💫1. ICSI : Intra cytoplasmic sperm injection
💫2. IVF : In-vitro fertilisation
💫3. ET : Embryo transfer
💫4. SCA : Sickle cell Anaemia
💫5. PKU : Phenylketonuria
💫6. NHC : Non-histone Chromosomal proteins
💫7. snRNA : Small Nuclear RNA
💫8. hnRNA : Heterogenous Nuclear RNA
💫9. sRNA : Soluble RNA
💫10. UTR : Untranslated Regions
💫11. HGP : Human Genome Project
💫12. ELSI : Ethical, Legal & Social Issues
💫13. BAC : Bacterial Artificial Chromosome
💫14. YAC : Yeast Artificial Chromosome
💫15. ESTs : Expressed Sequence Tags
💫16. SNPs : Single Nucleotide Polymorphism
💫17. VNTR : Variable Number of Tandem Repeats
💫18. SCRR : School of Cytogenetics & Radiation Reserch
💫19. IARI : Indian Agricultural Research Institute (New Delhi)
💫20. CMI : Cell - Mediated Immunity
💫21. MALT : Mucosal Associated Lymphoid Tissue
💫1. ICSI : Intra cytoplasmic sperm injection
💫2. IVF : In-vitro fertilisation
💫3. ET : Embryo transfer
💫4. SCA : Sickle cell Anaemia
💫5. PKU : Phenylketonuria
💫6. NHC : Non-histone Chromosomal proteins
💫7. snRNA : Small Nuclear RNA
💫8. hnRNA : Heterogenous Nuclear RNA
💫9. sRNA : Soluble RNA
💫10. UTR : Untranslated Regions
💫11. HGP : Human Genome Project
💫12. ELSI : Ethical, Legal & Social Issues
💫13. BAC : Bacterial Artificial Chromosome
💫14. YAC : Yeast Artificial Chromosome
💫15. ESTs : Expressed Sequence Tags
💫16. SNPs : Single Nucleotide Polymorphism
💫17. VNTR : Variable Number of Tandem Repeats
💫18. SCRR : School of Cytogenetics & Radiation Reserch
💫19. IARI : Indian Agricultural Research Institute (New Delhi)
💫20. CMI : Cell - Mediated Immunity
💫21. MALT : Mucosal Associated Lymphoid Tissue
🥺Important Scientists & their theories frm Molecular Basis
1) Fredrick Griffith (1928) - Transformation Principle
2)Avery,Mcleoid &Maclarty (1933-44) - Neither Protein Nor Rna its Dna
3)Harshy Chase(1952) - Bacteriophage exp
4)Maselson &Sthal -Semi cons model of rep(prokaryotes)
5)Taylor -Vicia Fabea Plant (Eukaryotes)
6)Willkins - X ray Crystallography
7)Rosen & Franklin -Helical st of Dna
8)Watson & Crick(1953) -Double helical Dna
9)Crick - Central Dogma
10)Benzer - Benzer Model of Dna (Cistron,Recon ,Muton)
11) Jacob & Monad (1961) - Lac Operon
12)Nirenberg & Khorana - cracking of genetic code
13)Nirenberg - Dicephering Of Codon
14)Hugo De Varies - Mutation Theory
15)Holley - Clover leaf Model
16)Gammow - Codon Is Triplet
Join ❤️ us for more
1) Fredrick Griffith (1928) - Transformation Principle
2)Avery,Mcleoid &Maclarty (1933-44) - Neither Protein Nor Rna its Dna
3)Harshy Chase(1952) - Bacteriophage exp
4)Maselson &Sthal -Semi cons model of rep(prokaryotes)
5)Taylor -Vicia Fabea Plant (Eukaryotes)
6)Willkins - X ray Crystallography
7)Rosen & Franklin -Helical st of Dna
8)Watson & Crick(1953) -Double helical Dna
9)Crick - Central Dogma
10)Benzer - Benzer Model of Dna (Cistron,Recon ,Muton)
11) Jacob & Monad (1961) - Lac Operon
12)Nirenberg & Khorana - cracking of genetic code
13)Nirenberg - Dicephering Of Codon
14)Hugo De Varies - Mutation Theory
15)Holley - Clover leaf Model
16)Gammow - Codon Is Triplet
Join ❤️ us for more
