AQskill - Acquire a skill
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AQskill, an online learning platform established with the intent of creating a home for everyone who intends to learn any skill.

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For anything worth achieving, learning is involved and the process of learning here is a freewill kind with pleasure and at your leisure,it is concise and simple.

The course is created and guided by instructors, who are proficient and resourceful, backed with years of experience, good enough to pass the instructors screening scheme.

We only offer the best as each course is well examined to ensure efficient study sessions.

Courses are offered across a breadth of sessions including web development, business, programming, data analysis, designs, and more. In most of the classes, the scope is scheme and practical base, something realistic and functional not a theory base for certificate need only.

Furthermore, there's room for you to share your knowledge with the world and earn as well. With us, it's so easy to start a new path towards achieving greatness, start learning innovative things, join the winning society in discovering new ideas.

To make changes you have to learn something that can aid you to transform your life, your world to your desire. The source of all greatness is learning!


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You're always welcome
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5 is the lucky number

(5 in one course)
Hit your jackpot today with the secret tool, this is rare and many out there have been searching for it, if you are reading this, congratulations.

And before you join make sure to forward this, you have done well if you do, but use your referral link( and earn alongside let them come get the winning trend.

"5" is the lucky number when you join, you are to get an upgrade on your building not just to 2 or 3 instead 5 storey building, each building denotes different skills you'll be able to attain in that same building which denotes your phone, logically you will agree with me that a landlord with more space to rent out earns more money as now you're a landlord this is your chance to earn more room to fetch you more opportunities and earnings.
Still about the jackpot

Every brand needs a representative, an icon to be its voice. Especially online businesses at first don't care who the owner of the company or brand. Is your service and approach is the main deal if your icon is poor, your representative is weak, not strong enough to compete, the plain truth is that the brand won't last long and it'll all end like a tragedy.

AQskill stands to serve to your table, cookies with comprehensive ingredients to give nutrients to your services as a designer. The 5slots for the jackpot are
Mobile app development, Mobile graphics design, Animation, logo creation, and video editing. What more do you need and with this you should be the next able brand representative. The multitude has started and has been enjoying their story building as it has sheltered their legacy.

Use your subscription the right way now, it has proven to be useless and exhausted without really achieving much with this kind of slot you can account for your monthly sub and see evidence of its use. Your building doesn't need a laptop as its the foundation all it requires of you is an Android phone yes, this one with you that's what is required login and drop the token do it asap to meet up with the promo price as I said it's a "token".

With that token, you can use it to learn a creative skill at your leisure and the mobility makes it easier for you, compared to others using a desktop or a laptop. there's no excuse why you wouldn't be good at it if you follow up patiently and diligently, the stress of sitting in the front of your system all day has been cut off, you don't need to carry a bag around now with that phone you've been using all this while learn a MOBILE COURSE and earn your self, not just the certificate but the skill and with time after perfecting it, you are open to earn from a skill you have.

What do you think?

This has been made easy for you, don't make it wait longer!

Don't let this skip again

Trust your decision and focus completely on working on yourself, it pays off!
Have a tie with the bonus NOW!
Beat the game
(Improving graphic design with Corel draw course)

Winning can be described to be luck. I agree to disagree, the agreement is that when the struggle is rewarded with success we tend to describe it with terms that attach to hope and Goodwill.

I understand and describe the word "luck" as when preparation meets an opportunity.
Once we follow the countdown from the days of the week we already know what day tomorrow is. Ours is to beat the game, to do so you must win that can only be achievable where you're in control, to be in control you must be resourceful. For football enthusiasts, Man-city seems to control the pitch as the competency and the teamwork of the players is commendable, with the knowledge of such few factors already it's like a sure point that they're likely to win, as they've cleared all the basic aspects to win. Skillful players, quality teamwork, a coach with foresight, a reliable goalkeeper I hope you can relate now when we talk about being in control.

Now in the world of Graphic design, Corel draw can be regarded as one of the sources of graphic design, it's been over 30 years and it can't be disregarded in the field of graphics and design. What you'll be getting here is what will empower you to be a professional designer with a resourceful tool, a learned teacher, a trusted community with friends you can share ideas with. For you to beat the game, you must learn and be in control.

With us, you can learn to be in control!
Dive into content creation
(Cartoon animation)

Perfection in the mode of advert, the skills of bringing the best to your audience has been something entrepreneur, business owners have been struggling with.
The finance may be gallant, the structure can be modern but without a good marketing strategy, to be precise without an effective advertising mode the whole investment is likely to go down the drain, one of the most commonly used means is cartoon animation, and it been found to be very effective.

Think about this, isn't it surprising that broadcast satellites like DStv, Go-tv owned by big companies like Multichoice still use cartoon animation to display their contents and latest services. There's no doubt about this advertising method as it has been trusted by such companies which have been established since the late '90s with years of experience and still trust this method of the advert.

