Dan Eriksson (DFS/ETN)
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Politik, kultur och teknik från de hyperboreanska källorna.
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I notice that I'm not in Sweden anymore when there's an honest discussion about whether to wear shorts or trousers tonight.

Going from -10 to +15 Celsius is giving me some kind of temperature jetlag.
On our way to tonight's avenue.
So, I survived the concert and got home in one piece. Today, it's time for some exciting meetings that hopefully will bring something for European cooperation.
Meetings done. Now feast with old friends!
The vending machines in German public toilets are different than in Sweden. But I approve of the political message above!
So, this journey through Thüringen is coming to an end. It's time to go back to Sweden.
I'm far from the first person to make this observation, but being a "nationalist" or "conservative," in the sense of defending a particular nation-state or traditional political order, is anachronistic in this day and age. Imperialism, in the sense of believing in the possibility of an empire in the present day and age that defends any alternative values to the prevailing global order, is similarly an illusion. The nation-state died in the twentieth century. In the twenty-first century, whether you are in the United States, Brazil, Germany, Russia, Saudi Arabia, or India, we are all ruled by the same transnational financial oligarchy that uses national governments as middle managers to handle the dirty work that they don't want to spend time away from making money on. These oligarchs all share the same values and goals and are working toward common ends, which is why you see people such as Ursula van der Leyen and Mark Zuckerberg working hand-in-hand with the Chinese government (to cite but one example). The myth of the nation-state is allowed to persist because it fulfills a psychological need of the masses and prevents them from noticing the men behind the curtain, but there effectively are no countries anymore. This is why today's businessmen and politicians merely find borders to be an annoyance. Politicians are more like the managers of an office who are the face of the company for the employees (citizens) but who really take their orders from people behind the scene who the workers never see. Any real change will certainly not come from working within the existing political system, since it's no longer the system that is actually running things. The most frightening part of all this, if like me you believe in any higher ideals, is that most people are perfectly happy to go along with it because they like the lifestyle of material plenty that is rapidly becoming universal based on the fake economic system that we have. Only radical thought offers any way out of this — both politically and personally — as well as a willingness to make sacrifices.
Good morning, friends!

Do you know where you're heading? Let's start this week out in the best possible way.
Politics, in general, and geopolitics, in particular, are fascinating subjects to think about and debate. But a lot of time, it is also just majoring in the minors. Not that these subjects aren't necessarily important. It's just that European ethnoconscious activists are not even near the power positions to influence those questions. Sometimes, it's like nationalists are LARPing state leaders.

Debating those questions shouldn't be more than a side business, a hobby like many others. Instead, people who want to do good for the future of their nations (not to be conflicted with their respective states) need strategies and, most of all, execution for things we can influence.

Like personal development should be in everyone's interest, so shall small-scale community building. Moving closer together with like-minded people, trading mainly with each other, building a support system, arranging family gatherings, etc., is of uttermost importance. In this way, we can create structures and networks which can then be turned into political power, at least on a local level. If this is done on a big enough scale and done right, it can later also influence politics on a national level.
Good morning, friends. Almost home!
Forwarded from Mark Collett
When reading a headline like this it's easy to laugh or mock, but this woman was someone's little girl. At one point, she sat smiling at her parents with her whole life ahead of her.
She ended up dead at 36, by her own hand after a life of degrading herself on film in a industry designed to profit from the humiliation and degradation of white women. All the potential she had is now lost.
Sure, she made bad choices and she does bear responsibility for those choices. But at the same time, no healthy society would glorify pornography or smile upon women making the choices she did.
The same society that cheers on women when they take the same path she did, scorns marriage and motherhood.
It's funny how the 'repressive' and 'sexist' society that kept women in the home and guided them toward their natural role as a mother ultimately served women better. Strange how the housewives of the 1950s weren't all covered in self harm scars and didn't spend their days popping pills whilst contemplating suicide.
The ongoing debate surrounding the topic of providing military aid to Ukraine raises the question of a clear strategy that can ensure Ukraine's victory against Russia. I am worried about the lack of a well-defined plan that can lead to a successful outcome for Ukraine.

The current situation seems to be a never-ending cycle of conflict, which can only lead to an endless loss of lives and resources. As such, I am wondering if there is something I am missing that can provide more clarity on the situation.

To gain public support for the military aid being provided to Ukraine, Western leaders need to explain the details of a concrete plan that can guarantee Ukraine's success. This plan should also outline what a victory would mean for Ukraine and what it would entail in terms of its relationship with its neighbours and the rest of the world.

Without such a plan, it isn't easy to justify the significant investment that is being made in supporting Ukraine. Therefore, I urge Western leaders to develop a well-thought-out plan to give us more confidence in Ukraine's success in this conflict.
I played Last Epoch quite early in the beta (bought early access in May 2020), and will try to make some time to play soon again when 1.0 releases tomorrow. It namely combines three of my favourite elements in gaming:

- aRPG
- Time travelling (Chrono Trigger ❤️)
- No P2W

Insane to see how far they've come since my first try. With Diablo 4 being such a massive disappointment, I think this game can show have a hack and slash action RPG should be done.

Forwarded from Enjoy the Decline
𝐄 𝐍 𝐉 𝐎 𝐘 | 𝐓 𝐇 𝐄 | 𝐃 𝐄 𝐂 𝐋 𝐈 𝐍 𝐄
Deltog i DFS Västmanlands årsmöte i Västerås idag. Mycket trevligt och kuppfritt :)
War is a racket
Är det verkligen en "kupp" när ett demokratiskt valt parti röstar i enlighet med det partiprogram man gick till val med?