Dan Eriksson (DFS/ETN)
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Forwarded from Det fria Sverige
Dan Eriksson, ordförande i Det fria Sverige:

”Antirasister hävdar att folkutbytet är en myt, men det är lätt att se att de har fel. Men när du väl insett vad som sker, måste du också inse vad du måste göra härnäst.”

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Britain is such an interesting place. Like something out of a fairytale. This video just keeps on giving.
If you still believe this is about public health you're not naive, you're stupid.
Just ban the opposition!

I'm sure they will be reprimanded by the free world for being a threat to democracy.

"The ban on unvaccinated MPs in parliament was necessary to promote public confidence in the government's policies to control COVID-19 infections, the legislation's sponsor, lawmaker Janis Rancans, was cited as saying by the parliamentary press service."

Nothing says "public confidence" quite like some good olde Latvian Soviet nostalgia.

Source: Reuters
I Sverige firas fars dag i dag. I Tyskland är det folksorgsdagen där man minns och hedrar de som stupat i krig.

1900-talet hade så många fäder som aldrig fick se sina barn bli vuxna. Så många barn som blev faderslösa. För vad?

Aldrig mer brödrakrig.
Trigger warning for all health freaks. Tonight I had one of God's greatest creations. Schnitzel with Würzfleisch and melted cheese.

Sometimes I love my wife extra much.
Forwarded from Dagens Svegot
Kväll med Svegot #164: Det globala DDR

🎧 Lyssna direkt här!

Trion är åter fulltalig och vi snackar bland annat om FW de Klerk, Apartheid, DDR-minnen, sprutpass, Atlantic Council, Ursula van der Leyen, Goldman Sachs, Bill Gates och massa andra globalistiska krafter som försöker återbygga Babels torn.

Hålltider i programmet

Det nya, snabba Svenskarnas hus
00:04:30 F.W. de Klerk är död
00:17:51 DDR-minnen gör sig påminda
00:24:03 Lettland - Osprutade riksdagsledamöter fråntas rösträtt
00:36:07 Vi bör sluta tala om vaccinerade och ovaccinerade
00:39:57 Eliten, pengarna och planen
00:54:32 Babels torn - vad lär vi oss?
01:03:25 Avslutning

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EU works together with Lukasjenko to get Poland to succumb? EU just being opportunistic or a thought out plan? Doesn't matter as the result is the same. Not the first time Poland is facing threats from what and east simultaneously.

Stand strong Polish brothers and sisters.

Media is too big
"They are not fleeing the war, they are the war!"

Quote: https://twitter.com/DenEpiskeOden
Join us tonight?
Forwarded from Europa Terra Nostra
💥 Justice for Some (But Not for Others)

❗️ Europa Terra Nostra's Weekly Livestream on November 18th at 8pm CET

🎤 This week, the ETN panel will be looking at recent events that have many of us questioning the current state of law and justice. As Kyle Rittenhouse stands trail for defending himself, groups like BLM and Antifa make violent threats without any legal repercussions. These incidents and other related issues remind us how our court and legal systems promote justice for some and not for others. We will also highlight some questions and comments from the live chat.



⚠️ The Europa Terra Nostra Livestream will take place weekly every Thursday at 8:00pm (20:00) CET via YouTube and Odysee.

👉🏻 Follow @ETNostra and please share our channel
Austria is planning forced mandatory injections from February next year. Sweden is implementing injection passport from December 1st for large indoor events.

Do. Not. Comply.
In a few months: "Those bloody double jabbed are ruining it for us triple jabbed..."

And the circus continues!
The development in Austria will be truly interesting. With forced jabbing, while a large part of the population is unwilling to take the injection, confrontation is inevitable. Of course, some of those who are "on the fence" will take the jab, and others will be scared into it. But how will nationalists and identitarians, who have taken a pretty clear stand for medical sovereignty, act?

And if still, 10-15 % of the population refuses the jab, will the government round them up in big camps then, or what's the plan?

I feel sorry for my fellow Austrians having to be the first lab rats in this next step of the experiment. But I also know that many tough Austrians won't back down, and they will need all our support in their struggle against tyranny.

Austria 2022?
Forwarded from Mike Peinovich
The Rittenhouse verdict is an unambiguous victory for White people. All the butthurt Jewish media figures are saying it. I say, let's take that victory.