Green Charter RCM
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Green Charter Revolutionary Committees Movement

🟢Committees everywhere
🟢No revolutionary outside a revolutionary committee
🟢No revolution without revolutionary ideology

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“Therefore, the only #solution to the persistent #problem of #democracy is through The Third Universal Theory. 
According to this theory, the democratic system is a cohesive structure whose foundations are firmly laid on Basic Popular #Conferences and People's #Committees which convene in a General People's #Congress. This is absolutely the only form of genuine democratic society.” — The Green Book
#gb #3ut
“No #Revolution without #Revolutionary #ideology

Revolution is going back to origin. Not necessarily violent upheaval. Certainly not replacing one dictatorial instrument of governing with another.

Third Universal Theory is the Revolutionary ideology which firm basis is #Truth.

“No Revolutionary outside the Revolutionary Committee”

#Power is exercised directly by the #people by way of decision making legislative People’s #Conferences and the executive People’s #Committees. This is the #Freepublic where the free #people #rule themselves by themselves without #representation.

“Representation is fraud.”

“No one knows the #needs of the #masses better than the masses themselves”

“Man should not be afraid of power, he should possess it”

“The Green Book heralds the way to the Era of the Freepublics (#Jamahiriya)”

#3ut #gb #rc
Although the peoples of the Western countries are aware of the failing of their own #political systems, most feel there is little they can do to alter those systems. The idea of #revolutionary change is strange and even frightening to them. But were they to read and understand the Green Book and appreciate the meaning of the Third Universal Theory, then such drastic change would not seem so very strange after all:

#west #3ut #gb