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YA'LL this one is too important not to share...

On July 27th, 2023 God called me to live a different way and opened my eyes to the beauty of his wonder. He also showed me who we're truly up against with all of this political stuff.

And that person is the adversary aka Satan.

What I'm about to share with you will scare some but my hope is for those Christians out there, you need this call.

We must pray, fast, and turn from sin.

We must wage spiritual warfare on the enemy.

Biden, Harris, and nearly ALL figures in politics are motivated and encouraged by familiar spirits which the enemy has assigned to them.

This isn't me saying "Obama is the antichrist..." Or something else along those lines.

This is me saying that when Paul talked about spiritual warfare in Ephesians 8, we are truly up against demonic forces in the first and second heavens.

Combatting all of the evil that's happening with just human weapons and exposure and blah blah blah... Ain't gonna cut it.

When I started electionevidence.com I thought we just needed to educate people and show them evidence.



And make no mistake, everything that's happening in the world actually has very little to do with what we see happening... Joe Biden isn't an idiot, he's being led by demons.

MTG and many other "leaders" on the right, through open portals of their sin, are also being misled by the same demons.

It's a catch 22 and sadly, few people are actually aware of it.

This is my small attempt to change this.

Read this book.


This book will teach you how to wage warfare as a Christian and PLEASE, HEAD MY CALL... This is the ONLY way any of this gets turned around.

Btw, Spiritual warfare is NOT simply just praying and fasting etc... You must learn the principalities of the air and of the sea. You must learn how the fallen angels assign familiar spirits THROUGH SPECIFIC TACTICS in order to combat the enemy.

By the way, fun fact... Did you know that all of the BLM riots followed a specific tactic and pattern of the enemy's spiritual tactics?

Did you also know it was the prayers of the saints that stopped the riots?

Did you know that we as Christians carry the greatest spiritual power on earth through the blood of Jesus and his sacrifice? Did you know that Jesus's death on the cross was the ULTIMATE blood ritual and carries unstoppable power against the enemy and his plans for us???

Now you do!!!

Please, read this book. It will ABSOLUTELY change your life and if we can get enough people on board, the enemy stands ppwerless.

It will also teach you how to combat generational curses, cast out demonic forces, bind the forces of the enemy rendering them useless, and so much more.

You guys, Jesus is the way the truth and the life. Drink from his well and you will never be thirsty again. He came to set the captives free and his power is beyond anything in the universe.

I love you all.

Please read this and wage war on the enemy.

Again, this is the only way we win.

Lastly, for all of you prayer warriors out there, I ask you pray for me and provide me with spiritual and physical protection.

Your prayers, through the victory of Jesus Christ, cut through the heavens and carry massive spiritual power in the spirit realm.

Your prayers through the blood of Jesus turn the curses and magic of witches and warlocks against themselves, defend specific territories in both the physical and spirit realm.

Please pray for me and all of the saints who wage warfare on a daily basis.

There is freedom in the name of Jesus!

Use it!!!!

So much love to you all.
Lastly, it's been revealed to me that the enemy is releasing a spirit of Ahab (fear) into the church. (Anyone remember when COVID shut down the churches? This was a result of the spirit of Ahab being released on us. After Ahab always comes Jezebel.)

And soon, a spirit of Jezebel is coming (15-30 years).

We must be vigilant, we must be aware of this, and we must PRAY AND WAGE SPIRITUAL WARFARE on behalf of the church!

God bless you all.

Call on the blood of Jesus and you will be saved and released from the throws of the enemy...

And let me tell you something else...

The love, peace, joy, harmony, and everything else that come with the holy Spirit are absolutely wonderful.

Once you take a hit of Jesus you will never take a hit of anything ever again.

Submit to him and allow him to lead your life. You will be unstoppable and so wonderfully content in all situations.

Much love to you all.

Please answer the call ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™
Media is too big
If youโ€™re on TikTok (Iโ€™ll leave that up to you) I highly recommend checking out my new channel and consider giving me a follow.

Please take a look and SHARE this content on TikTok (and please share this post on Telegram)!!!

Iโ€™m taking all of the skills that made Election Evidence a success and putting them to use for the Lord.

Saving souls and speaking the truth is far more important to me than worrying about what info Iโ€™m sharing with the feds or Chinese or blah blah blah.

God will protect meโ€ฆ And Iโ€™m sorry to say this but if the feds want your biometric data, they have it already.

Itโ€™s time to be bold in our proclamation of truth.

So to kick things off, Iโ€™m going to reveal exactly what Tucker Carlson has been talking about with the Alien stuff.

If you go to my channel and click around through my videos, Iโ€™ll even reveal who his likely sources are and how he got his info.

God bless you all and God bless America!

Iโ€™m back!!!

Follow me here:
Happy Sunday everyone!!!

I was recently reminded that God chooses the kings of nations (and presidents) as part of his divine plan.

This includes Joe Biden.

Along with that, as Christians, we are called to honor our kings and submit to government leadership. This comes directly from Romans 12 (which was written during the reign of Nero when Christianโ€™s were being slaughtered for their faith).

This doesnโ€™t mean to submit when the government tells us to defy God, but it does mean to submit to the laws that are in place. In doing so, this honors Godโ€™s commandments and way to live life (as insanely difficult and counterintuitive as that may be).

