Dan Eriksson (DFS/ETN)
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Politik, kultur och teknik från de hyperboreanska källorna.
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Today is Gustavus Adolphus day in Sweden. We remember, honour and celebrate our hero who fought and died for God and country.

He has inspired millions and his name will echo in eternity. As a Swede, I'm eternally grateful for his sacrifice.
This is me on this day in 2017 at the memorial of Gustavus Adolphus in Lützen, Germany. The memorial is close to where he is believed to have died.

Hopefully I can go there next year again to take part in the ceremony and pay my respects to the great one.
Really nice new addition the Legio Gloria line! I know for a fact that Marcus garments always has the highest quality, so you really should check this out.

Forwarded from The Golden One

The Norse-Gaelic Woollen Garment

It is with great pride and joy that I present our new woollen garment. It has been a work in progress for quite some time, and I am happy to present the final result. Proudly made in Ireland! 🇮🇪

Telling some truths at a gathering in Svenskarnas hus
Interesting to see how a man, from the people Kanye West are upset with, has the whole crypto industry in turmoil after allegedly stealing billions of his users money and deceiving them.

Sam Bankman-Fried is just another cohencidence I guess.
Forwarded from Crypto-Nats
Was Sam Bankman-Fried an agent of Big Finance all along?

I've said, since the beginning of this channel, that the financial powers had to destroy crypto alternatives to their planned CBDCs. Indeed, those powers have been quite open about it. They warned that 'crypto could trigger wider financial meltdown'. This agenda to destroy crypto seemed quite apparent with all the feddling of the last couple of years, leading myself and other observers to wonder if these catastrophic crashes marked the end of big potential for the little investor.

Speculation: Sam Bankman-Fried, who belongs to the same ethnic group as most players in Big Finance, was set up to deal a major, potentially fatal blow to crypto (certainly the aspect of crypto which allows for huge ROI). Is it so far-fetched to think that with their unlimited resources they couldn't have given a young fellow tribesman the funding needed to start a major crypto exchange which was earmarked for demolition from day one?

After all, if you want to destroy crypto*, there are only a few ways you can achieve that given the nature of the technology. Destroying trust was always the name of the game. The financial powers need the public to hold more faith in the stability and safety of CBDCs than in decentralised crypto for the CDBC Social Credit system to succeed. Creating and then smashing a major crypto exchange achieves that end perfectly.

*When I say 'destroy crypto' note that I'm not suggesting it will disappear, or that Bitcoin will go to zero. I mean 'destroy' in the sense that crypto can no longer provide the little guy with opportunities that no other investment class can.
I mean, his name is Bankman. We should have seen it coming.
The woke train is leaving and heading for a mountain wall!
Forwarded from Disclose.tv
JUST IN - Twitter's head of "Trust and Safety" Yoel Roth and head of sales Robin Wheeler are departing the company — WSJ

The Swedish government will raise taxes on alcohol and tobacco next year. Maybe we'll have a revolution after all? 🍻😁
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⚔️ Russia's "two weeks to flatten the country" has turned into nine months and retreat...

"It's SUICIDE for Ukrainians to defend their country. They should lay down their weapons now."

Psychological warfare 101: "It's useless to fight. Give up!"

Now... we can only wonder why 90% of Western dissidents have been parroting Russian war propaganda since day 1 of the biggest war in Europe after WW2.

The most charitable interpretation is that it's caused by desperation and wishful thinking. They want to believe that an important world leader is their ally, because it's scary to think that they're on their own. (The "Fox Mulder Right".)

And I want to be charitable, so let's stick with that.

The point is that... no matter where the war goes from here, it's obvious that Russia is much weaker than everyone (including myself) believed during the first days of the invasion.

We all bought into a false image of their military strength... Everyone bought a lie.

Here's the thing:

Whenever I talk to Russians, I get the impression that the whole country is a Potemkin village trying to seem more than it is. You can't trust anything coming out of official sources, and most people take that for granted. That includes messages aimed at dissidents on the other side of the pond.

In that sense, not much has changed since Soviet times.

(I know something similar is true in the West, but in a significantly different way.)

