Beth Martens' King πŸ‘‘ Hero Zone
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Interviews of leaders, entrepreneurs, and truth tellers who are standing for freedom and other inspired works of King Heroes.
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Join Edith Ubuntu Chan and myself for a livestream September 22, 2 PM CDT! <3 Here’s what she’s going to be sharing with us:

* The current rapid change in consciousness and how this impacts our family dynamics, community/village, and kids' education.

* Gifts and blessings of the last 2.5yrs in awakening us to build parallel structures & solutions.

* Interesting & creative ways that freedom-communities are re-inventing education

* "Luminous Kids" their multi-dimensional abilities, truth discernment abilities, how they perceive the world and how they learn. why they simply cannot and do not fit into the old systems.

*A new paradigm of education that is arising and emerging right now.

* Six phases of transitioning from the old paradigm of education into what i call "Luminous Education"

* How the "rewards-and-punishment" paradigm changes our orientation to life in deep and profound ways.

*Our orientation towards technology. how to nurture wise use of technology with our kids.

Link to follow soon!!
Holy crap, travelling just got fun again!!! LOL Thank you to all the Warriors who stood up and made it happen in Canada. Must watch one minute and 29 seconds!! #stand4thee

Rebecca Sheppard will be coming on for an interview, we're just finding a time!!
Hey folks I'm re-streaming the interview of me on Alfa Vedic from last week! I'd love to see you if you want to jump in and chat. ❀️ Here are some links, going live TONIGHT at 10 PM CDT, in 45 minutes.

PS Watch for next week Sept 28 Amandha Vollmer and I are going to talk about if we are guys or not, and Sept 29th Rebecca Sheppard is coming on to talk about being un-represented in court!
Woohoo!! πŸŽ‰ I just got off of recording a Crrow777 episode, will be #445, to be released in the near future.

We talked about the Hero’s Journey, archetypes as a path to purpose, decoding and de-programming what stands in the way, the archetypes of the Public and Private domains, as well as the nature of freedom and free will after which my ministry is named.

Huge shout out to Rose, Crrow and Jason for having me on as a guest, it’s truly an honour and pleasure!!

Rose and I will livestream to announce when the episode is coming out, stay tuned.

TODAY!! πŸ’₯❀️🎯

These days both truth and fiction are strange, but I'll take the strange truth any day. And that's why I'm so stoked about talking to this tireless health educator and practitioner, author, wildcrafter, and free thinker this afternoon!!!

At 4:15 PM CDT (Sept 28) Amanda Vollmer is going to join me live for a candid conversation about navigating in the truth community, how we are not in fact guys :-D, and where to find her now that she's banned nearly everywhere.

Can't wait! All the details are at the link below:
Going live with Amandha Vollmer in 5 minutes!!
Forwarded from Beth Martens' King πŸ‘‘ Hero Zone (Beth Martens)
TODAY!! πŸ’₯❀️🎯

These days both truth and fiction are strange, but I'll take the strange truth any day. And that's why I'm so stoked about talking to this tireless health educator and practitioner, author, wildcrafter, and free thinker this afternoon!!!

At 4:15 PM CDT (Sept 28) Amanda Vollmer is going to join me live for a candid conversation about navigating in the truth community, how we are not in fact guys :-D, and where to find her now that she's banned nearly everywhere.

Can't wait! All the details are at the link below:
Forwarded from Beth Martens
Rebecca Sheppard of Stand4Thee is joining me for another interview tomorrow afternoon at 4:00 PM CDT to talk about why you shouldn’t be intimidated by going unrepresented in court.

We will also discuss the new status of travel in Canada for the un-jabbed, how all the people with $9,000 in tickets returning to Canada feel about it, and Stand4Thee’s most recent and highly censorable campaigns.

Going live with Rebecca in 15 minutes!! πŸ’₯❀️
Forwarded from Beth Martens
Rebecca Sheppard of Stand4Thee is joining me for another interview tomorrow afternoon at 4:00 PM CDT to talk about why you shouldn’t be intimidated by going unrepresented in court.

We will also discuss the new status of travel in Canada for the un-jabbed, how all the people with $9,000 in tickets returning to Canada feel about it, and Stand4Thee’s most recent and highly censorable campaigns.

An awesome article on sound research that stands in a court and gives you credibility when making claims! #canucklaw πŸ’₯❀️🎯
"If you think there isn't enough food for everyone, you obviously don't know much about growing food. Food shortage is scripted like poverty.

We have the techniques and resources to all live lives of abundance, but it's obviously not a priority, apparently war is though."
I had to re-upload my recent jam with Amandha Vollmer to Rokfin for some reason, and will get brave and remove it from my YouTube. I thoroughly enjoyed this conversation.
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I'm hosting Manitoba's own, Shaun Zimmer, aka The Viking, for a King Hero interview tomorrow at 1:30 PM CDT!

We're going to talk about his adventures in fighting for freedom here in Manitoba, how he's grown and healed through his experiences and why he says "life happens for us" rather than to us! ❀

Here's where you'll find all the details:
GOING LIVE in ten minutes with The Viking, Shaun Zimmer, local Manitoba King Hero!!! πŸ’₯β€οΈπŸ‘‡
Forwarded from Beth Martens
Hey folks I'm hosting a workshop in the House of Free Will next week with long-time veteran of the law wars with a ton of successes behind him, Dr. Barre Lando (you might know him from Alfa Vedic).

He'll be teaching on the Inner Game Advantage in Law and Life, aka, the skills necessary to handle your shit and not lose it when things get stressful in court especially. He also says you can take a ton of the effort out of the legal paper by doing the inner work first.

If you'd like to learn his methods of getting out of the way of your own self so you can create the outcomes you want, please first become a member of the Hosue of Free Will, hopefully before the last second rush next week lol.

He's generously donating his time and efforts to the HOFW, so this workshop is zero cost for members.

October 12, 4 - 6 PM CDT

Here's the link to all of the details, with a button to apply to join us in the private domain.
Last chance to get your application to the House of Free Will in so you can take in Dr. Barre Lando's workshop tomorrow!! (Oct 12, 4 - 6 PM CDT). πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡

If you intend to take part, please click the link below and fill out the HOFW application questions. Once accepted you'll get an email from my assitant Christin to the membership agreement and gain access to our private site in time for the workshop tomorrow. xo
Forwarded from Beth Martens
Hey folks I'm hosting a workshop in the House of Free Will next week with long-time veteran of the law wars with a ton of successes behind him, Dr. Barre Lando (you might know him from Alfa Vedic).

He'll be teaching on the Inner Game Advantage in Law and Life, aka, the skills necessary to handle your shit and not lose it when things get stressful in court especially. He also says you can take a ton of the effort out of the legal paper by doing the inner work first.

If you'd like to learn his methods of getting out of the way of your own self so you can create the outcomes you want, please first become a member of the Hosue of Free Will, hopefully before the last second rush next week lol.

He's generously donating his time and efforts to the HOFW, so this workshop is zero cost for members.

October 12, 4 - 6 PM CDT

Here's the link to all of the details, with a button to apply to join us in the private domain.