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Over the weekend, I spent a whole day in Malibu with friends, to soak up some ocean energy — as soon as I got, the dolphins put on a beautiful little show for us!

Coordinated collective Hearts, Minds, intentions, sounds & actions are much more Powerful than many realize. Matrix corps understand this & it is the reason why they have ‘think tanks’ — the more minds you have together collectively thinking about something, the faster & better the goal will be reached. Mass meditation also works in similar ways. A collective Energy that ripples into the quantum reality is extremely Powerful!

One human can do so much — but one hundred, thousand, million(s) of humans can shift ‘seemingly’ impossible things & events. Come together. 🙏🏽👁🤍

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They keep putting pedo joe’s rubber mask face on tv for the normies but will they actually see it?? 😜😁😂

Indoctrination Camps aka American Universities like ‘NYU, Harvard, Columbia, Ohio State, University of Michigan’ in these videos are dumbing down American young adults.

Add in dark parasitic entity attachments from continuous alcohol consumption, the ‘sexual misery program’ from casual sex, nonstop radiation from EMF & wifi, gmo & processed foods, fluoridated coffees, mandatory vaccines, unnecessary absorption of anger, hate, division, confusion, stress & frustration in social college life — mixed with installing matrix cultural programming, corporate rat racing, and the end product are uncontrollable emotional, noncritical-thinking, obedient, slave debt workers.

The universities & colleges are extra sneaky right now. They are a major component of the NWO anti-life agenda. They’re heavily promoting new versions of vaccines & medical measures to provide ‘safety’ on campuses. The propaganda is on full blast. The same puppet-masters that are behind the NGO’s, mockingbird media, corporate DEI’s, transhumanism agenda — are the same entities & funders of the decision-makers in ALL the schools. Keep your children away. ☠️

Elon continues to expose the propaganda in mockingbird media! ☠️

Forwarded from GFLearth
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Save your kids from the indoctrinating schooling system and find different ways to cultivate knowledge into their reality.
Raise a totally free human beings by not sending them to the assembly lines of the education system.
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Moarrr Exposure on the Missing Prisoner Organs of the State of Alabama — where University of Alabama pays the Department of Corrections $22k per autopsy performed with right to remove organs for their ‘medical programs’. 🚨👀🚨

Dead inmates from the Alabama Department of Corrections are having their organs harvested against their consent & consent of their families, with bodies being returned to families with entire organ systems missing.

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"We were the guinea pigs.” -Former NBA champion Matt Barnes

Matt Barnes & Sage Steele questions the CONvid jab.

“Sometimes you just have to go with the bullshit”

Nah Matt, you didn’t, but that check was the bribe. The whole corporate matrix was in on it. It’s NOT a conspiracy theory but it is a CONSPIRACY. Normies & matrix puppets are finally figuring it out.

However you can do something to get it out. Heavy & habitual DETOXING & take Power Immunity!

Power Immunity & CBD is an easy & cost-effective way to super boost your Immune System.

Forwarded from Cosmic Light Force

Magnesium — plays many crucial roles in the body, such as supporting muscle & nerve function and energy production.

NAC — (a precursor to glutathione) provides a variety of protective antioxidant effects, block damages to DNA, strengthening all organs, including the brain — dissolves mucus, improves breathing & respiratory problems. NAC powers up the immune system, boosting antibodies, increasing glutathione, which fights disease & aging. NAC has been around for decades, proven to be very safe, with NO SIDE EFFECTS.

Glutathione — is the body's most powerful antioxidant & counteracts the harmful effects of graphene oxide. Human bodies produce glutathione naturally but over as humans age & absorbs toxins, the production of it slows down. Children naturally have high glutathione levels. Glutathione is a body-specific antioxidant that cells need to function & survive. When you get sick, the level of glutathione can drop.

Selenium — a trace element that is naturally present in many foods & available as a dietary supplement. Selenium, which is nutritionally essential for humans, is a constituent of more than two dozen selenoproteins that play critical roles in reproduction, thyroid hormone metabolism, DNA synthesis & protection from oxidative damage and infection.

