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1. Thrust /θrʌst/ verb, noun
پرتاب کردن، فرو کردن، انداختن، به زور باز کردن

= Push with force
👉She thrust a letter into my hand.
👉He thrust me roughly towards the door.
👉He thrust the employer out of his office.
👉⁦⁩He thrust the baby into my arms and ran off.
👉I was accidentally thrust into the future
👉⁦Eva was in a terrible rage when she thrust herself into the room.
👉⁦⁩He had adequate strength to thrust himself through the locked door.
👉⁦⁩Once the jet engine was ignited, it thrust the rocket from the ground.

thrust something aside
=to refuse to think about something:
👉Our complaints were thrust aside and ignored.

thrust something upon/on somebody 
=if something is thrust upon you, you are forced to accept it even if you do not want it:
👉He thrust a terrible choice upon us
👉He had marriage thrust upon him.

(Noun) [countable]
=A sudden strong movement in which you push something forward:
👉That was like a knife thrust
👉He jumped back to avoid another thrust of the knife

2. Whirling /ˈwəːrlɪŋ/ adjective
چرخان، چرخیدن، به دور خود چرخیدن، گیج گیجی خوردن

=Turning or swinging round and round; spinning
👉Molecules are whirling
👉The space vessel was whirling around before it landed on earth.
👉⁩As they tried to lift the bulky piano, the movers went whirling across the living room.
⁦⁦👉⁩Dust and sand were whirling around in the air, as the desert wind began to get stronger.
👉Because Angelo drank too much, he commenced to feel that everything was whirling around the bar.

Head/mind is whirling
=If your head/mind is whirling, your mind is full of
 thoughts and images and you are so excited that you cannot relax.
👉⁩His head was whirling with excitement.

🔹Whirl /wɜːrl/ verb, noun
چرخاندن ، چرخ دادن


👉She whirled around and her look shook him.
👉The room began to whirl before my eyes.
👉It makes my brain whirl!

give something a whirl
=to try something that you are not sure you are going to like or be able to do:
👉 Why don’t you give golf a whirl?

Whirl of
=[singular] a lot of activity of a particular kind
👉The next two days passed in a whirl of activity.

be in a whirl
=to feel very excited or confused about something:
👉His mind was in a whirl and he was worried

3- Brutal /ˈbruːtl/ adjective
خشن و وحشی؛ حیوان صفت؛ بی‌رحم

=Coarse and savage; like a brute; cruel
👉A brutal man
👉A brutal dictator
👉A brutal murder
👉⁦⁩A brutal attack on a defenceless old man
👉 I left him in a brutal way!
👉⁦⁩Dozens of employees quit the job because the boss was brutal to them
👉⁦The brutal coach persisted in making the team work out all morning under the hot sun.
👉⁦⁩Swearing to catch the murderer, the detectives revealed that it had been an unusually brutal, violent crime

= Not pleasant and not sensitive to people’s feelings

brutal honesty
👉He replied with brutal honesty.

🔹Brute /bruːt/ noun [countable], adj
بیرحم، حیوان صفت، جانور

=savage; beast; devil; monster; (noun)
=mindless (adj)
👉His father was a drunken brute
👉⁦Boxing is a test of skill and technique, rather than brute strength.

🔹Brutality /bruːˈtælɪti/ noun [uncountable and countable]
وحشیگری، بیرحمی

=Cruelty; savagery; viciousness
👉Brutality to others
👉Brutality against prisoners
👉The brutalities of war
👉Brutality is against our principles
👉They accused the police of brutality

🔹Brutally /'bru:təlı/ adv

👉She was attacked and brutally raped
👉⁦⁩The boy was brutally murdered
👉⁦⁩The early-morning New York air can be brutally cold.

3- Violent /ˈvaɪələnt/ adj
خشن، خشونت آمیز، تند، شدید

=Acting or done with strong, rough force; destructive; brutal; cruel; savage; vicious
👉Violent death
👉Exaggerated violent movements
👉Violent headache
👉Violent film, play
👉A violent storm, earthquake, explosion
👉The increase in violent crimes
👉He was violent towards/to his wife
👉The film is too violent to be shown to the children
👉Carefully, very carefully, we approached the violent man
👉Violent behavior is prohibited on school grounds
👉Vernon had a tendency to be violent when someone angered him

🔸Violent × Non violent

🔹Violence /ˈvaɪələns/ noun [uncountable]
خشونت، تندی، سختی، غضب

=Force; cruelty; brutality
👉Violence against women
👉Violence within the family
👉He doesn't want to use violence
👉There's too much violence on TV these days
👉Unlike you, I don't need to resort to violence to win
👉She had suffered years of violence and abuse

