Kin Coin Cryptocurrency
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Kin coin
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join @kinmoonshot to get fiyer $kin airdrop 😊
new fiyer update in a few days.. will be a major update. to get some free kin on fiyer join @getkins
Fiyer launched an update today version 1.0.4 . it fixes some upload problems. also i recommend resetting camera settings on your phone after doing the update 😊
major news... SPL tokens are finished on binance. RAY is the first to be listed. maybe KIN incoming soon?!
KIN price exploding
5 days ago: developer at trebel (one of the fastest growing music apps in the world with 10 millions of downloads) is expanding into 5-6 more countries and seriously working to implement kin. if that happens plus binance... boom!
code app is officially in beta private invite!
tapatalk is joining the kin ecosystem again with the new SDKS... they have millions of downloads on google play
now a binance listing and the project is officially in orbit... we just left earth! 😊 $kin will soon have video uploads. they are re-applying for ios now after they removed withdrawal function (which ios doesnt allow) but they allow you to access your private key. is considering adding all kin features back into android and removing ALL kin features for IOS. they got rejected on ios again for "using kin cryptocurrency as a way of tipping" this is of course really bad news for all ios developers that want to integrate kin. at the same time its lots of development work to deal with 2 codebases and basically 2 seperate products almost.
good news... lots of updates coming to the screenshots look amazing
coming soon to videos called flames and more
More and more people joining when version 2 comes it will be massive
Join @getfiyer to discuss fiyer app
First influencer from insta joined fiyer with 20k followers... With version 2 fiyer downloads will be lit :)