Forwarded from Kari K
Forwarded from Taurus84
Forwarded from 4bidden WISDOM
Ether Technology: A Rational Approach to Gravity Control
Forwarded from Sim_SWโ˜ฏ๏ธ
Forwarded from Sons of Patriots (Sebastian Lukas)
Forwarded from Sons of Patriots (Sebastian Lukas)
Das Bild spricht fรผr sich


Forwarded from Sons of Patriots (Sebastian Lukas)
Alte Technologie
Neue Technologie


Forwarded from Sons of Patriots (Benny)
Das Ankh (โ˜ฅ, รคgyptisch หnแธซ), auch Ankh-Symbol, Ankh-Kreuz, in englischer Transkription Ankh, รคgyptisches Kreuz, Henkelkreuz, Lebensschleife, Nilschlรผssel oder koptisches Kreuz (als Symbol der koptischen Kirche), lateinisch Crux ansata, ist ein altรคgyptisches Symbol, das fรผr das Weiterleben im Jenseits steht. Als Hieroglyphe steht das Zeichen fรผr das kรถrperliche Leben.(wiki)

๐Ÿ‰ @Sonsofpatriots
๐Ÿ› @TartariaEinstieg
The creative power of the thought

"If you focus on something for 17 seconds, the corresponding vibration will start working.
Then as focus increases and vibration becomes clearer, the Law of Attraction brings you more thoughts that are there.

And if you are able to focus uninterruptedly on a particular thought for a very short time, for 68 seconds, the vibration will be strong enough to start towards manifestation.

If you come back to a clear thought over and over and over again and are able to focus for at least 68 seconds, this thought will become a thought that reigns in you in a short time.

And if an idea becomes a dominant one, you will experience phenomena in line with it until you change it. "

Esther & Jerry Hicks