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Here we share tips on Islamic Medicine according to authentic Islamic sources and advice from great Hakims and scholars in the field.

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🌷 Features of a peaceful life

Imam Al-Sadiq (a.s):
There are 5 things if people miss any of them in their life they would feel incomplete life, low wisdom and restless heart.
First of them is body's health
Second is safety and security
Third is sufficient sustenance
Forth is good match.
Fifth which is the comprehensive of all 4, is peace of mind.
Imam was asked: what do you mean by good match?

Imam replied:
Good match can be a good spouse, a blessed child and a righteous friend.

قال اباعبدالله (ع):
خَمْسُ خِصالٍ مَنْ فَـقَـدَ واحِدَةً مِنْهُنَّ لَمْ يَزَلْ ناقِصَ العَيْشِ زائِلَا لْعَقْلِ مَشْغولَ الْقَلْبِ، فَاَوَّلُّها: صِحَّةُ البَدَنِ وَ الثّانيَةُ: اَلاَْمْنُ وَ الثّالِثَةُ: اَلسَّعَةُ فِی الرِّزْقِ، وَ الرّابِعَةُ: اَلاَْنيسُ الْمُوافِقُ (قال الراوی:) قُلْتُ: و مَا الاَْنيسُ الْمُوافِقُ؟ قال: اَلزَّوجَةُالصّالِحَةُ، وَ الوَلَدُ الصّالِحُ، وَ الْخَليطُ الصّالِحُ وَ الخامِسَةُ: وَ هِیَ تَجْمَعُ هذِه الْخِصالَ:الدَّعَةُ؛

📚 Alkhisal, Vol.1 page 284

📣 Tabib Online School registration started

📚Learn Islamic Medicine from beginning to professional level

📙Level 1:
Brief history of Islamic medicine,
tips on how to maintain health,
introduction to temperament concept .
Diagnosing methods: Iridology, pulse reading, tongue reading (Basic)
Reasons of diseases,
Islamic first aid, anatomy (basic) , etc

📗Level 2:
Hijamah, Fasd and Massage
All tips about pregnancy
Professional Iridology
Professional tongue reading , basics of reflexology,
Spiritual diseases and their treatments (black magic, sihr, etc)
Abjad Numerology
And more

📘Level 3:
Practical Iridology
Islamic Medicine Making
Teaching methods
Consultation Methods
Dua therapy
And more

📌Each level takes upto 4 months.
📌Materials will be available pre recorded and there will be live sessions for each topic
📌 Discussion groups available for sharing experiences and asking questions

🎁Use this code IMH20 to get upto 40% discount registering for full course of each level.
Valid until 19th August 2023.

📲 Registration and queries:
Telegram: @register4teb
Email: Razaviu@gmail.com
Online registration:

Media is too big
Meat and milk curry

One of the recommended foods in Islamic teachings is the lamb cooked in milk.

In a hadith form the holy Prophet Muhammad we read that:
شَکَا نُوحٌ‏ (ع)‏ إِلَى‏ رَبِّهِ‏ عَزَّ وَ جَلَّ ضَعْفَ بَدَنِهِ فَأَوْحَى اللَّهُ تَعَالَى إِلَیْهِ أَنِ اطْبُخِ اللَّحْمَ بِاللَّبَنِ فَکُلْهَا فَإِنِّی جَعَلْتُ الْقُوَّةَ وَ الْبَرَکَةَ فِیهِمَا.

Prophet Noah complained to Allah that he feels weak in his body.
Allah (s.w) descended an inspiration to cook meat in milk and eat that since I have given that food strength and blessings.

In another hadith it says:
"مَنْ أَصَابَهُ ضَعْفٌ فِی قَلْبِهِ أَوْ بَدَنِهِ فَلْیَأْکُلْ لَحْمَ الضَّأْنِ بِاللَّبَنِ فَإِنَّهُ یُخْرِجُ مِنْ أَوْصَالِهِ کُلَّ دَاءٍ وَ غَائِلَةٍ وَ یُقَوِّی جِسْمَهُ وَ یَشُدُّ لِثَتَهُ ..."

"Whoever feels weak in his heart or body should eat lamb meat cooked in milk, since it removes all pains from his body, strengths the body and gums..."