Domestic violence

=Violence between a couple in their home
👉She was a victim of domestic violence

🔹Violation /ˌvaɪəˈleɪʃən/ noun [uncountable and countable]
نقض، تجاوز، تخلف، خطا

An action that breaks a law, agreement, principle etc; an action that causes harm or damage by treating someone or their possessions without respect
👉Human rights violation
👉A violation of international law
👉That's a clear violation of the public trust

🔹Violently /ˈvaɪələntli/ adverb
جبرا، شدیدا، باخشونت

=Hard; furiously; wildly
👉They were violently killed
👉Several people have been violently attacked in the subway
👉When I took her hand, she was trembling violently and began to cry

4 - Unruly /ʌnˈruːli/ adjective
کسی که به سختی تحت کنترل درآید، نافرمان، غیرقانونی، شرور، سرکش، بی قانون

=Hard to rule or control; lawless; uncontrollable; out of hand
👉Unruly children
👉Unruly behavior
👉They're unruly and believe in nothing!
👉They'll throw you out for unruly behavior!
👉Unruly behavior is prohibited at the pool
👉When he persisted in acting unruly, Ralph was fired from his job
👉His unruly action were a menace to those who were trying to work

🔸Unruly × docile; tractable

Unruly hair

=Unruly hair is difficult to keep tidy

🔹Rule /ruːl/ noun, verb
قانون، قاعده، حکومت کردن، اداره ‌کردن، حکم کردن

=Direction; law; guideline; routine; control; govern
👉The rules of the game
👉I'm only an assistant, I don't make the rules!

👉I rule this house!
👉I don't want to rule!
👉Queen Victoria ruled England for 64 years
👉Alexander the Great ruled over a huge empire

👉The desperate desire to go to Moscow ruled their lives

Tighten (up) the rules

=Make them stricter
👉He lost his job when employment rules were tightened

Relax the rules

=Make them less strict
👉Britain relaxed its immigration rules

Play by the rules

=Do what is expected and agreed
👉The system works well enough as long as everyone plays by the rules

An unwritten rule

=A rule of behavior that everyone in a group understands
👉There's an unwritten rule that you never call an actor before 10 AM

As a rule

=Usually; generally; on the whole
👉As a rule, hardly anybody uses this road

👉Hard and fast rules

=Clear and definite rules
👉There are no hard and fast rules about what to wear to classes

The rule is...

👉The rule is: if you feel any pain, you should stop exercising immediately

Make it a rule (to do STH)

=To try to make sure that you always do STH
👉Make it a rule to treat everyone fairly

The rule says...

👉The rule says that you must be standing inside the line

Rules are rules

👉Rules are rules and you have to abide by them.

Rule out

=Exclude; eliminate; to make impossible
👉You can never rule anything out

🔹Ruler /ˈruːlər/ noun [countable]
خط‌کش؛ حاکم، رئیس

=A long flat straight piece of plastic, metal, or wood that you use for measuring things or drawing straight lines ; governor, leader, king or queen
👉I'm your ruler!
👉I'm a fair ruler
👉The country was without a ruler after the queen died
👉He was the chief ruler of that great city
👉The country was finally united under one ruler

3- Burden /ˈbɜːrdn/ noun
بار، بار سنگین، زحمت، مسئولیت

=A load, what is carried
👉Heavy burden

✏️STH difficult or unpleasant that you have to deal with or worry about

👉The burden of responsibility
👉I don't want to burden you with my problems
👉You carry a great burden
👉I don't like being a burden on other people
👉Buying a house is a large financial burden on young couples
👉A huge burden was lifted from my shoulders when I told my parents about my problem

2- Keen /kiːn/ ~ adj
تیز، حساس، قوی و باهوش ( از لحاظ ذهنی)، مشتاق، شدید، برنده

= Sharp, Eager, Intense, Sensitive

✏️ SONE who is keen is eager to work or learn and enjoys doing it

👉 Keen students = Eager students
● The students in my class are all very keen

Keen as mustard = to be very keen
👉 She was keen as mustard in her new job

✏️ A keen sense of smell or keen sight or hearing is an extremely good ability to smell, see or hear

👉 I have keen hearing
👉 She was looking at me with her keen eyes

Keeping an eye on STH or SB
👉 I'm keeping a very keen eye on it

👉 Keen knife
👉 A keen sense
👉 Keen mind
👉 Keen sight
👉 Keen eyes

2- Consent /kənˈsent/ noun , verb [uncountable]
موافقت کردن، راضی شدن، اجازه دادن

