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Here we share tips on Islamic Medicine according to authentic Islamic sources and advice from great Hakims and scholars in the field.

🔶Channel Address: www.t.me/Med4all
🗣Admin: @teb4all
🌐 website: www.taiborg.com
🌏Articles: Tabiborg.com
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Importance of covering head:

In Islamic teachings we are highly recommended to protect our head from whatever makes our brain weak.

So head covers are not only to keep the head warm but to protect it from excess heat as well.

Protecting the head from toxic steams is another use of hats in Islamic teachings. For example it is recommended to cover our head and nose when going to toilet.

So our head works like a two way gate which can absorb and also can release steams. That's why we are recommended to cover our head right before getting out of the shower and should keep it until our hair is dry.

Applying henna on the head, ointments on the head, using natural shampoos and soaps and all similar activities are there to detoxify our brain and help us to have a sharp memory.

Make sure your hat is made of natural materials like wool (for cold climate) or cotton fabric (for warm climate) to get the benefits raher than using synthetic materials like polyester which can cause headaches.

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🍞 Baking bread at home is highly recommended especially if you are using whole wheat flour and sour dough or yeast.

🫔 Chapati is a famous bread amongst Asians. Regardless of the fact that it does not contain any yeast which makes it difficult for digestion, using metallic pans for baking is not recommended.

📌The holy Prophet (s.a.w) mentioned that metal is unclean
(الحديد خبث منجس)
which means better to avoid keeping our food in such containers to be safe from spiritual issues.

💡This video shows an easy way to bake your beard using hot river stones.

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🌺 Rukn Yamani's crack is still visible after 1400 years

🍇Amir Al Mu'mnin Ali (a.s):

"21 pieces of red raisins everyday on the empty stomach is effective for all diseases except death."

«إحدى وعشرونَ زَبیبَةً حَمراءَ فی کُلِّ یَومٍ عَلَى الرّیقِ تَدفَعُ جَمیعَ الأَمراضِ إلاّ مَرَضَ المَوتِ.»

Simple foods for difficult issues:

Based on Islamic teachings:

🔸Chickpea soup for Men's fertility, reproductive system issues (erecetion, premature ejaculation, etc)

🔸whole Eggplant curry for blocked arteries

🔸 Okra curry for elderly people with excess solid Balqam issues like Alzheimer's, constipation, etc

🔸 Pumpkin curry for improving heart, diabetes and cholesterol

🔸 Using pomegranate molasses in the curries instead of tomato paste: high blood pressure, blocked arteries, liver related issues

🔸Celery curry: for brain related issues like depression, ADHD, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, slow learning, etc

Note: lamb or pigeon meat can be used as the base of each of above curries.

Obviously to do proper treatment we need a proper treatment plan by Islamic Hakim which includes diet, medicines and other tips. However consuming above foods in your daily schedule helps to save you from future related issues and also does the treatment for those suffering from above issues.

🧖🏼‍♂ Main reasons for white hair:

✔️ Excess Balqam (cold & wet temperament) in person
✔️ Sever constipation
✔️ Excess dry foods like cheese
✔️ Radioactive, mobile and WiFi rays
✔️ Excess marital relationships especially during autumn and winter
✔️ Stress, sorrow, fear

Therefore to begin the treatment first the above reasons should be rectified and then Islamic treatment starts.

Tabib Health group program

📅 February to May 2024

💠 *Health consultation*
❇️ *Hijamah and Massage
📖 Educational courses

🗓️ 12th to 16th February
🇦🇪 *Dubai, UAE*

🗓️ 17th to 1st March
🇰🇪 *Nairobi, Kenya*

🗓️ 7th March to 1st May
🇹🇿 *Dar es salam, Tanzania*

🗓️ 1st to 20th May
🇰🇪 *Nairobi, Kenya*

🗓️ 20th May to 1st June
🇦🇪 *Dubai, UAE*

📲 Appointments:

𝐈𝐬𝐥𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐜 𝐌𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐧𝐞 & 𝐋𝐢𝐟𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐲𝐥𝐞 pinned «Tabib Health group program 📅 February to May 2024 💠 *Health consultation* ❇️ *Hijamah and Massage* 📖 Educational courses 🗓️ 12th to 16th February 🇦🇪 *Dubai, UAE* 🗓️ 17th to 1st March 🇰🇪 *Nairobi, Kenya* 🗓️ 7th March to 1st May 🇹🇿 *Dar es salam,…»
Diagnose the issue yourself

If you are suffering from any digestive issues, these are the tips which can help you diagnose the cause of issue.

