The Proclaimers of the Truth
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The Proclaimers of the Truth
Follow the Creed of Ibrahim – Episode 1/5
In this series, we will study the lessons of tawheed through the lens of our dear Messenger Ibrahim AS who was equal to a whole nation in his faith and true obedience, and he was a leader to be followed in all good matters.
Allah SWT says in Surat Al-Nahl:…
The Proclaimers of the Truth
Follow The Creed of Ibrahim - Reels 2
Ibrahim's AS entire life was lived in submission to Allah, wherever he was. He is described in the Quran as “Haneef”, one who is devoutly obedient to Allah, ...
The Proclaimers of the Truth
Follow the Creed of Ibrahim – Episode 2/5
Ibrahim's AS entire life was lived in submission to Allah, wherever he was. He is described in the Quran as “Haneef”, one who is devoutly obedient to Allah, always seeking to be pure in his devotion. Allah SWT says “Ibrahim was a model of excellence: devoted…
The Proclaimers of the Truth
Follow The Creed of Ibrahim - Reels 3
Allah says: “Thus did we give Abraham an insight into [Allah’s] mighty dominion over the heavens and the earth; so that he may become a firm believer.” [Sura...
The Proclaimers of the Truth
Follow The Creed of Ibrahim - Reels 4
Say: “My prayers, my worship, my living and my dying are for Allah alone, the Lord of all the worlds. He has no partner. Thus have I been commanded, and I sh...
The Proclaimers of the Truth
Follow the Creed of Ibrahim – Episode 4/5
Say: “My prayers, my worship, my living and my dying are for Allah alone, the Lord of all the worlds. He has no partner. Thus have I been commanded, and I shall be the first of those who surrender themselves to Him.” (Al-an’am 162-3)
In all his trials, Ibrahim…
The Proclaimers of the Truth
Follow the Creed of Ibrahim – Reels 5
Allah says in the Holy Quran, "Call ˹all˺ people to the pilgrimage. They will come to you on foot and on every lean camel from every distant path, so they ma...
The Proclaimers of the Truth
Congratulations on this Blessed Eid Al-Adha
I am here at Your service, O Allah, I am here at Your service
Here I am, my Lord, with my heart, mind, and all my limbs. Here I am in submission, humility, and obedience to You, my Lord. Here I am in love, obedience, satisfaction, and tranquility. Here I…
The Proclaimers of the Truth
Worship is Only to Allah 2
Worship is Only to Allah 2
Episode 2 of "Worship is to Allah only" delves deeper into the essence of worship, emphasizing the need for complete knowledge and understanding of Allah through His book, His names, and attributes, and understanding the unique…
The Proclaimers of the Truth
Worship is Only to Allah 3
Worship is Only to Allah 3
Episode 3 of "Worship is to Allah only" focuses on the importance of a Muslim's certainty in Allah's promises and warnings as a means to achieve devotion. It emphasizes that Allah's words are the absolute truth, and His promises…
The Proclaimers of the Truth
Worship is Only to Allah 4
Worship is Only to Allah 4
Episode 4 of "Worship is to Allah only" discusses further means of achieving devotion to Allah, emphasizing the importance of understanding Allah's grandeur and majesty. It highlights that true honor and victory lie with Allah…
The Proclaimers of the Truth
Quranic Reflections (1)
Allah (s.w.t) owns and controls the heavens and the earth. Nothing happens without His command. Every event and destiny is in His hands. All benefit and harm are in His hands and there is no protection for anyone other than by His mercy, and nothing can ever…
The Proclaimers of the Truth
Quranic Reflections (2)
This is how a Muslim should be: in complete submission to Allah (swt) in all matters, small and big. He should be in complete obedience to the Lord of Glory (swt), in whose Hands is the reign of all matters. This submission must be characterized by satisfaction…
The Proclaimers of the Truth
Quranic Reflections (3)
Allah (swt)….. we cannot enumerate His praises. He is as He praises Himself, the Owner and Creator of the heavens and the earth. He has no partners to share authority with Him, So to Him (swt) belongs everything in the universe. He is The Omniscient, All…
The Proclaimers of the Truth
Quranic Reflections (4)
These are just a few remarkable words from the Quran that a person will stand in amazement. He will be astonished by the great power of Allah (swt), and His comprehensive knowledge. Who can follow and account for everything that occurs at every single moment…
The Proclaimers of the Truth
Quranic Reflections (5)
Whoever sets laws and principles from themselves and makes lawful what Allah has made unlawful, and makes unlawful what Allah has made lawful… beware!
Whoever sets rules and methodologies far from the Religion of Allah, Glorified is He, for the people to…
The Proclaimers of the Truth
Quranic Reflections (6)
Allah, Glorified and Exalted Be He, is the creator of the heavens and the earth and everything it contains - what we know of it and what we do not - what we see of it and what we do not. Everything in this universe is operating by His command alone, in perfect…
The Proclaimers of the Truth
Quranic Reflections (7)
Everything in this universe is in the hands of Allah the Almighty and everything in existence submits to Him, Exalted is He. All things take place according to Allah’s will, thus neither hope, nor fear should be placed on any of Allah’s creations. This is…
The Proclaimers of the Truth
Quranic Reflections (8)
The favors of Allah upon us can not be counted. Mentioning just one favor is enough for a person to be filled with certainty that Allah (swt) is the Creator, Provider, and the One who manages all matters.
This certainty must be followed by action and implementation.…
The Proclaimers of the Truth
Quranic Reflections (9)
Just consider the creation of Allah: the Alternating night and day; the sun and moon; the planets, galaxies, and celestial bodies - all swimming in this vast space - each treading in a specific path that is determined for it. None deviates from their assignment…