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301 Redirection

A 301 redirect is a permanent redirect that gives the rerouted page complete link equity (ranking power). The HTTP status code for this kind of redirect is 301. The best…
302 Redirection

Search engines are informed via a 302 redirect that a website or page has temporarily moved. When Must 302 Redirects Be Used? If you wish to temporarily redirect customers to…
303 Redirection

The response to an HTTP status code 303, often known as a “See Other” status code, is a 303 redirect. The specific kind of redirect, according to experts, is a…
307 Redirection

The temporary relocation of the requesting resource to the URL specified by the Location headers is indicated by the HTTP 307 Temporary Redirect redirect status response code. The redirected request…
308 Redirection

The resource has been definitively transferred to the URL provided by the Location headers, according to the HTTP 308 Permanent Redirect redirect status response code.

What is 308 URL Redirection?…
Choose the right image format

The first thing you should consider is if the desired impact can actually be achieved without an image. A good design is straightforward and always produces the best results. The…
Choose the correct level of image compression

Images frequently make up the majority of the downloaded bytes on a web page and take up a sizable portion of the visual area. Because there is less competition for…
Use WebP Images

WebP images often have a 25–35% reduction in filesize compared to their JPEG and PNG counterparts. This reduces page sizes and enhances functionality.According to YouTube, moving to WebP thumbnails sped…
Use image CDNs to optimize images

An image CDN is a standard content distribution network that has additional software installed on top to improve the functionality of the underlying CDN and improve its ability to optimise…
Replace animated GIFs to video for faster website load

More than any other type of digital asset, animated GIFs have won over online consumers’ hearts and minds. But gosh, optimising them is so difficult!I once tried to adjust a…
You are not focusing on the image file name

We often upload related photos without seeing, thinking, understanding. First of all, we have understood that what is a related image, why is it necessary?, Now the name of that…
Not defining alt tags

Alternating text for an image is known as an ALT tag. No matter the dimensions, priority or other characteristics of the image, it should be used. ALT tags, to put…
Not using image Caption

ALT and TITLE tags have the drawback of not truly being seen to the reader or visitor. As a reader of your article, I actually don’t hover over the image…
Not using responsive image

We all use responsive websites. In today’s world, having a mobile friendly website is a must. If you don’t do this, you can lose customers in addition to your SEO…
Link Building

Link building is a term used in search engine optimization to describe measures taken to increase the quantity and quality of inbound links to a webpage with the intention of…
Video Marketing in SEO

The phrase Search Engine Optimization (SEO) has been used probably a million times by now. However, did you know that adding videos to your website can greatly boost your SEO…