= Agree, give permission or approval

👉I don't give consent
👉Only with my consent
👉Your consent is not required
👉He took the car without the owner's consent
👉Her parents gave their consent to their marriage

Common consent
👉Her latest novel, by common consent, is her best yet

Silence gives consent

👉Do you consent?
👉I do not consent!
👉Will you consent to marry me?
👉He rarely consents to do interviews
👉Her father reluctantly consented to the marriage
👉My teacher consented to let our class leave early

🔹Consent × Refuse

1- Exaggerate /ɪɡˈzædʒəreɪt/ verb
اغراق کردن، بزرگنمایی کردن، مبالغه کردن، غلو کردن

= Make STH greater than it is, overstate
👉You exaggerate!
👉Don't exaggerate
👉We always exaggerate!
👉I did exaggerate about it
👉You think I exaggerate my memories?!
👉I didn't lie, I exaggerated!
👉I couldn't sleep for three days, I'm not exaggerating!
👉When he said that he was 8 feet tall, he was undoubtedly exaggerating
👉It's difficult to exaggerate the importance of sleep
👉The bookkeeper exaggerated her importance to the office
👉He wasn't trying to deceive you when he said that his car is the best in the world, he was just exaggerating

🔹Exaggeration /ɪɡˌzædʒəˈreɪʃən/ noun [uncountable and countable]
اغراق، بزرگنمایی

👉It's no exaggeration
👉It's an exaggeration of the truth

A slight exaggeration
A bit of an exaggeration

👉It would be an exaggeration to say that we were close friends

🔹Exaggerated /ɪɡˈzædʒəreɪtɪd/ adjective

👉All stories are highly exaggerated

✏️An exaggerated sound or movement is emphasized to make people notice:
👉An exaggerated sigh
👉He spoke with an exaggerated accent
👉Exaggerated feelings

7- Resist /rɪˈzɪst/ verb
مقاومت کردن، تاب اوردن، مانع شدن

=Act against, oppose
👉Don't resist
👉I couldn't resist
👉Something you can't resist
Resist SB/STH
👉Resist it
👉Nobody can resist me
👉I just can't resist chocolate
👉He resisted the temptation to laugh
👉He resisted the opportunity to poke fun at the weird man
👉Tight security measures resisted Jimmy's entrance into the bank
Resist doing STH
👉I can't resist eating the chocolate
👉She can never resist buying new shoes

🔹Resistance /rɪˈzɪstəns/ noun
مقاومت، پایداری
👉Zero resistance
👉Little resistance
👉I detect resistance
👉Resistance is growing
👉Wind resistance
👉Air resistance
👉Water resistance

🔹Resistant /rɪˈzɪstənt/ adjective
مقاوم، پایدار
👉A resistant student
👉She is resistant to help
👉He is resistant to change

12- Flexible /ˈfleksɪbəl/ adjective
انعطاف پذیر، تاشو

=Easily bent, willing to yield
👉An independent, flexible woman
👉I'm really flexible
👉We can be flexible about your starting date
👉Remaining flexible, Nick listened to arguments from both sides
👉The government needs a more flexible approach to education

🔹Flexible × Inflexible

👉A flexible window
👉So smooth and flexible
👉The toy was flexible and the baby could bend it easily
👉A mouse's flexible body allows it to squeeze through narrow openings

🔹Flexible × Rigid

🔸Flexibility /ˌfleksɪbɪləti/ noun [uncountable]
انعطاف پذیری

👉Some flexibility is required
👉Unfortunately, we don't have a lot of flexibility

👉Stretching excercises will help your flexibility
👉It takes years to develop one's flexibility

6- Identify /aɪˈdentəfaɪ/ verb
شناسایی کردن، تشخیص دادن

=Recognize as being, or show to be a certain person or thing; prove to be the same
👉Identify yourself!
👉Can you identify it?
👉He was too far away to be able to identify faces
👉The police took fingerprints and identified the body
👉With only a glimpse, Riggie was able to identify his girlfriend in the crowd
👉The aircraft were identified as American
👉Numerous witnesses identified the butcher as a thief
👉Mrs. Shaw was able to identify the painting as being hers

🔹Identifiable /aɪˈdentəfaɪəbəl/ adjective
قابل شناسایی، مشخص
=Able to be recognized
👉Not a clear identifiable emotion
👉A very identifiable problem!
👉The police were identifiable by their uniform

🔹Identification /aɪˌdentəfəˈkeɪʃən/ noun [uncountable]
تعیین هویت، شناسایی

👉Do you have any identification?
👉His body was taken here for identification
👉The identification of children who need help