📚Bihar Alanwar, vol.73, p 194
📚 Mustadrak, vol.16, p 351

✔️Benefits of Pumpkin

🔸Pumpkin is a blessed fruit which is mentioned in the holy Quran that prophet Yunus was advised to eat that after he was saved from the difficulty in the sea.
🔸Pumpkin helps to prevent skin cancer and protects it against sun burn and dryness.
It improves the heart and reduces high cholesterol in the blood.
There are numerous Hadith regarding the benefits of Pumpkin.
🔸The holy Prophet Muhammad said: if any of you wants to make a curry, he makes sure to add pumpkin into it as it increases brain (function) and wisdom.
In another place it mentions that pumpkin is a treatment for depression.

💡6 Basics of Health :

1- sleeping:
Sleeping late or staying awake for long time would increase brain's heat which can lead to dryness of brain.
Dryness of brain results in insomnia, difficulty in going to sleep, becoming emotionally sensitive, lack of concentration and decrease of memory.
Obviously there are other reasons which can cause dryness too like using artificial perfumes, air pollution, rays like WiFi, 4G, 5G, Bluetooth, etc.

Sleeping early and enough (7 hours averagely) would help to detoxify our brain cells.

If you already have dry brain and sleeping issue,
🔺Avoid white sugar, back tea, coffee and anything containing caffeine at night,
🔺keep your bed away from WiFi or electricity wiring, and try to turn off your modem at nights.
🔺spray rose water on your pillow before bed.
🔺Apply sweet almond oil on your head
🔺 Try to avoid watching screens like phone before bed and instead can read a page of a book

Stay healthy

☕️ Breakfast time

✔️ Breakfast time starts after Fajr before sunrise or near that time.
✔️It is absolutely recommended to have breakfast even if it is a piece of bread.
✔️It is very important what to eat first since that's the food which affects your liver the most.
✔️ Avoid sugary foods like cakes and biscuits and also cold type of foods like yogurt, orange, soda, back tea, cold milk, cheese, etc because these would not give you the energy you need for the day but also can make you more sleepy and drowsy.

What to eat?
If that's too early for you to have your breakfast then just have something quick and small like:
🔸3 to 7 dates and 2 cups of water
🔸 Sawiq (dry or mixed with olive oil)
🔸 If you crave milk tea, then add some honey or brown sugar or cardamom into that.
🔸 An apple
🔸 Some grapes
🔸 21 pieces of black raisins
🔸 Or just a piece of bread

💡Imam Al-Sadiq (a.s):

"When you finish your Fajr prayer, eat a piece of bread to refresh your mouth, cool down your heat, strengthen your teeth and gums, increase your sustenance and improve your attitudes."

امام صادق علیه السلام:

«إذا صَلَّیتَ الفَجرَ فَکُل کِسرَةً تُطَیِّبُ بِها نَکهَتَکَ، و تُطفِئُ بِها حَرارَتَکَ، وتُقَوِّمُ بِها أضراسَکَ، وتَشُدُّ بِها لِثَتَکَ، و تَجلِبُ بِها رِزقَکَ، وتُحَسِّنُ بِها خُلُقَکَ»

📖 منبع: الدعوات، ص۱۴۰
بحارالانوار، ج۶۶، ص۳۴۵
دانشنامه احادیث پزشکی، ج۲، ص۱۶۱

✔️Talbina, an Islamic superfood


Talbina is another unique Islamic food which has amazing benefits.
🔸The holy Prophet (p.b.u.H) said: "If there's anything which can stop the death, it is Talbina. People asked : what is Talbina?
He replied: "the soup made with milk" and he repeated that 3 times.
👈رسول الله (ص):
لَوْ أَغْنَى عَنِ الْمَوْتِ شَيْ‏ءٌ لَأَغْنَتِ التَّلْبِينَةُ فَقِيلَ يَا رَسُولَ اللَّهِ وَ مَا التَّلْبِينَةُ قَالَ الْحَسْوُ بِاللَّبَنِ الْحَسْوُ بِاللَّبَنِ وَ كَرَّرَهَا ثَلَاثاً.

🔸Or Imam Al-Sadiq (a.s) said: Talbina clears the depressed heart (full of sorrow) just like a finger which clears the forehead from sweat.
👈امام صادق(ع):
إِنَ‏ التَّلْبِينَ‏ يَجْلُو الْقَلْبَ‏ الْحَزِينَ كَمَا تَجْلُو الْأَصَابِعُ الْعَرَقَ مِنَ الْجَبِينِ.

