133 subscribers
1 link
Update release and support about service.
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Channel created
Channel photo updated
4 proxy lagi down ya, sudah di follow up ke service providernya✌️ diiusahakan agar segera up kembali, demi kenyamanan kita.
proxy sedang proses up ya :)
sudah bisa diloginkan kembali, sebelumnya tidak bisa diloginkan karna dari server Instagram belum stabil :)
igtv success 100% (bit slow at 90%)
reels success 100%
save success 100%
story success 0%
video success 100% (bit slow at 98%)
comment success 100%
commentlikes success 100% (bit slow at 98%)
like success 100%
follower success 100% (bit slow at 98%)

Tested at Monday, November 8, 2021
there's proxy issue, but now is working fine!
Channel name was changed to «GOGRAM.ID»
Terimakasih telah menggunakan gogram dengan setia! Mulai besok gogram akan mengganti proxy baru, di karena kan proxy location sebelumnya akan di blokir akses ke instagram (ru) bagi kalian yang akan login ulang akan mendapatkan 15 point baru untuk pengikut dibanding sebelumnya hanya 10 point saja, ini akan di terapkan dalam kurun waktu 24 jam kedepan, terimakasih.

Thank you for using gogram faithfully! Starting tomorrow, Gogram will replace a new proxy, because the previous proxy location will be blocked from access to Instagram (RU) for those of you who will re-login will get 15 new points for followers compared to the previous 10 points, this will be implemented within a period of time. 24 hours ahead, thank you.
Join ke group kalau ada pertanyaan atau problem saat login ya
selamat malam, mohon maaf untuk kendala server down beberapa saat lalu, sekarang sudah up kembali!

good evening, sorry for the server downtime a while ago, now it's up again!
Service Like & Comment Fixed, should working now!
Mohon maaf atas gangguannya, karena dari pihak ketiga (cloudflare) service sedang ada gangguan, sekarang sudah berangsur normal :)

untuk memantau bisa melalui website cloudflarestatus
We’re back online! Let’s farming followers! 🔥
Hello! It’s been a while! We finally migrate all request to iOS, so you will notice that login from Apple iPhone.
This migrate help accounts to increase trust score for better account quality!

Service working;
- Follow
- Like
- Comment

Ps; you will notice login from Jakarta/Bekasi, Indonesia, because our proxy location from that city.