According to Islamic teachings, any of these items can be a reason for digestion discomfort:

🔸 Do you drink water or any drinks in middle of your food? (like milk and breakfast, water or juice with lunch)
Make sure you drink it afterwards

🔸 Do you chew your morsels enough? Try to chew properly

🔸 Do you look at your food while eating? Avoid screens and focus on your food

🔸 Do you consume black tea or soda after your meals?

🔸 Do you usually consume yogurt with your food?

🔸 Do you start your meals with saying بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم

🔸 Do you usually do heavy activities like swimming or exercise after main meals?
If so, avoid these after your meals

🔸 Do you start and end your meals with a pinch of natural salt? If no, try it from today

All above tips are Islamic advice for having a healthy digestive system.

☀️ Dua on the last Friday of Rajab:

It is recommended to recite this dua on the last Friday of Rajab month which is to ask for our life to be blessed and prolonged:
بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم
یا أجلَّ مِن کُلِّ جلیلٍ
یا اکْرمَ مِن کُلِّ کریمٍ
و یاَ أعَزَّ مِن کُلِّ عزیزٍ
أغِثْنی یا غِیاثِ الْمُسْتَغِثینَ
بِفَضْلِکَ و جُودِکَ و کَرَمِکَ
و مُدَّ‌ عُمْرَنا وَ هَبْ لَنا مِن لَدُنکَ عُمراً بِالُعافِیَهِ
یا ذالجلالِ والاِکْرامِ.

🌸Islamic natural shampoo

To improve hair growth, strengthen weak hair, soften the hair, get rid of dandruff, fungal infections and insects like lice prepare this shampoo at home and use it on Fridays:

🔸50g of dried white hollyhock flower
🔸Half liter of water

Pour the flowers in a pot, add half a liter of water and let it boil for 20 minutes.

Let it boil down, sieve it and keep in a glass jar.

Just before coming out of the shower, you can pour it over your head then dry your hair.

No need to wash it again

📚 Ramazan Program

🎥 Live broadcast
💻 Recorded sessions will be available

📝 Limited registration
📱 Queries and registration :
+255 683 133 746

💡These are the foods that dehydrate your skin

Experts believe that your skin condition depends on your diet and use of tons of cosmetics for better skin is not the solution.

We can see that what they say makes a lot of sense and it is similar to Islamic Hakims' recommendations which says that "our skin is the mirror of our liver"

Because Hakims haven't gone through academic system their opinions are considered "pseudoscience" even if they have discovered the same fact 1400 years ago!

The best part is that they say "the hydration should be from the inside out."

Meaning that anything which is toxic for the liver directly affects your skin.
Therefore avoid or reduce coffee, black tea, chocolates, excess fried foods and fast foods if you want a natural clear skin. Foods like lettuce and natural red and sour fruits like pomegranate, barberry, black berry, etc are best liver detoxifiers

And remember: your liver doesn't need excess water to help for a better skin.

📝 Sh.Iman

The effect of time on our health

Using Islamic astrology and timings for different activities such as agriculture, treatment, starting a business, harvesting, conceiving and all other activities is what our Islamic scholars and Islamic teachings have mentioned numerous tips about.

In Risalt Aldhahabia it is quoted from Imam AlReza that:
"If you want to have healthy nails (treatment for cracked nails) cut your nails on Thursday at sunset time."