💫1. ICSI : Intra cytoplasmic sperm injection
💫2. IVF : In-vitro fertilisation
💫3. ET : Embryo transfer
💫4. SCA : Sickle cell Anaemia
💫5. PKU : Phenylketonuria
💫6. NHC : Non-histone Chromosomal proteins
💫7. snRNA : Small Nuclear RNA
💫8. hnRNA : Heterogenous Nuclear RNA
💫9. sRNA : Soluble RNA
💫10. UTR : Untranslated Regions
💫11. HGP : Human Genome Project
💫12. ELSI : Ethical, Legal & Social Issues
💫13. BAC : Bacterial Artificial Chromosome
💫14. YAC : Yeast Artificial Chromosome
💫15. ESTs : Expressed Sequence Tags
💫16. SNPs : Single Nucleotide Polymorphism
💫17. VNTR : Variable Number of Tandem Repeats
💫18. SCRR : School of Cytogenetics & Radiation Reserch
💫19. IARI : Indian Agricultural Research Institute (New Delhi)
💫20. CMI : Cell - Mediated Immunity
💫21. MALT : Mucosal Associated Lymphoid Tissue
💫1. ICSI : Intra cytoplasmic sperm injection
💫2. IVF : In-vitro fertilisation
💫3. ET : Embryo transfer
💫4. SCA : Sickle cell Anaemia
💫5. PKU : Phenylketonuria
💫6. NHC : Non-histone Chromosomal proteins
💫7. snRNA : Small Nuclear RNA
💫8. hnRNA : Heterogenous Nuclear RNA
💫9. sRNA : Soluble RNA
💫10. UTR : Untranslated Regions
💫11. HGP : Human Genome Project
💫12. ELSI : Ethical, Legal & Social Issues
💫13. BAC : Bacterial Artificial Chromosome
💫14. YAC : Yeast Artificial Chromosome
💫15. ESTs : Expressed Sequence Tags
💫16. SNPs : Single Nucleotide Polymorphism
💫17. VNTR : Variable Number of Tandem Repeats
💫18. SCRR : School of Cytogenetics & Radiation Reserch
💫19. IARI : Indian Agricultural Research Institute (New Delhi)
💫20. CMI : Cell - Mediated Immunity
💫21. MALT : Mucosal Associated Lymphoid Tissue
🔷 Increasings or Decreasing Order
✨01. Melting point=
Li > Na > K > Rb > Cs
✨02. Colour of the flame=
Li-Red, Na-Golden, K-Violet, Rb-Red, Cs-Blue, Ca-Brick red, Sr-Blood red, Ba-Apple green
✨03. Stability of hydrides =
LiH > NaH > KH > RbH> CsH
✨04. Basic nature of hydroxides=
✨05. Hydration energy=
Li> Na > K> Rb > Cs
✨06.) Reducing character=
Li > Cs > Rb > K > Na
✨07. Stability of +3 oxidation state=
B> Al > Ga > In > T1
✨08. Stability of +1 oxidation state= Ga < In < TI
✨09. Basic nature of the oxides and hydroxides=
B< Al< Ga < In < TI
✨10. Relative strength of Lewis acid= BF3 < BCl3 < BBr3 < BI3
✨11. Ionisation energy=
B> Al <Ga > In <TI
✨12. Reactivity=
C<Si< Ge < Sn <Pb
✨13. Metallic character=
C< Si < Ge < Sn < Pb
✨14. Acidic character of the oxides=
Co2 > SiO2 > Ge02 > SnO2 > PbO2
✨15. Reducing nature of hydrides=
CH4 < SiH4 < GeH4 < SnH4 < PbH4
✨16. Thermal stability of tetrahalides=
CCl4> SiCl4> GeCl4> SnCl4 > PbCl4
✨17. Oxidising character of M+4 species=
GeCl4 < SnCl4 < PbCl4
✨18. Ease of hydrolysis of tetrahalides=
SiCl4 < GeCl4 < SnCl4 < PbCI4
✨19. Acidic strength of trioxides=
N203 > P2O3 > As2O3
✨20. Acidic strength of pentoxides=
N2O2 > P2O2> As202 > Sb2O2 > Bi̟202
✨21. Acidic strength of oxides of nitrogen=
N2O < NO <N2O3 <N2O4 < N2O5
✨22. Basic nature/ bond angle/ thermal stability and dipole moment of hydrides=
NH3 > PH3 > AsH3 > SbH3 > BiH3
✨23. Stability of trihalides of nitrogen=
NF3 > NCl3 > NBr3
