Elim Missions
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934 photos
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News about Elim International Missions: elim.org.uk/missions
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Do you cycle and are up for a challenge for 2022?⠀

Elim Missions will be taking on the JOGLE (John O'Groats to Lands End) at the end of May 2022. Apply to join the team of riders before 31st December 2021.⠀

This will not only be physically challenging but will be an opportunity to make a difference across nations! Your fundraising can help free people from human trafficking (#BeFree), build children's lives through physical, spiritual and educational care in developing nations (#BeLoved), training and equipping leaders to fulfil their mission (#BeEquipped) or help plant more gospel communities within unreached communities in some of the hardest nations in the world (#BeChurch).⠀

Choose where your hard-earned fundraising has an impact: BeFree, BeLoved, BeChurch or BeEquipped.
Elim Missions (Instagram)

Elim's children’s projects around the world, testify to the difference a new beginning such as schooling, or a new home can give to a child who is living in poverty. Access to food or healthcare is a challenge for many children, especially those orphaned or left vulnerable to care for themselves. Elim Missions cares about showing God’s heart to children worldwide. We currently work in 15 countries. This is the work of our BELOVED campaign.

Elim Missions (Instagram)

Giving children in poverty a hope and a future through Orphan Care, Healthcare, Children's Centres and Children's Churches.

We work in 15 countries through our missionaries and partners in a number of different areas, including:

Teaching, orphan care, healthcare, poverty, children's church and centres, street children, bible teaching.

This is the work of BELoved.

Elim Missions (Instagram)

Be Loved is our campaign to show God's love to children worldwide.

We work in 17 countries through our missionaries and partners in a number of different areas, including:
🧑‍🏫 Teaching
🏥 Healthcare
🧒 Children's church and centres
📖 Bible teaching

Click our link in bio to find out more.

#BeLoved #Children #Justice #Education #Healthcare #ElimMissions #Poverty #Teaching #God #Love #Elim