Escape The Matrix
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Christian, American, physician, scientist, musician, vegan, husband, dad. I'm devoted to sharing truth, with the goal of helping all of humankind. ✝️🌎🇺🇸

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Forwarded from Praying Medic (Dave Hayes)
If you see advertisements in my channels, they are not from me.
I can't remove them. They appear to be a new "feature" of the platform.
Forwarded from Dr. Simone Gold
BREAKING: Louisiana and Oklahoma plan to pass legislation similar to Utah and Florida which intends to prevent the WHO from overriding states’ authority on matters of public health policy.

Who here opposes the WHO from overriding states?
Forwarded from Jules
Ok I have a little testimony! My computer died a few days ago and I’ve tried a few times to get it to start but it kept failing. I closed it. Today I thought, I think I’ll pray over that computer, laid hands on it and my hands got warm and I called on the tech angels and commanded gears and disc drive etc to work in the name of Jesus. That computer did start up and still working this evening! I praised Jesus! Thank you Dave for all your teaching! This is the second mechanical item that I’ve prayed over and has been restored by the heavenly hosts! Amen!!! 🙏
Forwarded from Praying Medic (Dave Hayes)
Email Testimony

Hey Dave,

I accidentally booted myself from your livestream this past Saturday after we spoke. I wanted to share a testimony with you but it worked out because now I have a couple to share.

The first testimony I wanted to share was on behalf of a friend who has struggled a lot with anger for as long as I've known him. I believe it stems from his mom being emotionally and physically abusive when he was young. I've been trying to get him to read your EH book for almost two years and gave him a copy even, but he wouldn't do it. But a couple weeks ago, after a particularly hard day at work, he called me up just to vent, and was going on and on about how much he hated his job, how horrible his bosses are, and how it was "sucking the life out of him."

This wasn't the first time he shared his stories about how bad it was there and how angry it made him. A couple days before we went to get a coffee together and that was almost all he talked about. And it's not that how he felt was unreasonable. From what he tells me, they treat him very unfairly even though he works hard and does his best.

When I offered him some advice about looking for another job, he snapped at me saying he shouldn't be the one to have to leave. That's when I mentioned again how he needed EH and I would send him the link of your video on EH. "All you have to do," I said, "is listen and do the steps along with Praying Medic. It's short and easy." He didn't agree to but more or less blew me off.

However....the next morning he texts me saying, "I started off my day listening to The Medic and did the emotional healing about my job and all the anger I have towards this place is gone! It's NUTS!"

He's never been someone who has been able to just let something go and he admits he still has a long way to go, but I couldn't be happier that he at least took the first step.

Second testimony is something that happened to me on Sunday. Beginning almost immediately after Supernatural Saturday (which was awesome, btw), this feeling of anxiety--like a pit in my stomach--came on me. I had no reason to feel fearful or anxious but it was just there. I prayed about it, tried casting out evil spirits, emotional healing, confessions of peace, etc. The feeling of fear and anxiety didn't go away in the least.

The next day I woke up and it was still there. Just as strong as the day before. I kept up with praying about it throughout the morning without any change. Around 12:30 I headed to my dad's house and on the way was listening to a Bill Johnson sermon in which he discussed how Jesus makes intercession for us. And I thought, "well, I always thought He just is continually interceding for us but it wouldn't hurt to ask Him to concerning this anxiety I'm feeling." So I did, "Jesus, please make intercession for me about this."

I'm telling you, I no sooner finished saying those words that the fear and anxiety was 100% gone. I've never heard of anyone asking Him to do that but as my wife and I spoke about it, it occurred to me that Jesus offers many benefits and some need to be asked for or pursued in one way or another in order to receive them. And I wouldn't yet say this is one of those things, but nonetheless, it's something to consider given how quickly I benefited from this prayer.

Media is too big
Proposed legislation introduced on March 5th would strip COVID-19 vaccine manufacturers of liability protections, enabling U.S. residents injured by these shots to sue the companies. The bill would retroactively remove protections from the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act (PREP Act) for COVID-19 vaccine manufacturers.

HHS has stated that the PREP Act declaration “has been a key tool for ensuring that Americans have broad access to critical COVID-19 countermeasures including vaccines, tests, and treatments” and “has provided flexibilities and protections for those individuals and entities who have been involved in providing these critical tools that have helped the United States get to a better place with COVID-19.”

A better place for who exactly? Can you see through the propaganda?
Media is too big
'So many people have not been paying attention to what's going on with our food today.'

Alfie Oakes at our Freedom Summit shared his thoughts on the changes to food production and the wisdom of eating God's food.
Forwarded from The Babylon Bee
10 Essential Life Skills Your Kid Will Learn At An Ivy League University

Forwarded from James O'Keefe
^^ This one is going to be hot. In fact, maybe the hottest ever. They may come after me for this one. Click on link to tune in.
Forwarded from Dr. Simone Gold
BREAKING: Texas AG Ken Paxton has contested Pfizer’s motion to dismiss against the state’s lawsuit.

Texas continues to hold Pfizer accountable for the false marketing of its COVID jabs, violating the Texas Deceptive Trade Practices Act.

Who here wants to see Texas prevail?
Forwarded from Mark Dice
Roger Ver was just arrested in Spain and will be extradited to the US for allegedly not paying capital gains tax on bitcoin he sold five years ago, despite not even being a US citizen!

He renounced his citizenship over a decade ago when he got out of prison for a bogus charge of selling fireworks on eBay without a permit in the early days of the internet.

He recently published a book about how the government has tried to derail bitcoin which undoubtedly caught their attention.

I’m not really into bitcoin. But what they’re doing to Roger is unconscionable.
Forwarded from Praying Medic (Dave Hayes)
Email Testimony

From: Sharon

Thank you sir, for wring The Gates of Shiloh. Two more alters left, a negative feedback entity and a high minded one. It is so quiet in my mind. Thank you for hearing God.
Forwarded from The Babylon Bee
King Solomon Dies Of Old Age Waiting For 700 Wives To Decide On Restaurant

Forwarded from James O'Keefe
Media is too big
Forwarded from The Babylon Bee
9 Reasonable Demands From Students Occupying Campus Buildings

Forwarded from James O'Keefe
Forwarded from Dr. Simone Gold
BREAKING: Tennessee has become the first state to protect children from genital mutilation by criminalizing adults who help minors receive “gender affirming care.”

Who here wants to see other states pass similar bills?
Forwarded from James O'Keefe