That's why I caution against gulping up delusions about "Based Putin".

This is war. Russia throws red meat at dissidents in the West, just as the West appeals to dissidents in Russia. It's their job to do so. And that means none of what they say should be taken at face value.

Keep that in mind before you toe the party line...
☝️ I need to add that I'm not saying that Russia has lost this war. I'm saying they've done far worse in the past 8-9 months than pretty much everyone expected at the start of the invasion - especially their cheerleaders in the Western online Right.

Regarding the question of their relative weakness vs. the enormous resources poured in by NATO, I guess it's a bit of both.

I get the impression from Russian voices that they expected more from their own forces, and it is clear that they underestimated the amount of resistance they'd meet. (One Western intelligence talking point that I believe is true, is that Putin started the invasion with a false impression of how many Ukrainians would actually be sympathetic to the Russians.)

Either way it's obvious that the Russians completely miscalculated how this would go. The term "special military operation", which signals something more trivial than a war, sounds rather ridiculous now...
Forwarded from Crypto-Nats
> Desire to destroy trust in crypto
> Find scruffy jew to act as face of operation
> Give him unlimited funding to try and setup biggest exchange in world
> Through FTX, offer 'influencers' huge sums of money to promote exchange, to draw everyone in
> Rug pull
> No-one has faith in crypto anymore
> Launch CBDC

A dead communist? So sad! 😢

But look on the bright side, now he can continue his fight for anti-fascist internationalism in hell with all his comrades. More are incoming.
What a week. You can say a lot about crypto, but it's not boring :D
Important changes coming up!

From now on, this channel will be used for updates in Swedish. I will use my newly created channel @hyperboreanthoughts for updates in English. For some time I will forward all English updates to this channel as well, but please subscribe to the new channel and invite your friends.

The new channel will bring my most important comments and analyses on current events, mainly from Sweden. But I will also write about international politics, culture and technology.

Follow here: @hyperboreanthoughts
På Twitter har hashtagen #thenoticing fått ett uppsving på sistone. Det är en väldigt intressant utveckling.

🇬🇧 Read this update in English here!

I svallvågorna av kontroversen kring Kanye West började "svarta twitter" att "uppmärksamma" (eng. notice) saker. Och med den senaste skandalen med FTX och Sam Bankman-Fried började även "kryptotwitter" att koppla samman saker de aldrig ens rört vid tidigare.

Det är avgörande att förstå det tribala elementet i makten som är, och ju fler som börja ställa frågor om lojalitet och korruption, desto bättre. Men det får heller inte slå över i en allt för förenklad "allt är judarnas fel"-retorik. Det blir nämligen väldigt enkelt kontraproduktivt.

Varför? Jo, för att vi måste förstå vår egen roll och vårt eget ansvar för den situation vi befinner oss i. Jag har sett alldeles för många dissidenter skylla sin egen lättja och inaktivitet på att "judarna ändå kontrollerar allt" och att det är meningslöst att göra motstånd eftersom "judarna" ändå är för mäktiga.

Ja, det stämmer att judar varit framgångsrika inom många områden. Det stämmer också att judar generellt sett haft en betydligt större förståelse för behovet av solidaritet med den egna ingruppen. För den som vill fördjupa sig i detta finns "Kritikkulturen" av Kevin MacDonald, som tyvärr är slutsåld överallt. Därför rekommenderar jag att du istället kollar in Att förstå det judiska inflytandet av samma författare, och klassikern Den judiska rasismen av Dr. David Duke.

Men att bara skylla på judarna utelämnar en viktig del av förklaringen till vår nuvarande situation, nämligen de misstag vi som folk begått, och det förräderi som begåtts mot oss av de som skulle vara våra ledare. Enbart när européer i allmänhet, och svenskar i synnerhet börjar ta ansvar för vår framtid kan vi på allvar göra skillnad.

Att se och uppmärksamma mönster, att förstå hur vår civilisations fienders strategi fungerar, är superviktigt — men kan inte vara vårt ensidiga fokus. Vi måste också bygga, utbilda och organisera vårt folk för att återta det som rättmätigt är vårt.

🎧 Fördjupning i detta ämne i dagens podcast!