on Islamic Medicine according to authentic Islamic sources and advice from great Hakims and scholars in the field.

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🕊It is highly recommended to keep pigeons as pets due to their various benefits.
Apart from benefiting people spiritually, pigeon faeces were once used as one of the richest sources of natural fertilizer.
In days gone by pigeons were also used to deliver letters and messages between people.
Pigeon meat is also a highly recommended meat for Islamic dishes especially for those who want to recover and regulate their liver enzymes.
Pigeon soup which is known in Farsi as 'ZirBaje'. It is made from pigeon meat cooked in lamb broth or bone broth.

Amazingly even pigeon feathers have benefits as some scholars use them to recover a person who is in a coma! 👌😇💫

Pigeon House in Yazd, Iran

🌺Dua on the last Friday of month of Rajab.

✔️It is recommended to read this Dua on the last Friday of month of Rajab which shall increase 11 years to the person's lifetime.
اَبْوابُ الْجَنّاتِ فی آداب الْجُمُعات
📚Abwab AlJannat , page 567

🍴Islamic Eating Etiquettes

👐Benefits of washing the hands before and after eating:

🌸The Holy Prophet (p.b.u.h):
🔹 Improves the vision
🔸 It is a healing for the body
🔹 Removes poverty
🔸 Prevents depression
🔹 Increases Rizq (blessings)
🔸 It is a protection from being disturbed by Jinns (especially washing the hands after eating meat and foods containing fat)

🌹Imam Al-Sadiq (a.s.):
🔹 Prevents from poverty
🔸 Increases lifespan

🌺 Imam Ali (a.s):
🔸 Increases lifespan
🔹 Improves the vision

Photo: a copper made water container that was used for washing the hands after meals. The bowl is for collecting the dirty water and the cover ensures that it is concealed whilst also preventing it from spilling out.
In some cultures the host is in charge of washing the guest's hands!

🔻✔️ Follow Tabib Store on Instagram : tabib.shops
💀 While the world is occupied with news on corona virus, the US official CDC website has updated their article on zombie apocalypse.
They say that zombies may appear one day as a result of a virus.
"You may laugh now, but when it happens you’ll be happy you read this, and hey, maybe you’ll even learn a thing or two about how to prepare for a real emergency."

Interestingly they even recommend an emergency kit for zombie attacks.

Could we be approaching this very zombie era after people are vaccinated?

Of course something like this would not occur overnight or in an obvious manner. However, there are some suggestions that in this instance it could come about through the adverse affects caused by components within the vaccines combined with 5G mast emissions. This could lead to the desensitization of people and behavioral abnormalities etc. causing zombie-like behavior.
Click here to read the full article.

📚Bakr ibn salih one of the companions of Imam Al-Kazim says:
I wrote a letter to Imam saying that it is almost 5 years I have been avoiding having a child and this is because my wife is not happy about it and believes that raising children is difficult due to financial reasons. What is your opinion?
Imam replied, "Look for having new children since Allah (s.w.t.) provides their sustenance (Rizq)."

📚 Al-Kafi, vol.6, page 3
✔️Things that make you old

Imam Al-Sadiq (.a.s.):
There are 4 things that make a person old before his time:

🔸 Eating dried meat
🔹 Repeatedly sitting on damp areas
🔸 Climbing the stairs
🔹 Marital relationship with old people

الإمام الصادق عليه‏السلام : أربَعَةٌ تُهرِمُ قَبلَ أوانِ الهَرَمِ : أكلُ القَديدِ ، وَالقُعودُ عَلَى النَّداوَةِ ، وَالصُّعودُ فِي الدَّرَجِ ، ومُجامَعَةُ العَجوزِ .

📚 Tohaf Al-Oqoul, page 317

✔️Reasons for vitiligo:

🌺 The Holy Prophet (p.b.u.H):

5 habits that can cause vitiligo:

🔹 Applying Noora on Wednesday's and Friday's
🔸 Doing wudhu (ablution) and Ghusl with water heated by the sun
🔹 Eating while being in a state of Janabah
🔸 Relationship during menstruation
🔹 Eating food when the stomach is full

قال رسول اللّه‏ صلى‏ الله‏ عليه‏ و‏ آله : خَمسُ خِصالٍ تورِثُ البَرَصَ : النّورَةُ يَومَ الجُمُعَةِ ويَومَ الأَربَعاءِ ، وَالتَّوَضُّؤُ وَالاِغتِسالُ بِالماءِ الَّذي تُسَخِّنُهُ الشَّمسُ ، وَالأَكلُ عَلَى الجَنابَةِ ، وغِشيانُ المَرأَةِ في أيّامِ حَيضِها ، وَالأَكلُ عَلَى الشِّبَعِ.

📚 Al-Khisaal, page 270
📚 Bihar Al-Anwar, Vol.66, page 334

Surprisingly WHO statistics show that influenza cases in 2020 (covid era) have reduced to almost zero compared with past years!

This can lead one to assume that those who have been experiencing flu symptoms over the past year are being logged as Covid positive cases.

