Beth Martens' King πŸ‘‘ Hero Zone
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Interviews of leaders, entrepreneurs, and truth tellers who are standing for freedom and other inspired works of King Heroes.
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Check out this interview of me on the Private Domain by Chris Rice, I totally enjoyed this conversation!! πŸ’₯πŸ”₯β€οΈπŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡
Life is my all-time favourite subject. There’s nothing that isn’t related to it, and it is the key element most easily missed. Dr. Barre Lando has looked into this subject intensely for several decades.

When I heard there was a film made about the guys at Alfa Vedic, the way they have brought life to their land, their families, and their community, I immediately asked them to come for an interview about it.

The film is moving and beautifully done, here’s a link to watch at Ickonic:

Join Barre and myself, and maybe Mike Winner too if he can, live at 3:00 PM CDT TODAY (August 3rd) to talk about the new release film, The Magical Land - Ickonic Original Film (2022).

In it they talk about their regenerative agriculture, off grid grow up, and how Barre cracked the code of life in the earth and in our bodies by applying and observing the same principles.

Details below!
Must see, please share!! πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡
Forwarded from The Canadian Uprising
β€˜Turns out, we’re not allowed to sell our produce to our community - ON OUR OWN FARM! Last Saturday our farm stand (on our own property!!) was shut down by the government. The NWT government has made the selling of food from farmers directly to people illegal now in the NWT. The public is only allowed to buy food from producers who have government permission through a government 'permitting' program.
We still want to continue sharing our produce with the people in our community - especially in a community that is already struggling with food insecurity and access to fresh and healthy food and especially in times like this, when food shortages are on the horizon.
So starting today, there is a permanent farm stand located at the entrance of NFTI, right by the highway, where you can pick up farm fresh eggs and organically grown vegetables every day, picked fresh every morning (and freshly baked sourdough bread on Saturdays). We are offering the food as a gift and we do accept donations. Take what you like but please leave enough for others πŸ™‚ We stock up every morning. Thanks to everyone who is supporting us!’
Forwarded from Beth Martens
Our dear Amanda Ridding, we know to be a serious champion in Canadian Law, is starting her workshop series on Contract Law tomorrow afternoon (August 5th, 1:00 PM CDT!) πŸ’₯πŸ‘‘β€οΈ

In this workshop you'll learn:
What is a Contract

Different Forms of Contract

What Are the Basic Essential Elements of a Contract (Overview)

Missing Elements (Void or Voidable)

Fifth Subject - Termination (Overview)

Sixth Subject - Breach of Contract (Overview)

All of the Details
Dates: August 5th, 2022 & August 15th, 2022
Time: 1:00 PM CDT
Where: Zoom
Investment: Zero-cost with membership to the House of Free Will Ministry but donations directly to Amanda are welcome!

Apply here if you haven't already:

PS Another HOFW Law Guild workshop coming up in August 23rd with Brett Fountain, Rule of Law Radio co-host, on how to do Bar grievances!
Show stopper!! 😳
I'm going through a personal retrograde atm folks. While I have my head down on a necessary evil (cryptic for a reason πŸ˜„ ) I'm starting to binge on Zack Bush. He is right on the freaking money in this link.

This is super important information that needs to go viral. πŸ’₯πŸπŸ’šπŸ‘‘πŸ’₯

Anyone know him? I want to interview him more than ever now!!
Hello loves the King Hero chat blows up with bots πŸ€–

If you’ve tried to join and you use a funky handle I’m deleting them. If that’s you and you got banned my apologies I can reverse it.

And if you have a funky handle please say hello ASAP so I know you’re a real person or I’m pretty trigger happy these days πŸ˜‚

It’s one of the many reasons why I am moving steadily into the private and focussing on my membership association. If you’d like to apply to join the House of Free Will here’s a link.

This ministry’s purpose is for meeting basic needs including but not limited to healing, de-programming, coaching, coach training and apprenticeship, public and private law study, private exchange and faith-based fellowship.

Our first fellowship meeting is this Tuesday 7 pm cdt for members to meet each other and hear from dear friend and guest speaker, Natalie Reimer Anderson! πŸ’š
Forwarded from Beth Martens
Crappy judge or lawyer who is getting away with breaking their own rules?

This coming Tuesday evening I'm hosting Brett Fountain, Rule of Law Radio Co-host!! He's doing a workshop for the House of Free Will members only in the Private Domain, on how to do Bar grievances. Here are some details:

How to Make Bar Grievances - With Brett Fountain

In this hands-on, come-prepared workshop with Rule of Law Radio Co-Host, Brett Fountain you’ll be learning how to make Bar grievances from an experienced champion in law.

All of the Details

Date: Tuesday, August 23, 2022
Time: 7:00 PM CDT
Where: Zoom
Investment: Zero-cost with membership to the House of Free Will Ministry

This is a members-only House of Free Will workshop event. To apply to be a member click the link below:
Forwarded from Beth Martens
Ocean’s home!!!!! πŸ€—πŸ’šπŸ€—

The first thing he wanted when he got home (not what you might think)?? To go outside!!! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜±πŸ˜‚
Heading to the garden for an update and chat about the archetype that gets people trapped in conflicts of betrayal and why it's a sign of new beginnings.

Going live at 1:00 PM CDT!
You may already be very familiar with the urge and the soul-level desire to have a meaningful and valuable role to serve in your community.

If that's you I'm curious to hear how you would answer these three questions.

1. What challenges have you already overcome in your own life?
2. What challenges do you have yet to overcome?
3. And what moves you to want to help those you care about, who care about freedom, through their challenges?

Because once you see how overcoming challenges has given you gifts to help others, and you see where you're still stuck that keeps you humble and working on it, AND you know what your motivation is for helping others, you have a ton of clarity to work with in making a role for yourself.


In case you hadn't heard, coming up in a few weeks, I’m taking a new group through Journey Code, my coaching certification training that I created in answer to my call to God β€œhow can I serve?” when the shit hit the fan in 2020.

The Journey Code training starts September 14th in the House of Free Will Coaching Guild, and would be appropriate for professional and lay helpers such as teachers, consultants, artists, mentors in law or other disciplines, healers, and those with skills and knowledge to contribute.

If you're inspired, PM me the answers to your questions and I'll respond with some feedback and an invite to chat if you'd like to hear more about the coaching certification. πŸ’šπŸ
Forwarded from Beth Martens
Fellowship in the House of Free Will in one hour and a bit!

Paul Gautschi is a guest talking on connection and the garden. Growing questions welcome too!

Pm me if you’re not a member yet and would like to join. πŸ’š
Forwarded from Gregory
Um yup @Joel Raffidi πŸ˜‚