✨24.Lewis base strength=
NF3 <NCl3 <NBr3 < NI3
✨25. Ease of hydrolysis of trichlorides=
NCl3 > PCI3 > AsCl3 > SbCl3 > BiCl3
✨26. Lewis acid strength of trihalides of P, As, and Sb=
PCl3 > ASCl3 > SbCl3
✨27. Lewis acid strength among phosphorus trihalides
PF3 > PCl3 > PBr3 > PI3
✨28. Melting and boiling point of hydrides=
H2O > H2Te > H2Se >H2S
✨29. Volatility of hydrides=
H2O < H2Te < H2Se < H2S
✨30. Reducing nature of hydrides=
H2S < H2Se < H2Te
✨31. Covalent character of hydrides=
H2O < H2S < H2Se < H2Te
✨32. The acidic character of oxides (elements in the same oxidation state)=
SO2 > SeO2 > TeO2 > PoO2
SO3 > SeO3 > TeO3
✨33. Acidic character of oxide of a particular element (e.g. S)=
SO < SO2 < SO3
SO2 > TeO2 > SeO2 > PoO2
✨34. Bond energy of halogens=
Cl2 > Br2 > F2 > I2
✨35. Solubility of halogen in water =
F2 > Cl2 > Br2 > I2
✨36. Oxidising power=
F2 > Cl2 > Br2 > I2
✨37. Enthalpy of hydration of X ion=
F- > Cl- > Br- >I-
✨38. Reactivity of halogens:=
F> Cl> Br > I
✨39. Ionic character of M-X bond in halides
= M-F > M-Cl > MBr > M-I
✨40. Reducing character of X ion:=
I- > Br- > Cl- > F-
✨41. Acidic strength of halogen acids=
HI > HBr > HCI > HF
✨42. Reducing property of hydrogen halides
= HF < HCL < HBr < HI
✨43. Oxidising power of oxides of chlorine
= Cl2O > ClO2 > Cl206 > Cl2O7
✨44. Decreasing ionic size=
02- > F- > Na+ > Mg2+
✨45. Increasing acidic property=
Na2O3 < MgO < ZnO< P205
✨46. Increasing bond length=
N2 <02 < F2 < CL2
✨47. Increasing size=
Ca2+ < Cl- < S2-
✨48. Increasing acid strength=
HClO < HClO2 < HClO3 < HClO4
✨49. Increasing oxidation number of iodine=
HI< I2 <ICl <HIO4
✨50. Increasing thermal stability=
HOCl < HOClO < HOClO2 < HOClO3
Important term📍
1: Anti Histamine = Use in Allergy
2: Analgesic = Pain Killer
3: Anti Pyretic = Fever
4: Anti Septic = Pus
5: Anti Biotic = Infection
6: Anti Anaemia = Low blood
7: Anti Emetic = Vomting
8: Anti Acid = Stomach Burn
9: Anti Flantulents = Gases
10: Anti Spasmodic = Abdominal pain
11: Anti Anginal = Cardiac pain
12: Anti Arhthnic = Cardiac Activity
13: Ant Hypertensive = BP
14: Anti Lipemic = Cholesterol+Lipids
15: Anti Coagulant = Norrowing of Blood
16: Anti Depressant = Depression
✨01. Melting point=
Li > Na > K > Rb > Cs
✨02. Colour of the flame=
Li-Red, Na-Golden, K-Violet, Rb-Red, Cs-Blue, Ca-Brick red, Sr-Blood red, Ba-Apple green
✨03. Stability of hydrides =
LiH > NaH > KH > RbH> CsH
✨04. Basic nature of hydroxides=
✨05. Hydration energy=
Li> Na > K> Rb > Cs
✨06.) Reducing character=
Li > Cs > Rb > K > Na
✨07. Stability of +3 oxidation state=
B> Al > Ga > In > T1
✨08. Stability of +1 oxidation state= Ga < In < TI
✨09. Basic nature of the oxides and hydroxides=
B< Al< Ga < In < TI
✨10. Relative strength of Lewis acid= BF3 < BCl3 < BBr3 < BI3
✨11. Ionisation energy=
B> Al <Ga > In <TI
✨12. Reactivity=
C<Si< Ge < Sn <Pb
✨13. Metallic character=
C< Si < Ge < Sn < Pb
✨14. Acidic character of the oxides=
Co2 > SiO2 > Ge02 > SnO2 > PbO2
✨15. Reducing nature of hydrides=
CH4 < SiH4 < GeH4 < SnH4 < PbH4
✨16. Thermal stability of tetrahalides=