Flu or Zukam has existed since the time of the Prophet Adam. It comes and goes and the body's own intelligence is completely capable of dealing with it. Even if some choose to label the flu as covid, it will still be the Flu.

🥇🥈🥉Exercise For Women, Is It Recommended Or Not?🥉🥈🥇

🥎According to how Islamic Medicine defines body temperaments women tend to be more 'humid' than men. This can explain their natural tendency towards better physical and mental flexibility as well as being more outwardly compassionate, loving and emotional.

🏀Exercises suitable for women are very different to those that are suitable for men. Many women will be happy to hear that simply engaging in house chores is sufficient for them!

⚽️Intense cardiovascular exercises and professional sports threaten a woman's health and are the root cause of hormonal imbalances, menstruation issues, etc.

🎾In addition, heavy exercise actually reduces a woman's natural humidity which directly affects the quality of her skin (changing it from soft & supple to rough and lackluster), reduces sexual desires and can even increase the chance of infertility.

🏈Today's contradictory modern day teachings (through the guise of 'feminism', media, health 'professionals', peer pressure etc.) consistently encourage women to be less active in doing house chores, to use unnecessary modern home appliances, etc. However, on the flipside women are constantly being bombarded by advertisements and advice from health & fitness experts or gurus, celebrities and other role models to make vigorous exercise, going to the gym or fitness classes and partaking in all fields of sport a part of their weekly or even daily routine! This according to ideal Islamic Lifestyle is nonsensical and harmful to women in the long term due to the reasons already stated.

🪀The most ideal way for a woman to remain physically fit is by engaging in house chores, looking after her children, going for short walks or engaging in light exercise indoors.

💠 @Med4all
💍💎💍All About Rings💍💎💍

✔️Which Stones And Which Fingers?

♦️1- Red Aqiq on the right hand fingers:
Salman quoted from Imam Ali (a.s.) that the holy Prophet (s.a.w) told Imam Ali (a.s.):
O' Ali, wear rings on your right hand so that you can be one of the Muqarrabeen.
Imam asked: who are those?
He replied: Jibrail and Mikail.
Imam asked: which ring?
Prophet replied: Red Aqiq...

🔸2- Avoid wearing rings on left hand fingers:

Imam Ali(a.s.): Anyone wearing rings on their left hand should take them off before visiting the washroom if they are inscribed with any names of God.

♦️Which fingers to avoid:
Imam Al-Sadiq (a.s.): The holy Prophet (p.b.u.h.) told us to avoid wearing rings on index fingers and middle ones.

🔸Note :
Lut tribe, who were punished by God's torment, had the habit of wearing rings on the middle and index fingers as well as the thumb.
Satan worshipers also wear rings on their left hand fingers.

♦️Which part of the finger?
Imam Al-Sadiq (a.s.):
"Take your rings to the bottom of your finger."
It is quoted that wearing rings on the tip of the finger was also a habit of the Lut tribe.

🔸Other tips:
The Fiqh Al-Reza book quotes that we should recite the following Dua whilst wearing rings:
اَلّلهُمَّ سُمْنى بِسيماءِ اْلايمانِ وَاخْتمْ لى بِخَيْرٍ وَاجْعَلْ عاقِبَتى اِلى خَيْرِ اِنّكَ اَنْتَ الْعَزيزُ اْلاَكْرَمُ

♦️Which materials?

✔️Wear silver rings for men and gold for women and avoid any other materials for both genders:
It is Makrouh and not preferred to wear rings made of steel, brass and iron in general.

🔸The holy Prophet (s.a.w.) said:
A person should not pray whilst wearing metallic rings on their fingers. And he prohibited brass made rings.

♦️Which stones?
Each person has a unique stone based on their temperament, personality, spiritual capabilities, etc. However, there are also some stones that are recommended for everyone:
It is quoted that Imam Ali (a.s.) used to wear 4 rings:
Yaqout (Ruby) for its beauty and value, Firouza for getting assistance, Hadid Sini for its power and strength and Aqiq to prevent disasters and enemies.

🔸Aqiq Yamani is highly recommended for all Muslims and wearing red aqiq is said to be a sign of the Shia.

♦️Imam Al-Sadiq (a.s.) says that Aqiq ring is a protection whilst travelling.

📚 Hilyatul Muttaqin, chapter 2 , page 27-38

To be continued ...
Praying while wearing face mask

Imam Al-Baghir (a.s.):

"When ready for prayer, focus on your salah, as it will be accepted as much of your salah as you have focused in;
avoid playing with your hands, face and beard,
do not mumble to yourself, avoid yawning,
avoid wearing mouth cover (face mask),
avoid sitting like a camel (when going for sujda, first hands should touch the floor then knees),
avoid bending fingers (in sujda), as all these reduce the benefits of salah..."

