AQskill - Acquire a skill
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AQskill, an online learning platform established with the intent of creating a home for everyone who intends to learn any skill.

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Complete Mobile app development, Mobile graphics design, Animation, video editing, and Logo creation

Here it comes, an opportunity for everyone. This time there's no room for an excuse like I don't have a desktop/ laptop. I don't have time to go learn in school, I don't have the whole day to sit in an office to learn. This one is of the distinct attribute.

Where you can learn at your comfort and your chosen pace. What it requires from you, the most is your preparedness and the commitment you want to give in. Forget the number of courses listed there you can do it with or without prior knowledge. We didn't just make this course for some specific people but for everyone, it is created in such a way that the lectures are so simplified and it requires an essential tool that is accessible by everyone, which is our mobile phone.
It's a high time we began to utilize our assets in the best way and make them productive for us. As little as we see the mobile phone with our previous attitude of using it for fun and networking, with this kind, of course, we'll have a different perspective on how we can do more promising things with that same gadget. How can this course be helpful to us?

I'll take just one case study if we observe our surrounding closely, via the internet we'll observe that advertisement is a must-do something to serve as a promotion to any forum especially for those that want to earn. Various physical measures are taken for advert aside using a web link like photos, page post ads, multi-product/carousel ads, and video ads.

When we take a look at this listed means we observe this course would offer a lot, meaning as long as the advert is needed we as designers we are needed out there, our creativity is now what determines what our result would be like, with this kind, of course, using your smartphone to learn how to create designs like Book cover designs, business card designs, Magazine cover designs, letterhead designs, flyer designs also it will assist you to make a correct interpretation, conversant used your ideas into a graphical touch that its significance is undeniable. Of recent cartoons are used for video ads, so this course entails more than the needful for you to earn, improve your self and essentially add to your skill worth.

This is the time!
Learn how to earn with your mobile phone!
Over 3000 learners have joined AQskill.
Thank you 💫
Promoting it, the right way.

What amount do you pay your advertiser?

and what amount would you be able to procure as an advertiser?

An advertiser gets payment, earnings depend on the sort of organization, the type of rendering. A promoter is liable to be paid as high as 5,6 figures just to keep the business on track.

An advertiser does things at their own pace to get the job done, the choices are to be made and a lot of conditions are meant to be satisfied to produce a promising verdict. The only thing required from a promoter or to get applauded is when the profit at the end of each trade is successful or when the losses aren't greater.

As a business owner you could handle your business yourself, without employing anyone, it opens the way for you to save some figures, not ignorantly but with proper knowledge of how to go about it encompassed in this proposition from AQskill.
You may be outstanding in strategy planning or be a good manager still your sales outcome isn't friendly. You're not in charge of the number of people that must come patronize you, first thing first the audience must have a reason why they should patronize you. How friendly is your approach?

There is a clear distinction of what attracts more between a restaurant close to a bin deport and a restaurant close to a bakery. No matter how large or impressive their service is, the omen the customers perceive determines if they'll give in.

To get the best sales from social media this a big shot for you, the logic behind this course is this, on the off chance that you ought to notice the logo closely you'll see we utilized Facebook and Instagram as we realize they are remarkable compared to another social media platform as of this moment, a lot can be realized if perfectly utilize how to advertise on these social media platforms.

We have prepared a course to help you master Facebook and Instagram advertising.

You could bring massive sales to your service, your baseless loss in sales can end now, utilizing this asset you'll juice the fruit of social media, LEARN THE SECRET NOW.
We've done our part

Click the learn to enroll today at a huge discount
Want to be a programmer?
AQskill got you!

Your dream to be a programmer, how's it like at the moment?

Are you still dozing or are you awake and still yet to be realized? We all have a dream how badly do you want it? Have you tried at all? Are the trials so frustrating? Have you given up?

A lot of questions entangled with the dreams for sure it's so natural to get tired along the way, but giving up is not an option. Think of how bad you've wanted it, think about how fulfilling it would be when it's finally achieved "no man asks how much sacrifice you made, no one asks how many nights you forfeited all the outside world care about is how successful is it. What's your response to that?

Do you think anyone would accept your excuse of getting tired, or that the trials were as long as the list of spiderman homecoming " for sure no one would regard you since you didn't start at all

"the comment is simple; only those who start expects result ! "
And if you give up, sorry to say you shouldn't have started. Decide now, to make your dream come true be ready! The path is like
Climbing a mountain, having a good physique ain't good enough but perseverance is the lasting pill.

If you're ready, stay tuned we got some ground to cover. I'll recommend a platform which posses a flexible and efficient guide, not like the kind of the classroom but a kind that's accessible at your leisure without the pressure of a precise Time for completion like a marathon but a free a one of which you determine your preferred pace, offering simplified lessons and a lot more.

With all these achieving your dream can be assured and the best channel to make those dreams come true is AQskill, a platform where programming has been made easy.

Trust us & together let's be achievers.

Take a programming course today

1. You will be able to navigate through the cPanel, Create emails, set up forwards, and Auto-responders.

2. You will be able to set up your design system and website structure for your Elementor website.

3. You will be able to use the Elementor Pro Editor to build and fully style your entire website.

4. You will be able to create Responsive editing for all devices accessing the website.

5. You will be able to create any website slider with the revolution slider plugin from scratch.

6. You will be able to integrate Whatsapp plugin.

7. You will know all the tips and tricks, best practices, and workflow.

8. You will be able to design professional looking headers, footers and pop-ups using Elementor Pro.

9. You will be able to create web pages and a navigation menu in WordPress.

Visit our website for more info and enrollment
The home for you!

The home is referred to somewhere you feel safe and protected. All this while you may feel withdrawn due to that feeling of not having anything special to offer, you feel stranded and unsafe that you don't possess any skill that will speak for you, be your music for others to feel the rhymes and dance to it.

it's heartbreaking some haven't realized the virtue of skill acquisition, in Africa countries survival has gone beyond graduating from college to demonstrate their worth. It's of two ways, it's a good thing to go to college, earn a certificate that way you could be recognized with your academic certificate accompanied with skills you'll be untouchable, your pace will be so swift in competing with the world.
Not everyone is privileged to go to school, that shouldn't define you, it's fine to lose a battle, not the war. The war is getting successful you could still be educated without being in class. The majority of those leading the tech world are school dropouts due to one reason or the other.

School not been in your record doesn't mean you can't impart positively in the community, the best way to do this is to learn a skill, better still acquire skills as much as you can.

The better you are, the smoother the path would be, No one accepts problem creators but craves solutions providers. You could be the best version of yourself, all it's required from you is determination, not just that but with the best means available. AQskill has brought its service to the world, to be a home for everyone who wants to make a difference with us, we could make ourselves, our community a better place.
Live to add value!
Live to be a solution!

Skill is your abode! everyone is privileged to go to school, that shouldn't define you, it's fine to lose a battle, not the war. The war is getting successful you could still be educated without being in class. The majority of those leading the tech world are school dropouts due to one reason or the other.

School not been in your record doesn't mean you can't impart positively in the community, the best way to do this is to learn a skill, better still acquire skills as much as you can.

The better you are, the smoother the path would be, No one accepts problem creators but craves solutions providers. You could be the best version of yourself, all it's required from you is determination, not just that but with the best means available. AQskill has brought its service to the world, to be a home for everyone who wants to make a difference with us, we could make ourselves, our community a better place.
Live to add value!
Live to be a solution!

Skill is your abode!
New Course Alert!

Video Editing MaterClass with Adobe Premiere Pro CC


You will be able to edit videos like a professional from scratch!

You will be able to use the default transitions in adobe premiere pro and also create your own from scratch.

You will be able to work with color correction & color grading.

You will be using the ins and outs of keyframe animation.

You will be able to use the video effects within Premiere Pro CC.

You will be able to create speed ramps and speed ramp transitions.

You will be able to export files for various platforms and many more.

Visit our website for more info and enrollment
Present like a boss!
Be the boss in the room! Is presentation as easy as it sounds? I have never spoken in class, I have never taken the lead to speak up for others, I have spoken in public,yet this feels so different my employer is right there in the seat.

You may have never spoken in class before now, well that is the past at this moment you could feed yourself with what it needs and be the voice of your nation. Your definition of "leader" may be wrong, as a learned person a lot of people out there in your community look up to you, your siblings,your friends,even the elderly in the society, you've been born a leader. It's high time you speak like one,act like one and come out with the authority from inside of you. Yes, YOU CAN.

Your employer employed you for a purpose you have to do all it takes to keep him in the rails of comfort that he made a good choice. This is an assurance that you can be the boss.
PowerPoint has made a lasting impression on the audience that not until you give a historical narration before the message passed by the speaker can be comprehended.

A methodology with concise format sharpens the mind of the listener to the voice of the speaker. The connection is what makes the speaker good or bad, to be eloquent isn't the main factor but a nice touch to entice to be the boss it's about hitting the nail at the head.

Your audience is the priority, the technics are what we've packed for you on how to beat your fears ( which are just mere "False inpression Acting Truth") with a course like this you can make the real inpression and blow the mind of your listener.

This course is precise and a direct one, in no time it becomes a reality, turn your history around and write a new one to be the next voice of your company, express yourself to the fullest. With AQskill, speak professionally.
Still at the promo price as usual
This is your chance!

Sign up today @
Let's grow together!

To grow can be individual or it may involve a team, it all depends on the structure of the targeted result. Using AQskill as a case study it's the kind that involves teamwork, which portrays not only the inventor of the ideas but as well as partners not just that, the labor division aspect is also considered. Instructors are essential, as well as the youth, colleagues, friends who are interested in learning.

The parts that can make/and have made AQskill stand upright are mentioned earlier and are essential for the growth of the organization.

From our end we can't do it all alone, single-handedly due to thefact that the project is something big, distinct, and one of a kind especially in Africa.

Our target is still focused on recycling and polishing African youths as much as we can reach out to, to make them compete in this modern world as an asset, not a liability.
The instructors on the other hand so far have shown great effort in making their knowledge useful, more than 3000 individuals have benefited exponentially from the forum and the instructors also benefited financially from the system, a reward for their hard work at least.

To those who will receive this message, in any form relate this message, graphics, and logos from the company are available you can share them, encourage people to come around, to come to benefit with us both as an instructor and as a student, there's a reward for you as a partner via the affiliate link.

The body isn't complete if the student, individuals are not there to receive the knowledge.

You are the most relevant for the company to keep running, that's the reason there are strict regulations and guidance on every course to be delivered, some of the factors ensured are; skill applicability, concise lectures with clarity, manageable duration, and likes,to lighten you up.

Africans we're not regarded because they think of us as failures just like how our academic system has become a joke, you understand better.

Imagine the graduates surrounding you then guess the number nationwide.

AQskill decided to raise the flag of achievers, groom promising minds to be distinct among others, bring out the best in them and make them winners.

Let's grow together!
Let's raise the flag together!
Let's stand up stronger!
As winners, not losers!

Join us@
Why VBA is a must-use!

In an organization, excel preparation is a must-do thing. Microsoft is the breeder of the VBA programming language. It aids in doing difficult and tedious office tasks. It makes the creation of spreadsheets easier and also the manipulation of data easier. We as a whole realize Microsoft dominance is the fundamental instrument this is ordinarily utilized for data purposes individually and expert reason.
Some of the key advantages of the program shall be discussed;
The course is essential, and rewarding for proficient ones and non-experts. It is an amazing mechanized program that makes all the hectic work simple and speedy. It helps with managing complex dominant programs. Every single worker of the association needs to manage the gathering and introducing of information report.

Significantly fresher's can also benefit from this instructional class as they have the chance for better work.
A competitor who is having specialized information is exceptionally benefited while the non-specialized individual sets aside effort to get it. Whoever is having the information on this course gets the opportunity of landing high-paid positions with the great job position.

You can't afford to miss this!
Anyone can fabricate basic and easy-to-use projects to perform drawn-out tasks? This device is generally utilized in all the associations like banking, finance, material and so forth It upholds information from the executives. It improves the calculation and programming abilities.

Indeed, even these tools are useful for organizations to oversee information and money. No business can run effectively without some specialized information. Every single business needs programming for information assortment and planning monetary reports.

At this point, it will be bad to turn down this kind of proposal moreover it's for yourself.

You should join VBA Programming in Excel to keep you refreshed with the innovation/ latest. We as a whole can see the fast changes in innovation. Every one of the associations and financial specialists is keeping themselves refreshed with the innovation to endure the opposition, you don't know the next applicant keep your space firm.

There is such a lot of contest and to beat it you need the fastest means, instrument to work. This will expand the efficiency. You need to set up the precise reports on schedule and need to break down and make techniques. This is preposterous without the product.

All the association work depends on Microsoft Excel. The issue is how rapidly you oversee information for fruitful business. For this, you need a programming language ability to foster the product for speedy dealing with Microsoft Excel.

VBA application helps in fixing every one of the issues identified with Microsoft Excel. You can get information from any place on the planet with this device. Here the information is united on the cloud. This makes the business interaction simple. Thus the information on Visual Basic application is essential for any representative.

It is likewise gainful for organizations. It is the need of great importance to become familiar with this instrument at the earliest opportunity as it has the business arrangement. For information passage and to create reports, this also is useful for the board following. Everyone can earn more maintain a balance with this kind of information on Microsoft abilities. This also is an extra advantage for the better vocation way.

We only give the best,
AQskill the home for you!