The renowned noodles Indomie can be used as a great case study personally I don't or haven't worked under an establishment as big as "Dufil" the owner of Indomie noodles to be short, their service is international, nationally they're distinct for their service and the brand has proven to be one of the best. With so much credibility most of their advert still channels back to cartoons, don't forget the cartoon sponsored by Dufil "indomitable" many if us does appreciate it, a series that plot like the "Avengers" many of us can relate essentially this advertising avenue can be described as Indomitable.

Think through this question " what is the advert for especially for these great companies? Obviously, their brand is already renowned, the establishment credibility is at the Apex, the profit net is all green. The simple truth is that there's more to business than the brand name and earnings to be at the top you must keep your customers happy, never make them tired of listening to your rhythms, keep serving them the rose and let the date be a loop like a relationship (coders would get the scope of you're not one yet it means keeping the relationship endlessly).

This is a game-changing offer for your brand and a good proposal for whoever wants to learn a skill on board, use this to promote yourself as it has proven to be a Masterpiece.

Be part of this, and promote yourself.
Still possible @ 2021

Never give up has been the sound of the successful ones when the whistle is been blown, it's never over until it's over. You're yet to make a target if so you don't have to shift your plan till next year before you make a move, the days remaining in this year are more than enough to start achieving something, yes.

You can't just give up like that, you can't just stay and do nothing for days to start afresh next year change that view of yours. Change it to let me start now, achieve some now to boost what I'll be doing later to give room for more engagement later.
Though It may sound less promising for those who haven't planned how to get what they want or haven't figured out what they want. Due to some factors, some of your plans may have been retarded, there may have been some obstructions but don't forget there's no excuse for failure.

You can't settle for being stagnant, you have to keep the ball rolling the days before the end of 2021 is good enough to buy a ball, get a boot and explore the field.

Log in and use this period before the year runs out to be a web designer without paying a dime, then kick off the next January with a new plan. If this year is been maximized well you can freely start a new year with a new dream.

Your self-development is the key, 24 hours daily the seconds count ask yourself how much do you want to obtain from it at the end of each day? Make research on successful people check how much do they utilize their time, generally they maximize their time with more actions. You can't just pause, halt and let time fly, waste utilize it maximally now, and be ready to compete in the next opportunity.

sacrifice and self-development are Omnipotent nothing can take its place. AQskill was created to home those who want to develop themselves, you don't have to wait till graduation, you don't need to wait for a special moment just start, in no time you'd find interest, within a short while your self-confidence will be ignited. I'm not promising you that the next day you'd get your silicon valley but I'm assuring you that you wouldn't regret choosing to develop yourself.

Make your dream possible, start now!
If you can't build yourself who will?

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Our new website interface is now live!

3 months project completed!

More upgrades going in 2022.

Check it out

Every flower in the garden needs to be watered even as stubborn as cactus no matter how hard these desert plants are, they cannot survive without water forever. Your mind needs to be watered, nurtured if not your ideas may remain buried.
There are a lot of channels you can use to make yourself stronger and better. With us you're open to chances, to propel with our professional courses.

If you're reading this then you are part of the fortunate one, as you know skill acquisition has become something we should/ must do to better our chances of being part of the privileged. Many of us draft plans on how to be successful in certain things, but along the way various scenarios occur, some don't know how to achieve it, some make their goals too high that they get lost, some get distracted, and few finally get successful.

I know you have a plan but tell me what category do you think you have it's normal that's why learning is in existence we learn almost everything even how to eat. Let's learn!

Regarding those of us who have the plans but don't know to go about it, what I think is that maybe you haven't enforced yourself with the needful tools around, like persons who have the real understanding of what you want for yourself.

For those that make their goals too high, it is almost like most for you to get distracted we're human.

There's this common attitude that portrays always dream big, I concur 100% but take note what you can't measure you can't attain it, if not it turns out to be a fallacy. About the few that get successful at the end are those minute number of persons that make the right calls have the right counsel that guides them along the way in cases of distractions counsel could aid.

AQskill, For you to get to know us today, not just that also to join us, is a lifetime opportunity and a great one, we're here for you, to help you grow, propel forward our courses are professional ones tutored by professionals.

Join the team with a token
& Propel yourself alongside others!
Skill up your New year's resolution!

Allow me to intervene in your new year resolution, traditionally it's natural for us to trend with the New year resolution. Which is simply when a person resolves to continue, change or accomplish certain or personal goals, as you start a new year. Since it's natural for you, for me, for everyone to do this, it has been proven to be useful though many of us just do it for fun.

My intervention isn't about telling you to want to do or refuting your plans and desires but to guide, enlighten, give you fruitful options that can be considered and be a life-changing step.

On closer thought, I intensively researched and concluded that the categories of those that fail to achieve their plans before the end of the year are attached to some factors. I'll highlight them here for us to ponder about it so we can retract and re-track.
Making too much resolution is something we do, it's bad in some ways but with productive methods, it can be of more good as you will achieve more. I want us to take note of this " it's more achievable when it is measurable, if you understand this statement then you'll agree with me that when you make too many plans it's easy to get distracted.