 قال أبو جعفر (عليه السلام):
إذا قمت في الصلاة فعليك بالاقبال على صلاتك فإنما يحسب لك منها ما أقبلت عليه ولا تعبث فيها بيدك ولا برأسك ولا بلحيتك ولا تحدث نفسك ولا تتثاءب ولا تتمط ولا تكفر فإنما يفعل ذلك المجوس ولا تلثم ولا تحتفز [ولا] تفرج كما يتفرج البعير ولا تقع على قدميك ولا تفترش ذراعيك ولا تفرقع أصابعك فإن ذلك كله نقصان من الصلاة ...

📚 Al-Kafi, Vol.3, page 299

🍶Tips For Drinking Water

1- Avoid blowing onto your drink:
The Holy Prophet used to stop people from blowing onto their drinks. He even used to move the glass away if he wanted to breathe while drinking. 1

2- Avoid drinking at night while standing: drinking at night while standing can cause liver damage (ascites) 2

3-Avoid drinking water while eating food: It weakens the digestion and makes the stomach cold.3

4- Drinking water after food:
Good for digestion except foods that contain meat and fat. The holy Prophet: "Drinking water over fat encourages diseases." 4

5- Drinking water in at least 3 sips: The holy Prophet said that drinking water in 3 sips is protection for the body. 5

6- Avoid drinking excess water:
Imam Al-Sadiq: "Drinking excess water is the source of diseases. If people drank less, their bodies would be healthier." 6&7

📚 1-Tib Alnabi, p62
2-Tahzob,V.9, p94
3- Bihar, V62, P323
4-Mahasin,V2, p398
5- Tib Al-Nabi, P5
6- Al-Kafi, V6, P382
7-Bihar, V66, P455

🎊Ramadan Karim 🎊

✔️The effect of doing Qusl at first night of holy month of Ramazan:

🌹 Imam Al-Sadiq (a.s):
Whoever wishes not to be disturbed by body itching should do Qusl at first night of Ramazan.
Whoever do that shall be protected from body itching until the next year.

عَنِ الصَّادِقِ علیه السلام قالَ: مَنْ أَحَبَّ أَنْ لَا يَكُونَ بِهِ الْحِكَّةُ فَلْيَغْتَسِلْ أَوَّلَ لَيْلَةٍ مِنْ شَهْرِ رَمَضَانَ، فَإنَّهُ مَنِ اغْتَسَلَ أَوَّلَ لَيْلَةٍ مِنْ شَهْرِ رَمَضَانَ لَا تُصِيبُهُ حِكَّةٌ وَ يَكُونُ سَالِماً مِنْهَا إلَى شَهْرِ رَمَضَانٍ قَابِلٍ

📚 Bihar Al-Anwar Vol.81, page 18


💠 Tips About Fasting in Ramadhan:

🔹 Part 2

In this month eating sohoor or sahari is a MUST.
To prevent feeling hungry during the day, eat Sawiq and dates.
To prevent getting thirsty, at suhoor, eat dates and water alternately before having other food.
The Holy Prophet (pbuh) said, "The best of foods for sohoor are dates and Sawiq".
Sawiq of barley is recommended to those who have diabetes and those who want to lose weight.
Sawiq of wheat is good for those who want to gain weight.

Do not eat heavy foods at sohoor
Avoid eating meaty and fatty foods at suhoor

🔹 Note that sohoor is the equivalent of breakfast and Iftaar is the equivalent of supper. Avoid eating a heavy meal for sohoor because food containing fat at this time can make you feel thirsty during the day.
🔹 If you eat foods containing meat and fat for your Iftaar, avoid drinking water immediately after your food.

🔹For your bread, eat whole-wheat Naan rather than oil based or non-raised breads like chapati.
🔹Warm milk, dates, Sawiq, honey with bread are good food options at suhoor time.

👉🏽 Drinking a cup of water with soaked chia seeds before sleeping at night, helps to prevent feeling thirsty during the day. You can add a tablespoon of honey into this juice as well.

According to Islamic sources, one of the worst times for sleeping is between Fajr and sunrise. Try to stay awake after Fajr and recite Quran until sunrise since sleeping at this time increases toxins and waste humors in the body.
COMPLETELY AVOID drinking cold water, cold milk, black tea, coffee, yoghurt, watermelon, fish at sohoor.
🔺 If you drink warm milk, avoid eating fruits with it, except dates or almonds.

👉🏽 To prevent bad breath and if you want your mouth to smell good during the day:
🔸 eat an apple at sohoor or before sleeping at night
🔸avoid sleeping immediately after sohoor
🔸eat fresh basil at sohoor to freshen the mouth and breath

🍜 Eating a lot does not guarantee that we will be free from hunger or thirst during the day. Sometimes a simple meal of bread, warm milk and dates can give us enough energy for the whole day. We must also remember that the purpose of fasting is not just to starve, but also to improve our soul and to help us get closer to our Lord as the Hadith says, "The best time when a person is close to his Lord is when he is hungry or when in sujud".

May Allah give us tawfiq to get the most benefits from this blessed month.

🌺 Ramadhan Karim

📚 Reference about Sawiq:

💠 Islamic medicine group
🌐 www.tabeab.com
🆔 @Med4all
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