Emphasising on "sunset" time is where you get the benefit. In addition that cutting nails on Thursday, Friday and Monday is mentioned to be benefiting health and helping to remove or heal diseases.


🚿 Effect of Qusl on the first night of Ramazan:

Imam al Sadiq (a.s):

Whoever wants to be safe from itchiness he should do Qusl on the first night of Ramazan which will protect him from itchiness untill the next year.

🔰 عَنِ الصَّادِقِ علیه السلام قالَ:

مَنْ أَحَبَّ أَنْ لَا يَكُونَ بِهِ الْحِكَّةُ فَلْيَغْتَسِلْ أَوَّلَ لَيْلَةٍ مِنْ شَهْرِ رَمَضَانَ، فَإنَّهُ مَنِ اغْتَسَلَ أَوَّلَ لَيْلَةٍ مِنْ شَهْرِ رَمَضَانَ لَا تُصِيبُهُ حِكَّةٌ وَ يَكُونُ سَالِماً مِنْهَا إلَى شَهْرِ رَمَضَانٍ قَابِلٍ.

(P.s Qusl is done by washing the head and shoulder and then body afterwards or just immersing in to the water in one go)

📚 Bihar AlAnwar, vol.81, page 18

💠 @Med4all

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🌺The holy Prophet (p.b.u.H):
Remain healthy by fasting.
قال رسول الله (ص):
صوموا تصحوا

🔺Benefits of fasting according to the scientists

Media is too big
🫕Wheat sprout porridge
❤️ Extremely healthy super food

In Iran they make it slightly different which is called Samanoo

In west Asia they call it Sumalak which is a traditional Central Asian dish made from sprouted wheat grains. It's typically prepared during spring celebrations, marking the arrival of spring. The process of making sumalak involves soaking wheat grains, allowing them to sprout, then boiling and continuously stirring them for hours until they break down into a thick, sweet porridge-like consistency. It's often flavored with spices, nuts, and sometimes fruits.

You can make it and consume it for Suhour meal
✔️Good for 6 months to 99 yrs old

Open your fast with dates

The holy Prophet (p.b.u.H):
"The first thing to break your fast is young fresh dates when in season otherwise normal dates"

❇️ رسول الله صلی الله علیه و آله و سلم:

«أول ما یفطر علیه في زمن الرطب ، الرطب و في زمن التمر ، التمر»

🗞 AlKafi, Vol.4, page 153

🌴Date has a warm temperament and better to consume it with warm water when opening your fast.

📌 Tabib Health Group
Active Representatives

You can get health consultations, Islamic Hijamah done and receive our products through our representatives who are learned and experts in Islamic medicine.

🤌🏼 We are working hard to facilitate our representatives and provide our products and improve our services however we need your support and we appreciate your patience when contacting us or placing order on our website or through our representatives.

Tabib group has no association with other groups selling Islamic medications especially in India.

🇮🇷 Iran Mashhad:

🇮🇳 India:

🇦🇪 UAE:

🔺+923278518251 (Islamabad)
🔺 +923105116699 (Abbottabad)

🇹🇿 Tanzania:

🇰🇪 Kenya:

🔺UK and US representatives will resume soon iA

📌 if you are interested to join our team you're most welcome.
You can contact us: @Teb4all

🌙 Ramazan diet tips

However our channel is full of useful articles and tips about this month and you can simply find them by searching Ramazan or Ramadhan keyword but here are some useful tips for your diet during the holy month of Ramazan.

1- To prevent feeling heavy in your stomach after iftar or sohour: Make sure not to drink excess liquids especially when eating your food.

2- to prevent gas and bloating:
Make sure when you're eating your meal, avoid drinking any liquids such as water or even fruit juices, yogurt, smoothies, tea, etc
You can drink them after you're finished your meal. However juice and fruits better to be consumed after an hour

3- To maintain your health try to avoid white bread and instead use wholemeal bread.

4- To have fresh mouth and less gas : Make a mixture of natural salt and thyme powder (za'tar) and have a pinch before and after meals.

🌷Keep us in your duas