CCl4> SiCl4> GeCl4> SnCl4 > PbCl4
✨17. Oxidising character of M+4 species=
GeCl4 < SnCl4 < PbCl4
✨18. Ease of hydrolysis of tetrahalides=
SiCl4 < GeCl4 < SnCl4 < PbCI4
✨19. Acidic strength of trioxides=
N203 > P2O3 > As2O3
✨20. Acidic strength of pentoxides=
N2O2 > P2O2> As202 > Sb2O2 > Bi̟202
✨21. Acidic strength of oxides of nitrogen=
N2O < NO <N2O3 <N2O4 < N2O5
✨22. Basic nature/ bond angle/ thermal stability and dipole moment of hydrides=
NH3 > PH3 > AsH3 > SbH3 > BiH3
✨23. Stability of trihalides of nitrogen=
NF3 > NCl3 > NBr3
✨24.Lewis base strength=
NF3 <NCl3 <NBr3 < NI3
✨25. Ease of hydrolysis of trichlorides=
NCl3 > PCI3 > AsCl3 > SbCl3 > BiCl3
✨26. Lewis acid strength of trihalides of P, As, and Sb=
PCl3 > ASCl3 > SbCl3
✨27. Lewis acid strength among phosphorus trihalides
PF3 > PCl3 > PBr3 > PI3
✨28. Melting and boiling point of hydrides=
H2O > H2Te > H2Se >H2S
✨29. Volatility of hydrides=
H2O < H2Te < H2Se < H2S
✨30. Reducing nature of hydrides=
H2S < H2Se < H2Te
✨31. Covalent character of hydrides=
H2O < H2S < H2Se < H2Te
✨32. The acidic character of oxides (elements in the same oxidation state)=
SO2 > SeO2 > TeO2 > PoO2
SO3 > SeO3 > TeO3
✨33. Acidic character of oxide of a particular element (e.g. S)=
SO < SO2 < SO3
SO2 > TeO2 > SeO2 > PoO2
✨34. Bond energy of halogens=
Cl2 > Br2 > F2 > I2
✨35. Solubility of halogen in water =
F2 > Cl2 > Br2 > I2
✨36. Oxidising power=
F2 > Cl2 > Br2 > I2
✨37. Enthalpy of hydration of X ion=
F- > Cl- > Br- >I-
✨38. Reactivity of halogens:=
F> Cl> Br > I
✨39. Ionic character of M-X bond in halides
= M-F > M-Cl > MBr > M-I
✨40. Reducing character of X ion:=
I- > Br- > Cl- > F-
✨41. Acidic strength of halogen acids=
HI > HBr > HCI > HF
✨42. Reducing property of hydrogen halides
= HF < HCL < HBr < HI
✨43. Oxidising power of oxides of chlorine
= Cl2O > ClO2 > Cl206 > Cl2O7
✨44. Decreasing ionic size=
02- > F- > Na+ > Mg2+
✨45. Increasing acidic property=
Na2O3 < MgO < ZnO< P205
✨46. Increasing bond length=
N2 <02 < F2 < CL2
✨47. Increasing size=
Ca2+ < Cl- < S2-
✨48. Increasing acid strength=
HClO < HClO2 < HClO3 < HClO4
✨49. Increasing oxidation number of iodine=
HI< I2 <ICl <HIO4
✨50. Increasing thermal stability=
HOCl < HOClO < HOClO2 < HOClO3
Important term📍
1: Anti Histamine = Use in Allergy
2: Analgesic = Pain Killer
3: Anti Pyretic = Fever
4: Anti Septic = Pus
5: Anti Biotic = Infection
6: Anti Anaemia = Low blood
7: Anti Emetic = Vomting
8: Anti Acid = Stomach Burn
9: Anti Flantulents = Gases
10: Anti Spasmodic = Abdominal pain
11: Anti Anginal = Cardiac pain
12: Anti Arhthnic = Cardiac Activity
13: Ant Hypertensive = BP
14: Anti Lipemic = Cholesterol+Lipids
15: Anti Coagulant = Norrowing of Blood
16: Anti Depressant = Depression
DC Pandey VOL 02
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DC Pandey VOL 01
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🔰 Role of nutrients and their deficiency Symptoms 🔰
▪️Impart green colour to plant encourages vegetative growth
▪️ Nitrogen is essential constituent of protein
▪️ Constituent of Protoplasm of chlorophyll and coenzyme.
▪️ Play important role in
synthesis of auxin
▪️ Lower leaves become yellow and dries.
▪️V shaped chlorosis on older leaves or yellowing at tip.
▪️Starvation disease due to nitrogen deficiency.
▪️Buttoning in cauliflower.
▪️Increase the disease resistance.
▪️ Enhance new cell formation and necessary for root development.
▪️Required for grain formation and maturity of grains.
▪️Phosphorus is essential constituent for nucleic acid and phytin.
▪️Most essential functions are energy storage and transfer energy act as "energy currency".
▪️Due to deficiency of single element the life cycle of plant can't be completed hence (Agricultureexamslibrary) Phosphorus is called " key of life "
▪️Deficiency imparts dark green colour in leaves.
▪️Later develops red purple colourration.
▪️Sickle leaf diseases.
▪️Most essential function of K+ is stomata regulation.
▪️Provides disease resistance in plants.
▪️Cofactor for enzymes.
▪️Formation and translocation of Sugars.
▪️Helps in chlorophyll formation.
▪️Spot of dead tissue at tips.
▪️Scorching and burning on margins of autumn leaves.
▪️Rottle/ dieback disease.
▪️ It is constituent of cell wall
▪️ Calcium is a mobile in plants and deficiency symptoms appear on Meristem tip portion.
# Deficiency
▪️ Terminal bud die
▪️Tip hooking.
▪️ Blossom end rot of tomato(BER).
▪️Popping in groundnut.
▪️ Essential constituent of chlorophyll.
▪️ Magnesium is a constituent of chlorophyll.
▪️Chlorosis between veins.
▪️Sand -drown disease of tobacco.
▪️ Sulphur oxidizing Bacteria is Thiobacillus.
▪️Sulphur is essential for oil seed and pulses because it improves oil content and protein content in oil seeds and pulses, respectively.
▪️Akiochi disease of rice due to Excess of hydrogen sulphide.
▪️Tea yellow disease of tea.
▪️Fe is the component of nitrate reductase.
▪️Required for nitrogen fixation.
▪️During respiration act as O2 carrier.
▪️Interveinal complete chlorosis.
▪️Scorching of leaf margin.
▪️Yellowing of iron chlorosis in groundnut.
▪️Formation of chlorophyll.
▪️Co-factor of enzyme.
▪️Mn toxicity causes crinckle leaf of cotton.
▪️Dead spot on leaves.
▪️Marsh spot of pea.
▪️Pahala blight of sugarcane.
▪️Compound of plastocyanin.
▪️Essential for photosynthesis/ respiration.Agriexams library
▪️Dieback and reclamation disease of cereals.
▪️ Necessary for Pollen germination.
▪️Boron is the only non-metal element among the micronutrient.
▪️It is necessary for translocation of Sugars and is involved in reproduction and germination of pollen.
#Disease : due to deficiency
▪️Browning of cauliflower is caused by Boron deficiency.
▪️Top sickness of tobacco.
▪️Fruit cracking of tomato.
▪️Hard fruit of citrus.
▪️Hen and chick disease of grape.
▪️In plants it is required for biosynthesis of hormones.
▪️Zn deficiency causes-
-White bud of maize.
-Khaira disease of rice.
-Little leaf of cotton.
-Mottled leaf of citrus.
-Rosette formation.
▪️It is component of Vitamin B
▪️It is essential for formation of type of hemoglobin in N-fixing nodule tissue known as leghaemogloin.
▪️Act as O2 carrier in roots.
▪️Also known as animal protein factor.
▪️Mo: absorbed as molybdate MoO4-2 forms.
▪️Mo is important component of enzyme: Nitrate reductage.
▪️N-fixation in pulses.
▪️Whiptail of cauliflower is due to deficiency of Mo.
▪️Mo is required for carrot & raphanus for sweetness.
▪️Impart green colour to plant encourages vegetative growth
▪️ Nitrogen is essential constituent of protein
▪️ Constituent of Protoplasm of chlorophyll and coenzyme.
▪️ Play important role in
synthesis of auxin
▪️ Lower leaves become yellow and dries.
▪️V shaped chlorosis on older leaves or yellowing at tip.
▪️Starvation disease due to nitrogen deficiency.
▪️Buttoning in cauliflower.
▪️Increase the disease resistance.
▪️ Enhance new cell formation and necessary for root development.
▪️Required for grain formation and maturity of grains.
▪️Phosphorus is essential constituent for nucleic acid and phytin.
▪️Most essential functions are energy storage and transfer energy act as "energy currency".
▪️Due to deficiency of single element the life cycle of plant can't be completed hence (Agricultureexamslibrary) Phosphorus is called " key of life "
▪️Deficiency imparts dark green colour in leaves.
▪️Later develops red purple colourration.
▪️Sickle leaf diseases.
▪️Most essential function of K+ is stomata regulation.
▪️Provides disease resistance in plants.
▪️Cofactor for enzymes.
▪️Formation and translocation of Sugars.
▪️Helps in chlorophyll formation.
▪️Spot of dead tissue at tips.
▪️Scorching and burning on margins of autumn leaves.
▪️Rottle/ dieback disease.
▪️ It is constituent of cell wall
▪️ Calcium is a mobile in plants and deficiency symptoms appear on Meristem tip portion.
# Deficiency
▪️ Terminal bud die
▪️Tip hooking.
▪️ Blossom end rot of tomato(BER).
▪️Popping in groundnut.
▪️ Essential constituent of chlorophyll.
▪️ Magnesium is a constituent of chlorophyll.
▪️Chlorosis between veins.
▪️Sand -drown disease of tobacco.
▪️ Sulphur oxidizing Bacteria is Thiobacillus.
▪️Sulphur is essential for oil seed and pulses because it improves oil content and protein content in oil seeds and pulses, respectively.
▪️Akiochi disease of rice due to Excess of hydrogen sulphide.
▪️Tea yellow disease of tea.
▪️Fe is the component of nitrate reductase.
▪️Required for nitrogen fixation.
▪️During respiration act as O2 carrier.
▪️Interveinal complete chlorosis.
▪️Scorching of leaf margin.
▪️Yellowing of iron chlorosis in groundnut.
▪️Formation of chlorophyll.
▪️Co-factor of enzyme.
▪️Mn toxicity causes crinckle leaf of cotton.
▪️Dead spot on leaves.
▪️Marsh spot of pea.
▪️Pahala blight of sugarcane.
▪️Compound of plastocyanin.
▪️Essential for photosynthesis/ respiration.Agriexams library
▪️Dieback and reclamation disease of cereals.
▪️ Necessary for Pollen germination.
▪️Boron is the only non-metal element among the micronutrient.
▪️It is necessary for translocation of Sugars and is involved in reproduction and germination of pollen.
#Disease : due to deficiency
▪️Browning of cauliflower is caused by Boron deficiency.
▪️Top sickness of tobacco.
▪️Fruit cracking of tomato.
▪️Hard fruit of citrus.
▪️Hen and chick disease of grape.
▪️In plants it is required for biosynthesis of hormones.
▪️Zn deficiency causes-
-White bud of maize.
-Khaira disease of rice.
-Little leaf of cotton.
-Mottled leaf of citrus.
-Rosette formation.
▪️It is component of Vitamin B
▪️It is essential for formation of type of hemoglobin in N-fixing nodule tissue known as leghaemogloin.
▪️Act as O2 carrier in roots.
▪️Also known as animal protein factor.
▪️Mo: absorbed as molybdate MoO4-2 forms.
▪️Mo is important component of enzyme: Nitrate reductage.
▪️N-fixation in pulses.
▪️Whiptail of cauliflower is due to deficiency of Mo.
▪️Mo is required for carrot & raphanus for sweetness.
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