Beth Martens' King πŸ‘‘ Hero Zone
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Interviews of leaders, entrepreneurs, and truth tellers who are standing for freedom and other inspired works of King Heroes.
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Steve Falconer will be on for a King Hero interview on the 14th of March! πŸ’₯πŸ”₯Here's a pic of him, Patrick Henningsen, and myself at Anarchapulco last week.
Put up your hand if you’d like to hear a stage recording of my workshop Archetypes of Controlled Op at Anarchapulco.

I’ll be sending it first thing next week.
Tomorrow I'm hosting a King Hero Panel with Jane Scharf
Matt Unceded, Norman Traversy, Jason Etsey, and Vee Gandhi
to talk about controlled opposition in the Canadian law arena!! Stay tuned for more details but put 1:00 PM CST on the calendar, Feb 27th.

Going live now!!
Forwarded from Beth Martens' King πŸ‘‘ Hero Zone (Beth Martens)
Tomorrow I'm hosting a King Hero Panel with Jane Scharf
Matt Unceded, Norman Traversy, Jason Etsey, and Vee Gandhi
to talk about controlled opposition in the Canadian law arena!! Stay tuned for more details but put 1:00 PM CST on the calendar, Feb 27th.

Hey loves, if you haven't done the King Hero Archetype quiz at my website I made eight new videos on how the archetypes may be showing up in your life right now. A little insight can go a long way. Scroll half way down my homepage for the sign up!

The new videos are there as well as at my new YT, Rumble and Rokfin.

Brandon Sterling on Archetypes of Controlled Op in Economic, Law and Private Domain Arenas [King Hero Interview]




Join Brandon Sterling, creator of Safe Haven Portfolio, and myself to talk about how the archetypes of controlled op are showing up in the economic, law, and private domain arenas.

If people can themselves learn the signs and patterns through which the forces against the opposition operate, it will save them immense amounts of time, energy, and money, and make it more possible for them to instead of seek gurus to guide them, become the Hero in their own freedom Journey.

Live TODAY at 3 PM CST, March 7

Brandon’s bio:
From a young age Brandon saw through the spiritual veils that have been cast over us. Early on he began to have runs ins with various characters of esoterica and went through Job-like experiences.

After seeing the world for what it is, he immersed himself in many studies but came to hone in on business, capital markets, and law. This all eventually led him to discover that privacy is the most valuable asset and the catalyst of all of the different components of his research.

Brandon began operating private ventures starting in 2016. He then went on to found Safe Haven Portfolio Management. An association that demonstrates risk hedging strategies and solutions to those seeking privacy and financial optionality. Check out his website and Telegram for current events and videos.
This is so me!! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜€πŸ‘‡πŸ»
Forwarded from Anonymous Guest
I like warning people by saying that my answers may irrevocably and irreversibly alter their psychological and spiritual development moving forward. Are you sure you want me to answer you?

Guy on the street: "Yeah, go ahead and tell me what time it is anyway."
TODAY -- The Hero’s Journey of Dawn Lester [King Hero Interview]

Dawn Lester has been a champion in the truth and freedom movement spreading the good news about why β€œgerm theory” is a fraudulent medical approach designed to keep the populations in the fog of misunderstanding about how disease comes to be.
In this interview we’re going to talk about her personal health journey of overcoming breast cancer, where she found the strength to keep going through the dark nights of the soul, and how it led her to wanting to serve others, which is the Hero’s Journey.

Join us for this livestream March 11, 1:00 PM CDT.

Dawn's Bio
Dawn Lester is a researcher and writer. She is co-author of What Really Makes You Ill? Why Everything You Thought You Knew About Disease Is Wrong, published in December 2019, as well as 2 books published in 2010 under the pen-name NoR.
Dawn’s current work is focused on deepening her understanding of the meaning of life. As well as learning how to integrate the knowledge that we are all aspects of the divine with living our lives as free and unique individuals, she’s also developing new ways to share her understanding with other men and women, so we can create the beautiful world we know is possible.

Find the live links here:
The ability to imagine is the seed creation and first step, after which action must follow so God knows you’re serious and can work with you!! πŸ’₯❀️
Steve Falconer is on for a King Hero interview tomorrow at 3:45 PM CDT!! πŸ’₯πŸ”₯

In this interview we will talk about the Hero's Journey, and the sun's trip through the zodiac each day and year described in the ancient Irish masonic teachings.

We will discuss the ideas of life after death, reincarnation, the mistaking of soul for spirit, eastern vs western ideas of "me" or individualism vs individual points of the "one" still white magnetic light called god, the higher layered realms of consciousness between here and the one...and what near death experiences actually may be.

Steve is a former Chicago native living in Copenhagen Denmark, a music teacher and full time touring musician. He is a father and researcher into all things hidden, esoteric and out of the ordinary daily experience, with a gift for debunking or demystifying occulted information.

Find the live links here and my podcast channels are always updated about 24 hours after the live:
Oh Canada is right. This is embarrassing 😳 πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡
Canada's supreme court replaces the word "woman" with "person with a vagina"

Oh Canadaaaaaaaaaa.......
Going live with Steve Falconer at 3:45 PM CDT today!! πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡
Forwarded from Beth Martens' King πŸ‘‘ Hero Zone (Beth Martens)
Steve Falconer is on for a King Hero interview tomorrow at 3:45 PM CDT!! πŸ’₯πŸ”₯

In this interview we will talk about the Hero's Journey, and the sun's trip through the zodiac each day and year described in the ancient Irish masonic teachings.

We will discuss the ideas of life after death, reincarnation, the mistaking of soul for spirit, eastern vs western ideas of "me" or individualism vs individual points of the "one" still white magnetic light called god, the higher layered realms of consciousness between here and the one...and what near death experiences actually may be.

Steve is a former Chicago native living in Copenhagen Denmark, a music teacher and full time touring musician. He is a father and researcher into all things hidden, esoteric and out of the ordinary daily experience, with a gift for debunking or demystifying occulted information.

Find the live links here and my podcast channels are always updated about 24 hours after the live:
Forwarded from Beth Martens
This is an article about one of the many bogus cases in Canada at the Canuck's Law blog. I totally recommend the blog!!!