Green Charter RCM
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Green Charter Revolutionary Committees Movement

🟢Committees everywhere
🟢No revolutionary outside a revolutionary committee
🟢No revolution without revolutionary ideology

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The #laws of the #dictatorial instruments of #government have replaced the #natural laws, i.e., positive #law has replaced natural law. Consequently, ethical standards have become confused. The #human being is essentially, physically and emotionally, the same everywhere. Because of this fact, natural laws are applicable to all. However, constitutions as conventional laws do not perceive human beings equally. This view has no justification, except for the fact that it reflects the will of the instrument of government, be it an individual, an assembly, a class or a party. That is why constitutions change when an alteration in the instruments of government takes place, indicating that a #constitution is not natural law but reflects the drive of the instrument of government to serve its own purpose. 
The abrogation of natural laws from human societies and their replacement by conventional laws is the fundamental danger that threatens freedom. Any ruling system must be made subservient to natural laws, not the reverse.
The law of #society is an eternal human #heritage that does not belong only to the living. Therefore, drafting a constitution or conducting a #plebiscite on it is a mockery.
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The instrument of #government is the prime #political #problem confronting #human communities (The problem of the instrument of government entails questions of the following kind. What form should the exercise of #authority assume? How ought #societies to #organize themselves politically in the #modern #world?) 
#People today face this persistent question in new and pressing ways. Communities are exposed to the risks of uncertainty, and suffer the grave consequences of wrong answers. Yet none has succeeded in answering it conclusively and democratically. THE GREEN BOOK presents the ultimate #solution to the problem of the proper instrument of government. #gb
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Popular #Conferences are the only means to achieve popular #democracy. Any system
of #government contrary to this method, the method of Popular Conferences, is undemocratic. All the prevailing systems of government in the world today will remain undemocratic, unless they adopt this method. Popular Conferences are the
end of the journey of the masses in quest of democracy. 
Popular Conferences and People's #Committees are the fruition of the people's
#struggle for democracy. Popular Conferences and People's Committees are not creations of the #imagination; they are the product of #thought which has absorbed all
#human experiments to achieve democracy. - The Green Book
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