โ€œGive to Caesar what is Caesarโ€™sโ€

Iโ€™m posting this because in my walk with Christ, this is being revealed to me and it has been an enormous relief.

Idk why God allows completely corrupt officials to do these things, but I do know itโ€™s part of his plan.

Pray for Joe Biden that he may come to Christ.

But especially pray for Hunter.

Could you imagine a world where they come to Christ and spill the beans on EVERYTHING???

Not only would another personโ€™s soul be saved, but look at the exposure it would cause!!!

Honor God by praying for Joe and Hunter today and just know that all of this backfiring thatโ€™s the result of the residentโ€™s โ€œadministrationโ€ is actually a part of Godโ€™s plan.

So much love to you all, keep praying for this nation.

JESUS is the way!!!
The lord put it on my heart to share this with you all so I will.


Pray that he be saved by the power of the Holy Spirit and that he become redeemed.

Pray first that another sinner may be saved from the all consuming chains of sin, but also understand that if he gets saved, he flips and comes clean about everything.


Side note: What a redemption story it would be!

2020: Hunter laptop suppressed. 100% changes the 2020 (s)election. (If nothing else they would have had to work even harder to rig it without getting caught).

2024: Hunter Biden comes clean and a redemption plan is at play.

Idk about you guys but I can 100% see this happening.


@ElectionEvidence ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ
Media is too big

January 6th Whistleblower and Ohio congressional candidate Derek Myers is blowing the lid off J6!!!

Derek claims he was recruited by the FBI in 2017 and asked to partake in the infamous J6 setup in 2021!!!

Heโ€™s currently in the process of going public and claims he has all the receipts.

He just released this video today and much more is soon to follow.

Share, Share, Share!!!
Hey I need to apologize to you all.

Derek Myers has been exposed as a lying piece of you know what.

He did not have the receipts, and honestly, that may have been the quickest exposure on anyone weโ€™ve ever seen.

In less than 12 hours he went from whistleblower to fraud with the help of anons and independent journalists everywhere.

Kudos to you all.

These types of people used to fly under the radar for months and even yearsโ€ฆ

But MAGA is better and stronger than ever before at sporting these punks.

Hereโ€™s the link where he gets totally exposed (about the 1:43 mark. Really hilarious room actuallyโ€ฆ)


I will do better DD moving forward.

Now letโ€™s take these skills and gear up for the 2024 Election.

Remember to pray that God foils the plans of the enemyโ€ฆ itโ€™s the ONLY way we ever get out of this mess.
Media is too big
Mail in ballots are quite possible the worst thing that ever happened to this country.

This plays a big part in nation destabilization and itโ€™s one of the ways the satanic globalist left are attempting to take down the greatest nation in the history of the world.


The CIA killed Navalny as part of a larger plan to create nation destabilization and justify military action against Russia.
Rallies and marches like these are not normal. More nation destabilization stuff.
And this too. Rhetoric is really heating up.

Pray the Holy Spirit intervenes with all of this stuff.

Ramp up Christians and prayer warriors.

Pray that God steps in and makes his presence and will known that all men may be saved.
Good morning everyone. Happy Sunday!! Hat tip to chuck in the comments for this one (Luke 18:1-8).

The Holy Spirit is really leading me to ask you guys to pray and get more people praying for his intervention with whatโ€™s going on in the world.

The enemy is planning an all out slaughter in a world war but I was more or less shown itโ€™s not Godโ€™s timing yet.

I believe that God wants to delay this and I think what weโ€™re seeing everywhere is that the people are rising up to combat the plans of the enemy all in their own ways at the guidance of the Lord.

Look at the Canadian truckers.

And Javier Milei.

And the French farmers.

Elon buys twitter and gives the anons a red pilling platform.

Woke is going broke.

Exposure of corruption in ways we never could have imagined.


I canโ€™t help but see God is lining up a resistance to combat the enemy.

Pray that God raises strong Christian men to lead the nations on local and national levels.

And pray that Godโ€™s institution of justice is upheld.
Keep praying everyone itโ€™s the only way we get out of this ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™

So much love to you all!!!
Forwarded from Chuck Donnel
Great response to scripture! Thanks for leading us to the true source of victory!
Iโ€™ve be thinking how much scripture that Jesus Himself said applies to our situation. In Matthew 28:18-20 we have Jesusโ€™s declarations that All power in heaven and on earth has been given unto Him, then commands us to go teach all nations what heโ€™s commanded us, then He promises to be with us to the end. Itโ€™s inescapable to me that we arenโ€™t really taking this as seriously as Jesus intended and obviously weโ€™re not get the results either. Romans 13 is often used to muzzle Christians for speaking against government but Paul said government isnโ€™t a terror to good but evil. So I conclude weโ€™re not dealing with government per se but as Galatians 6 sayโ€™s weโ€™re in battle against principalities, powers and spiritual wickedness in high places. So it throws us back to fervent prayers and total dependence upon God!

Bobulinski came forward to congress and oh yeahโ€ฆ We all just learned that it turns out he held Q security clearance at one point.


H/T @KanekoaTheGreat

Full Opening Statement Here: