Apostle Joshua Selman Messages 24/7 (Channel)
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It's not only when you have an attack that you need a retreat. Out of the 7 days in a week, what is the strategy you have put in place to make sure your fire is not lost? - Apostle Joshua Selman
This is the Quote of the Day.

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Find below 10 Sermons to help you understand how to hear God's voice and discern His will for your life.

1. Discerning the Will of God by Apostle Joshua Selman
2. Still Small Voice by Pastor Emmanuel Iren
3. Activating Your Spiritual Senses by Apostle Arome Osayi
4. Hearing God and Discerning God's will by Pastor Lawrence Oyor
5. A Life Totally Yielded to God by Bro. Gbile Akanni
6. How to Hear and Understand God's Voice by Apostle Tolu Agboola
7. How God Speaks Today by Pastor Ife Adetona
8. The Voice of God (WAFBEC 2023) by Apostle Joshua Selman
9. Spiritual Perception by Apostle Joshua Selman
10. God's Communication Mode by Apostle Arome Osayi

Click here to download the sermons

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😱 Wow! If you don't have any of these 3 things, you've signed a contract with POVERTY FOREVER!!! - Apostle Joshua Selman

Prayerlessness is pride. When people are prayerless, it is because they have found a way to flatter themselves into believing that outside of God they are still sufficient. - Apostle Joshua Selman

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Mention 3 of Apostle's messagestgat really shaped your life this year

"If you love food more than your destiny, life will cheat you again and again and again." - Apostle Joshua Selman


Yes, the much anticipated *Koinonia School of Ministry Admission portal for the 2024* session is now open.

Before you apply, please *READ THIS VERY IMPORTANT TIPS!!!*

1. The admission is strictly for those who are *willing to attend physical classes.* There is no virtual class at the moment.

2. While filling out the online form, you will be asked these and other important questions, make sure all the information supplied is genuine and posits you as someone who's truly ready to take the course:

i. *Your purpose and calling in life.* - State clearly the reason for your existence. That is, what God has called you to do in life.

ii. *Your salvation experience.* - share in brief when and how you gave your life to Christ.

iii. *Plans for accommodation.* - state clearly how you intend to secure accommodation in either Zaria or Abuja. If you are already residing in any of these locations, make sure you specify as well.

iv. *Your recent passport photograph* - upload your passport photograph in the section provided for it. Note: the photograph MUST be saved with your full name (Surname, first), before uploading. The size must be less than 1MB.

v. *A Valid means of identification* - you can upload either your National Voter's Card, Driver's License, International Passport, School ID card, Workplace ID card, etc.  The size must be less than 1MB.

Failure to fill in these details correctly could reduce your chances of being admitted.

3. Please note that the *Application is 100% online.* You're not required to travel to either Abuja or Zaria. Also, Koinonia does not have any admission agent. Do not pay anybody to help you process any admission.

4. Click this link to apply now

5. For further inquiries, contact KSOM via:

We remain committed to serving you with the best.

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Good morning to you sir/ma.

And how has the year been so far??

The major update now is that *the ADMISSION LIST is yet to be released, but there's hope that it will be released BEFORE the middle of February 2024.

Rest assured, we will announce it on this group as soon as the list is released.

👉 For full details about KSOM, including the duration, lecture time, application fee, etc Click here www.naijasermons.com.ng/eni-koinonia-school-of-ministry


👉 *Koinonia does not have any representative or Admission agents* that help people process admission. Beware of scammers!

👉 *We do not support or encourage any member of the group to merge with other group member for accommodation* related purposes.

This is a public forum and we don't have solid information about any group member.

Perhaps you eventually private chat anyone to pair together, please note that we will not be responsible for any issue that may arise thereafter.

To be on the safer side, reach out to any of your friend or relatives staying in Zaria or Abuja to help secure a place. Better still, contact koinonia directly via any of these phone numbers:


👉 *We (Naijasermon.com), are not in any way affiliated with Koinonia Global or KSOM.* We only give you information as captured on their digital platforms so you don't miss out on important information.

Some things in life cannot be hurried, you just have to pass through it. You don't pray that the season be accelerated, you pray for the Grace to pass through it. - Apostle Joshua Selman
This is the Quote of the Day.

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Can you complete this Bible verse? This is something we should all be doing daily!

💃đŸŽļ It's here again!!!!

Do you need some powerful songs you can play during your personal devotion or quiet time?

Tomorrow, 26th of April, we'd be sharing with you 10 POWERFUL SONGS TO ADD TO YOUR PRAYER PLAYLIST across our platforms.

You don't want to miss out on this.

Join our Telegram channel to be notified as soon as the songs are released by 7PM (WAT) tomorrow.

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Do the work of an evangelist by sharing this post with your friends who might be interested in this right now!

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Until you have worked on your heart, there are many things that God can never trust you with. - Apostle Joshua Selman
This is the Quote of the Day.

Download and upload on your Status RIGHT NOW to bless someone out there!