About this I can recommend a way in which I feel to a great extent will help you shape your goals which are starting your list with goals of higher priority.

The record shows that 35% of participants who failed their New Year's Resolutions admitted they had unrealistic goals, for example building your own Tesla before the end of the year it's a great wish that requires a great plan, but this kind of wish or target for a short time frame should be avoided as it tends to paralyze your dream.

Discussing further, Keeping track of your progress actively panel- beats your chances of achieving your goals. Just like sewing, the first stage is to take the body measurement, you further cut the cloth accordingly, then sew it and the end weaves the cloth. With this you should understand that keeping track of your progress benefits you individually, it is enough to keep motivating you.

Back to making unrealistic goals, it is so easy to get tired, fed up, and frustrated, within a twink of an eye you forget about it. Now let's focus on the bright side before I recommend, understanding this principle of the correct listing method.

List what you want the most first and start with that, the desire will help you want to fight stronger since it's the most wanted though distractions creep in recall what you want, how much you want it, and fall back on track.

Why don't you open your alms and allow AQskill to occupy some fraction of it? The year is still fresh there's more than enough you could achieve, attain this year. make the right moves by learning a skill, from any field like cartoon making, data analysis, Game and app development, forex trading also available, electronics basics for tech admirers, and many more.

Here we make our service available to anyone who wants to venture into upgrading themselves in terms of skill acquisition, we've made learning easy.
Visit our link below and explore!
Your wait is over!

The tech world is what's ruling at the moment, from our simple gadgets to complicated machines like the supercomputers, of-recent a new system(quantum supercomputer) was launched by the Chinese called Zu Chong Zhi, you can read about it in your free time, an idea of the difference between a supercomputer and a Quantum supercomputer can be described to be about 10 million times faster than the world's fastest supercomputer.

Discussing further there's this saying that the future is seamless(simply no limitation ) imagine the scope behind 5g, think about the idea behind the creation of a car that self-drives with minimal casualties.

All these make the definition of tech apparent, it is so close that we even begin to think that all these features are natural. For now, our discussion will basically be enlightenment on the effect of this tech, so we could realize a step in it is beyond what you think, you'll get to see how interesting it is to see the world from a different angle.
Developments in digital technologies have advanced immensely, and the impact is so intense, from advancement in data, robotics, 3D printing, and artificial intelligence, to sustainable renewable energy which is the core of the tech industry.

AQskill is advancing in its approach of now focusing towards the tech, data analysis course has been venturing on the forum, so now before the commencement of courses like AI, robotics, likes of embedded system. The basic concept of the electronics itself has been cooked to serve you a nice meal as you approach the tech world. I read about Elon musk's recent project Pie(π), I have been attracted by things he did distinctly.

You will agree with me that Apple has been dominating in line of smartphones (iPhone), pie now is also in the line of the smartphone but the approach here is different, Apple designs then get the parts of the phone from other companies, they do the coupling themselves before marketing. Musk instead is making the gadget from scratch to the final stage. He mentioned something during his interview, which is "one of the reasons these Ideas work is that the background is solid, as an engineer have interest in physics as it helps you see things differently " the successful ones should be our case study, why I mentioned this, is for us to remind ourselves how important the basics are.

This is an avenue to see how the basic electronics component works and how you can manipulate it in a way that'll give you the results you require backed with practical illustrations.

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Begin your career as a game developer!

Since you love to play games, this is your chance to learn how to build games to suit your desire. To surprise you nothing more than ordinary is required, with us we can help you make it possible.

Daily, variety of games trends due to it's meant to give that sensation of relaxation, for YouTube users during the time squid game was at its peak of sales and streams, if you observe, pop up do come up about the squid game even until this moment since it was a tv series that attracted and got high recognition so games with same idea would actually give that connection and message.

As a game developer, It depends on the expression you want the users to feel. There's nothing special about being a developer the only difference is that they decided what they want and they took action early. And now we should create something for the world to connect with.
In this area of field you're wanted, with the right piece like this one we're offering all you need to do more is work on something till you perfect it to a master piece, since you took time to read this, you can also create something worthwhile, something strong and now this is your opportunity to express yourself via a channel that people could actually connect with.

In addition to that you'll be learning the almighty c++, no qualms if you describe it as a mother who birthed numerous programming languages, serves as the backbone for Web Browsers, also as Code Compilers and Interpreters most essentially for High-performance games like the one we will be learning in this course.

This proposal can be said to be a 2 in 1 since the starting point is mastering the programming language Sectioned into different classes beginner, pro, master, and the ultimate class before the commencement of the App, and Game lessons which is the roof of the course as it's the application we're focusing on, at the end you'll see projects that have been successfully completed and are ready for use.

Let AQskillbe your bridge,
Develop your Game now!