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🤔 Did you know that compliance experts regularly employ 6 weapons of influence to persuade us? Just wrapped up a fascinating book on these tactics!
1. Reciprocation: People feel obligated to repay favors, so offering something of value can lead to compliance.
2. Commitment and Consistency: People want to appear consistent, so getting them to commit to a small action can lead to bigger ones.
3. Social Proof: People follow the lead of others, so showing that others are doing something can increase compliance.
4. Liking: People are more likely to be influenced by those they like.
5. Authority: People respect authority, so displaying expertise or credentials can lead to compliance.
6. Scarcity: People want what's scarce, so creating a sense of urgency or exclusivity can increase compliance.
🥰 Consider these 5 principles relating to liking.
1. Similarity: People are more likely to comply with those they perceive as similar to themselves in interests, backgrounds, or beliefs.
2. Familiarity/Association: Being familiar with someone or associating them with positive experiences can enhance likability and influence.
3. Halo Effect: Positive traits or actions of an individual can influence how others perceive them overall, leading to increased likability.
4. Compliments: Compliments can foster positive feelings and increase the likelihood of compliance.
5. Positive Association/Cooperation: Collaborating on tasks or sharing positive experiences can strengthen bonds and enhance likability.
📖 "Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion" by Robert Cialdini
Incense in Every Place
Haggai's short book teaches a big lesson: Put God's House first.

Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ says in Matthew 6:33 to seek first His Kingdom. The prophet Haggai underscores the significance of placing God's agenda above our own, as emphasized in 1:4. The people obey in 1:12 displaying importance of aligning our actions with God's will, and God blesses them for it in 2:18-19. Amos 9:11 talks about rebuilding it in the last days. Isaiah 66:1 reminds us that God transcends physical structures. Jesus reiterates His end-times blueprint of day-and-night intercession in Luke 18:7, and Mark 11:17, declaring His House a place of prayer for all nations. Malachi 1:11, through the lens of Revelation 5:8, depicts ceaseless prayer and worship across the earth. Habakkuk 2:14 through the lens of Matthew 24:14 portrays the global spread of the gospel as a precursor to the end. 2 Peter 3:12 exhorts believers to anticipate and hasten the day of God, echoing Jesus' counsel in Matthew 24:42 and Mark 13:33-37 to watch vigilantly and pray.
Forwarded from StopHate
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Whoever said the cops weren’t passing out water to the crowd, lied to you. The police most certainly did. No wonder people say this was a set up. It was!

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Jan. 6 Judge Blocked From Trying to Police ‘Disinformation’


Forwarded from J. M. Kirk
New flyer!!
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Forwarded from Brandee Selck
Just a reminder that ACCOR's Spring Constitution class starts next Saturday, April 13th. Please sign up and spread the word! 

The US Constitution & Your Rights
Saturdays April 13 & 20, 2024 1-6pm each day Location: San Leandro (address given after signup) Donations Appreciated (no one turned away) Sign Up:
(or by emailing or calling 510-343-9782)

Class is nonpartisan and non-denominational. All are welcome. 
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