💡How to make it:
2 glass of fresh cow milk
4 tablespoon of whole barley or whole wheat flour
2 teaspoon of honey

Heat the milk and add the flours gradually and heat it until flour is cooked (maybe 15 minutes on low heat) and then add the honey and serve it.
It'll be like porridge.

📚الكافي،ج‏6،ص321 - المحاسن،ج‏2،ص405 - مكارم الأخلاق،ص163 - وسائل الشيعة،ج‏25،ص 72 - بحار الأنوار،ج‏63،ص87 و ج‏63،ص96

📚 الكافي،ج‏6،ص320 - وسائل الشيعة،ج‏25،ص71 - بحار الأنوار،ج‏63،ص96 - المحاسن،ج‏2،ص405

🩺 ❤️Online Health Consultation by Islamic Medicine experts

🗓 Everyday from 10am to 8pm Tehran time
🗓 Friday from 5pm to 8pm free consultation

📝 Book your consultation here


or scan the QR code attached

📌 Queries: @Register4teb
📚 How to revive a dead person !?

In Islamic teachings some people who are considered dead in public are recommended to be given time and should avoid burying them.
This is a big challenge in today's medical system. If we look at it from Islamic medicine perspective and observe the experience in the modern medicine we'll see that many people who are considered dead in the hospitals were actually not dead.

📝Ali ibn Hamza says: once we had a terrific lighting in Mecca and some people died. I went to meet Imam Al Kazim, before I ask anything Imam said: "They shall wait 3 days for people who are drowned and died by lightning (and probably stroke) and should not bury them unless their body odur changes (body odours changes and stinks) which shows the symptom of death.
I replied: "May I be sacrificed for you, it seems you are telling us that many were buried alive"
Imam replied: Yes Ali! Many were buried alive and they died in their graves." 1

💡📌 This hadith and other similar Ahadith explain that in the situation were the person has had
🔸stroke or died by heart attack,
🔸died by smoke or lack of oxygen,
🔶 Died by diarrhea and stomachache
🔸Died by shocks (in accident or earth quake)
they have a chance of coming back to life, and we should not rush in burying them.

🚨What is done in emergency situations in Islamic and traditional medicine to help the dead person revive is massage (especially feet), reciting Sura AlFatiha 70 times, doing Hijamah Akhda'ayn and more.

📚 Alkafi, V3, page 210

💠 Imam Reza (a.s.):

"To cure the dry lips (which especially happens in the cold season) apply (3 drops of ) olive oil in your navel and on your eyebrows at nights."

sweet almond oil or violet olive oil are good to use

🔹 @Med4all
🦷 Islamic remedies for toothache:

✔️ Cooked mug bean if mashed and applied on the tooth, it helps the toothache

✔️ drinking soaked chickpea water helps swollen gums and toothache

✔️ Applying mixture of saffron and honey on the gums of infants helps to reduce teething pain.

✔️Washing the mouth with boiled pomegranate blossom or sour pomegranate juice helps healing mouth wounds and ulcers and blessings.

✔️Eating pomegranate with its inner white layers refreshes the mouth

✔️Applying and consuming myrtle herb helps reducing toothache pain

✔️Apply henna on the ulcer helps healing that.

✔️Harmal seed smoke helps disinfecting the mouth.

✔️Chewing purslane herb helps sharpening the teeth.

✔️Consuming chicory and its tea helps the toothache

💡Some Islamic points:

🌸 Imam AlReza (a.s):
To prevent cavity and toothache before (also after) consuming sweets, eat a piece of bread.

🌺 Imam Ali (a.s):
Whoever says "Alhamdulillah" when sneezing will be safe from toothache and earache.

🌼 Imam Al Baqir (a.s):
When you have toothache, put your hand on your tooth and recite Sura AlFatiha, Tawheed and then recite this verse:
وتری الجبال تحسبها جامده و هی تمر مر السحاب صنع الله الذی اتقن کل شی انه خبیر بماتفعلون

🎙 Live Lecture

📚 Islamic Medicine Educational Course

☑️ Topic: Understand Your Temperament

🕓 Today at 4pm GMT, 5pm UK time, 9:30pm India time

Platform: Live Stream Telegram channel @Med4all

Physical location: Jaffery Islamic centre, Nairobi

📝 Free for eveyone

With Q & A session after the lecture