Quercetin — have significant capability to interfere with SARS-CoV-2 replication and multi-faceted anti-inflammatory and thrombin-inhibitory actions. 

Vitamin D/C/A – promotes immune cell proliferation, stimulates antimicrobial peptides, cytokines and immune cell proliferation, enhances mucosal Integrity, antioxidant, protects healthy cells, activated immune cells, antiviral, coordinates cellular immune response.

Zinc – essential for binding capacity & optimizing lethality of immune cells. Promotes antiviral enzyme blocking viral replication.

Zeolite — has a strong attraction to many heavy metals including mercury, lead, cadmium, and arsenic. It also binds to & removes many chemicals like fluorine & chlorine, eliminating free radicals of all types, and it reverses acute chemical & allergic reactions, all without removing vital nutrients from the body. This makes it a maximum detoxifier.

Pine Needle Tea, Fennel See, Star Anise — contains shikimic acid, high levels of antioxidants & DNA-protective properties.

Dandelion Root —  blocks interaction between ACE2, spike protein & variants.

Black Cumin Seed Oil — is natural alternative for Ivermectin. Nigella sativa has been used as traditional medicine for centuries. The oil from its seeds are effective against many diseases like cancer, cardiovascular complications, diabetes, asthma, kidney disease — also effective against cancer in blood system, lung, kidney, liver, prostate, breast, cervix & skin.

Fulvic Acid & Shilajit — have long been used in traditional medicine & reduces inflammation and boost immunity. Fulvic acid has been well studied for its effects on immune health and inflammation. Improve disease resistance, increase your immune defenses, fight inflammation, chronic diseases & enhance antioxidant activity.

Bio-Fibrin — is a proteolytic enzyme (a process known as proteolysis - help dissolve proteins. There are over 700 identified human enzymes, and each enzyme has a specific biochemical reaction involving a specific substance.

Many of these can be found at:

Ivermectin — treatment for Covid is now supported by 113 studies, 73 of which have been peer reviewed.

Activated Charcoal, Chlorophyll, Chlorella, Spirulina, Irish Sea Moss, C-60, Power Immunity, Infrared Sauna, Green Tea, Alkaline Water, Probiotics, Cinnamon & Raw Honey, Avocado, Garlic, Turmeric, Cilantro, Ginger, Cruciferous vegetables & leafy greens are also great detoxes for the body. 💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽

We got 4 horses, no horsemen, one with blood all over it — in the UK. 👀🚨

Looks like fake blood though, but strong bloody comms. Big Ben also stopped working today too. Time is standing still as bloody hell is breakin’ loose in the Royals backyard!

Blood-soaked military horses break free, injure 4 people while running amok near Buckingham Palace

Four injured as runaway Household Cavalry horses rampage through London

Teams drafted in to fix Big Ben clock after it stops workin

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Bring back Harvey Weinstein in the movie & lets overturn his conviction rape case in the New York Court! 🚨👀🚨

New York appeals court overturns Harvey Weinstein’s 2020 rape conviction from landmark MeToo trial

Here’s the New York Court of Appeals Judges who overturned Harvey’s Rape Case:

- Anthony Cannataro
(appointed by Andrew Cuomo)
- Michael J. Garcia
(appointed by Andrew Cuomo)
- Rowan D. Wilson
(appointed by Kathy Hochul)
- Jenny Rivera
(appointed by Andrew Cuomo)
- Madeline Singas
(appointed by Andrew Cuomo)
- Shirley Troutman
(appointed by Kathy Hochul)
- Caitlin Haligan
(appointed by Kathy Hochul)

The case is open again. No coincidences. White Hats move — to allow Harvey to sing publicly. More [DS] rats will be exposed. Will also bring further exposure to the corruption of New York courts — connect dots to Orange Batman cases. Connect dots to EPSTEIN. Connect dots to DIDDY.

Remember Harvey’s still in jail for his LA rape case! 👇🏽

Harvey Weinstein Sentenced to Another 16 Years in Prison in LA Rape, Sexual Assault Case

Harvey, Obama, Clinton — ALL Same Energy.
